2018-12-13 12:13:17 -08:00
:: use this file to run your own startup commands
:: use in front of the command to prevent printing the command
:: uncomment this to have the ssh agent load when cmder starts
2018-12-22 17:05:08 -05:00
:: call "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%/cmd/start-ssh-agent.cmd" /k exit
2018-12-13 12:13:17 -08:00
:: uncomment the next two lines to use pageant as the ssh authentication agent
:: SET SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/.ssh-pageant-auth-sock
:: call "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%/cmd/start-ssh-pageant.cmd"
:: you can add your plugins to the cmder path like so
:: set "PATH=%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\whatever;%PATH%"
:: arguments in this batch are passed from init.bat, you can quickly parse them like so:
:: more useage can be seen by typing "cexec /?"
:: %ccall% "/customOption" "command/program"
2018-12-22 17:05:08 -05:00
@echo off