Doc updates

For profile/alias settings scripts, what loads them, and load order.
This commit is contained in:
Dax T Games 2017-07-27 10:43:44 -05:00 committed by Benjamin Staneck
parent 1f9e743ef2
commit a34e17f2bd

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@ -112,16 +112,39 @@ You can define simple aliases for `cmd.exe` sessions with a command like `alias
Cmd.exe aliases can also be more complex. See: [DOSKEY.EXE documentation]( for additional details on complex aliases/macros for 'cmd.exe'
Aliases defined using the `alias.bat` command will automatically be saved in the `%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases` file
Aliases defined using the `alias.bat` command will automatically be saved in the `%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-aliases.cmd` file
To make an alias and/or any other profile settings permanent add it to one of the following:
Note: These are loaded in this order by '$CMDER_ROOT/vendor/init.bat'. Anyhing stored in '%CMDER_ROOT%' will be a portable setting and will follow cmder to another machine.
* '%CMDER_ROOT%\\config\\profile.d\\\*.cmd and \*.bat'
* '%CMDER_ROOT%\\config\\user-aliases.cmd'
* '%CMDER_ROOT%\\config\\user-profile.cmd'
#### Bash.exe|Mintty.exe Aliases
Bash shells support simple and complex aliases with optional parameters natively so they work a little different. Typing `alias name=command` will create an alias only for the current running session. To make an alias permanent add it to either your `$CMDER_ROOT/config/` or your `$HOME/.bashrc`.
Bash shells support simple and complex aliases with optional parameters natively so they work a little different. Typing `alias name=command` will create an alias only for the current running session.
To make an alias and/or any other profile settings permanent add it to one of the following:
Note: These are loaded in this order by '$CMDER_ROOT/vendor/git-for-windows/etc/profile.d/'. Anyhing stored in '$CMDER_ROOT' will be a portable setting and will follow cmder to another machine.
* '$CMDER_ROOT/config/profile.d/*.sh'
* '$CMDER_ROOT/config/'
* '$HOME/.bashrc'
If you add bash aliases to `$CMDER_ROOT/config/` they will be portable and follow your Cmder folder if you copy it to another machine. `$HOME/.bashrc` defined aliases are not portable.
#### PowerShell.exe Aliases
PowerShell has native simple alias support, for example `[new-alias | set-alias] alias command`, so complex aliases with optional parameters are not supported in PowerShell sessions. Type `get-help [new-alias|set-alias] -full` for help on PowerShell aliases.
To make an alias and/or any other profile settings permanent add it to one of the following:
Note: These are loaded in this order by '$ENV:CMDER_ROOT\\vendor\\user-profile.ps1'. Anyhing stored in '$ENV:CMDER_ROOT' will be a portable setting and will follow cmder to another machine.
* '$ENV:CMDER_ROOT\\config\\profile.d\\\*.ps1'
* '$ENV:CMDER_ROOT\\config\\user-profile.ps1'
### SSH Agent
To start SSH agent simply call `start-ssh-agent`, which is in the `vendor/git-for-windows/cmd` folder.