Join-Path won't add "\"'s without the use of a delimeter. In this case there is no delimiter and as a result the script will fail when it tries to look up $CmderModulePath.
The new system works by setting "CMDER_START" if a cmder.exe gets a
startup path. The rest is then implemented in the profile.ps1 and init.bat.
The new system works as follows:
1.If a startup path is given, cmder.exe sets this as `CMDER_START` and the
startup scripts change to that directory.
2.If the usere sets a `CMDER_START` environment variable and this is not
overwritten by cmder.exe, this variable is taken as the startup
directory by the startup scripts.
3.If not such path is give, the conemu startup dirs is the winner, as the
startup scripts don't change anything.
added personal files to .gitignore so they never get uploaded to the repo and added support for msys2 bash in the new git for windows
added autocreate of config/ if iot does not exist and added it to the .gitignore
Added tasks: cmd::Cmder, cmd::Cmder as Admin, bash::bash, bash::bash as Admin, bash::mintty, bash::mintty as admin, powershell::powershell, powershell::powershell as Admin. Set default task to cmd::Cmder. Cot rid of init.bat running before /bin/bash, fixes double exit requirement
Added running git for windows post-install.bat on first cmder launch
fixed file/path not found errors when launching powershell as admin
fixed file/path not found errors when launching bash/mintty as admin
fixed PATH in vendor/
Added sourcing ~/.bashrc if it exists.
changed .gitignore to ignore anything with path of config/user-*
removed my personal files from .gitignore, left in config/user-*
Make sure $CMDER_ROOT does not have a trailing '/'
%CMDER_ROOT% does not have trailing '\'. allow user to specify a conemu.xml on the command line
Removed '\' from %CMDER_ROOT%
In an effort to speed up the prompt we will only call write-vcsstatus if
there is a .git folder in the current or any parent path recursively.
As this function is called every new prompt line it needs to be as fast as
Explicitly call `import posh-git` because it doesn't have a module
manifest thus powershell can't autoload it when using a cmdlet.
At present the cmder repo doesn't try to download posh-git so it might be
missing from the users session.
This matches how cmd looks in conemu for cmder and PS seems to add some
padding around command output so I really don't see what the extra new
line is doing.
Saving dat precious vertical space.
This should be faster too as we won't automatically import all functions
to the session. Powershell now knows where to look before declaring they
don't exist.