@echo off :: This file was autogenerated by Cmder init.bat :: :: It is yours to edit and will not be touched again by Cmder. :: :: If you wish to recreate this file simply rename it and Cmder will re-create it the next time it is run :: or run the followin command from a Cmder shell: :: :: powershell -f %cmder_root%\vendor\bin\create-cmdercfg.ps1 -shell cmd [-outfile "[filename]"] :: if "%CMDER_CLINK%" == "1" ( goto :INJECT_CLINK ) else if "%CMDER_CLINK%" == "2" if defined WT_PROFILE_ID ( goto :INJECT_CLINK ) else if "%CMDER_CLINK%" == "2" ( goto :CLINK_FINISH ) goto :SKIP_CLINK :INJECT_CLINK %print_verbose% "Injecting Clink!" :: Check if Clink is not present if not exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\clink\clink_%clink_architecture%.exe" ( goto :SKIP_CLINK ) :: Run Clink if not exist "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\settings" if not exist "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\clink_settings" ( echo Generating Clink initial settings in "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\clink_settings" copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\clink_settings.default" "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\clink_settings" echo Additional *.lua files in "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%" are loaded on startup. ) if not exist "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\cmder_prompt_config.lua" ( echo Creating Cmder prompt config file: "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\cmder_prompt_config.lua" copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\cmder_prompt_config.lua.default" "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%\cmder_prompt_config.lua" ) "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\clink\clink_%clink_architecture%.exe" inject --quiet --profile "%CMDER_CONFIG_DIR%" --scripts "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor" if errorlevel 1 ( %print_error% "Clink initialization has failed with error code: %errorlevel%" goto :CLINK_FINISH ) set CMDER_CLINK=2 goto :CLINK_FINISH :SKIP_CLINK %print_warning% "Skipping Clink Injection!" for /f "tokens=2 delims=:." %%x in ('chcp') do set cp=%%x chcp 65001>nul :: Revert back to plain cmd.exe prompt without clink prompt `$E[1;32;49m`$P`$S`$_`$E[1;30;49mλ`$S`$E[0m chcp %cp%>nul :CLINK_FINISH if not defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=$env:GIT_INSTALL_ROOT" if not defined SVN_SSH set "SVN_SSH=$env:SVN_SSH" if not defined git_locale set git_locale=$env:git_locale if not defined LANG set LANG=$env:lang if not defined user_aliases set "user_aliases=$env:user_aliases" if not defined aliases set "aliases=%user_aliases%" if not defined HOME set "HOME=%USERPROFILE%" set PLINK_PROTOCOL=$env:PLINK_PROTOCOL set "path=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\cmd;%path%" set path_position=append if %nix_tools% equ 1 ( set "path_position=append" ) else ( set "path_position=" ) if %nix_tools% geq 1 ( if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw32" ( if "%path_position%" == "append" ( set "path=%path%;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw32\bin" ) else ( set "path=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw32\bin;%path%" ) ) else if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw64" ( if "%path_position%" == "append" ( set "path=%path%;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw64\bin" ) else ( set "path=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw64\bin;%path%" ) ) if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin" ( if "%path_position%" == "append" ( set "path=%path%;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin" ) else ( set "path=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin;%path%" ) ) ) set "path=%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\bin;%path%" :USER_CONFIG_START if %max_depth% gtr 1 ( %lib_path% enhance_path_recursive "%CMDER_ROOT%\bin" 0 %max_depth% ) else ( set "path=%CMDER_ROOT%\bin;%path%" ) setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if defined CMDER_USER_BIN ( if %max_depth% gtr 1 ( %lib_path% enhance_path_recursive "%CMDER_USER_BIN%" 0 %max_depth% ) else ( set "path=%CMDER_USER_ROOT%\bin;%path%" ) ) endlocal && set "path=%path%" set "path=%path%;%CMDER_ROOT%" call "%user_aliases%" %lib_profile% run_profile_d "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d" if defined CMDER_USER_CONFIG ( %lib_profile% run_profile_d "%CMDER_USER_CONFIG%\profile.d" ) call "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_profile.cmd" if defined CMDER_USER_CONFIG ( if exist "%CMDER_USER_CONFIG%\user_profile.cmd" ( call "%CMDER_USER_CONFIG%\user_profile.cmd" ) ) set "path=%path:;;=;% :CMDER_CONFIGURED if not defined CMDER_CONFIGURED set CMDER_CONFIGURED=1 set CMDER_INIT_END=%time% if "%time_init%" == "1" if "%CMDER_INIT_END%" neq "" if "%CMDER_INIT_START%" neq "" ( call "%cmder_root%\vendor\bin\timer.cmd" "%CMDER_INIT_START%" "%CMDER_INIT_END%" ) :CLEANUP set architecture_bits= set CMDER_ALIASES= set CMDER_INIT_END= set CMDER_INIT_START= set CMDER_USER_FLAGS= set debug_output= set fast_init= set max_depth= set nix_tools= set path_position= set print_debug= set print_error= set print_verbose= set print_warning= set time_init= set verbose_output= set user_aliases= exit /b