@echo off if ["%1"] == ["/?"] goto:p_help if ["%1"] == ["/reload"] goto:p_reload if ["%2"] == [""] echo Insufficient parameters. & goto:p_help ::validate alias setlocal for /f "delims== tokens=1" %%G in ("%*") do set _temp2=%%G set _temp=%_temp2: =% if not ["%_temp%"] == ["%_temp2%"] ( echo Your alias name can not contain a space endlocal goto:eof ) echo %* >> "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" doskey /macrofile="%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" perl "%CMDER_ROOT%\scripts\clean_aliases.pl" echo Alias created endlocal goto:eof :p_reload doskey /macrofile="%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" echo Aliases reloaded goto:eof :p_help echo.Usage: echo. alias name=full command echo. $* allows the alias to assume all the parameters of the supplied command. echo. $1-$9 Allows you to seperate parameter by number, much like %%1 in batch. echo. $T is the command seperator, allowing you to string several commands together into one alias. echo. For more information, read DOSKEY/?