-- default script for clink, called by init.bat when injecting clink -- !!! THIS FILE IS OVERWRITTEN WHEN CMDER IS UPDATED -- !!! Use "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\.lua" to add your lua startup scripts -- At first, load the original clink.lua file -- this is needed as we set the script path to this dir and therefore the original -- clink.lua is not loaded. local clink_lua_file = clink.get_env('CMDER_ROOT')..'\\vendor\\clink\\clink.lua' dofile(clink_lua_file) -- now add our own things... function lambda_prompt_filter() clink.prompt.value = string.gsub(clink.prompt.value, "{lamb}", "λ") end --- -- Resolves closest directory location for specified directory. -- Navigates subsequently up one level and tries to find specified directory -- @param {string} path Path to directory will be checked. If not provided -- current directory will be used -- @param {string} dirname Directory name to search for -- @return {string} Path to specified directory or nil if such dir not found local function get_dir_contains(path, dirname) -- return parent path for specified entry (either file or directory) local function pathname(path) local prefix = "" local i = path:find("[\\/:][^\\/:]*$") if i then prefix = path:sub(1, i-1) end return prefix end -- Navigates up one level local function up_one_level(path) if path == nil then path = '.' end if path == '.' then path = clink.get_cwd() end return pathname(path) end -- Checks if provided directory contains git directory local function has_specified_dir(path, specified_dir) if path == nil then path = '.' end local found_dirs = clink.find_dirs(path..'/'..specified_dir) if #found_dirs > 0 then return true end return false end -- Set default path to current directory if path == nil then path = '.' end -- If we're already have .git directory here, then return current path if has_specified_dir(path, dirname) then return path..'/'..dirname else -- Otherwise go up one level and make a recursive call local parent_path = up_one_level(path) if parent_path == path then return nil else return get_dir_contains(parent_path, dirname) end end end local function get_hg_dir(path) return get_dir_contains(path, '.hg') end -- adapted from from clink-completions' git.lua local function get_git_dir(path) -- return parent path for specified entry (either file or directory) local function pathname(path) local prefix = "" local i = path:find("[\\/:][^\\/:]*$") if i then prefix = path:sub(1, i-1) end return prefix end -- Checks if provided directory contains git directory local function has_git_dir(dir) return #clink.find_dirs(dir..'/.git') > 0 and dir..'/.git' end local function has_git_file(dir) local gitfile = io.open(dir..'/.git') if not gitfile then return false end local git_dir = gitfile:read():match('gitdir: (.*)') gitfile:close() return git_dir and dir..'/'..git_dir end -- Set default path to current directory if not path or path == '.' then path = clink.get_cwd() end -- Calculate parent path now otherwise we won't be -- able to do that inside of logical operator local parent_path = pathname(path) return has_git_dir(path) or has_git_file(path) -- Otherwise go up one level and make a recursive call or (parent_path ~= path and get_git_dir(parent_path) or nil) end --- -- Find out current branch -- @return {false|mercurial branch name} --- function get_hg_branch() for line in io.popen("hg branch 2>nul"):lines() do local m = line:match("(.+)$") if m then return m end end return false end --- -- Get the status of working dir -- @return {bool} --- function get_hg_status() for line in io.popen("hg status"):lines() do return false end return true end function hg_prompt_filter() -- Colors for mercurial status local colors = { clean = "\x1b[1;37;40m", dirty = "\x1b[31;1m", } if get_hg_dir() then -- if we're inside of mercurial repo then try to detect current branch local branch = get_hg_branch() if branch then -- Has branch => therefore it is a mercurial folder, now figure out status if get_hg_status() then color = colors.clean else color = colors.dirty end clink.prompt.value = string.gsub(clink.prompt.value, "{hg}", color.."("..branch..")") return false end end -- No mercurial present or not in mercurial file clink.prompt.value = string.gsub(clink.prompt.value, "{hg}", "") return false end --- -- Find out current branch -- @return {nil|git branch name} --- function get_git_branch(git_dir) local git_dir = git_dir or get_git_dir() -- If git directory not found then we're probably outside of repo -- or something went wrong. The same is when head_file is nil local head_file = git_dir and io.open(git_dir..'/HEAD') if not head_file then return end local HEAD = head_file:read() head_file:close() -- if HEAD matches branch expression, then we're on named branch -- otherwise it is a detached commit local branch_name = HEAD:match('ref: refs/heads/(.+)') return branch_name or 'HEAD detached at '..HEAD:sub(1, 7) end --- -- Get the status of working dir -- @return {bool} --- function get_git_status() local file = io.popen("git diff --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD 2>nul") -- This will get a table with some return stuff -- rc[3] will be the signal, 0 or 1 local rc = {file:close()} return rc[3] == 0 end function git_prompt_filter() -- Colors for git status local colors = { clean = "\x1b[1;37;40m", dirty = "\x1b[31;1m", } local git_dir = get_git_dir() if git_dir then -- if we're inside of git repo then try to detect current branch local branch = get_git_branch(git_dir) if branch then -- Has branch => therefore it is a git folder, now figure out status if get_git_status() then color = colors.clean else color = colors.dirty end clink.prompt.value = string.gsub(clink.prompt.value, "{git}", color.."("..branch..")") return false end end -- No git present or not in git file clink.prompt.value = string.gsub(clink.prompt.value, "{git}", "") return false end clink.prompt.register_filter(lambda_prompt_filter, 40) clink.prompt.register_filter(hg_prompt_filter, 50) clink.prompt.register_filter(git_prompt_filter, 50) local completions_dir = clink.get_env('CMDER_ROOT')..'/vendor/clink-completions/' for _,lua_module in ipairs(clink.find_files(completions_dir..'*.lua')) do -- Skip files that starts with _. This could be useful if some files should be ignored if not string.match(lua_module, '^_.*') then local filename = completions_dir..lua_module -- use dofile instead of require because require caches loaded modules -- so config reloading using Alt-Q won't reload updated modules. dofile(filename) end end