# Cmder **Yes, you can [download latest release](https://github.com/bliker/cmder/releases)** Cmder is a package created out of pure frustration over absence of usable console emulator on Windows. It is based on [ConEmu](https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/) with *major* config overhaul. Monokai color scheme, amazing [clink](https://code.google.com/p/clink/) and custom prompt layout. ![Cmder Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/g1nNf0I.png) ## Why use it The main advantage of Cmder is portablibity. It is designed to be totaly self-container. With no external dependencies. That makes is great for **USB Sticks** or **Dropbox**. So you can carry your console, aliases and binaries (like wget, curl and git) with you anywhere. ## Keyboard shortcuts ### Tab manipulation * `Ctrl + t` : new tab dialog (maybe you want to open cmd as admin?) * `Ctrl + w` : close tab * `Ctrl + alt + number` : fast new tab: `1` - CMD, `2` - Powershell `*` - More to come * `Alt + enter`: Fullscreen ### Shell * `Shift + Up` : Traverse up in directory structure (lovely feature!) * `End, Home, ctrl` : Traversing text wih as ususal on Windows * `Ctrl + r` : History search * `Shift + mouse` : Select and copy text from buffer (Some shortcuts are not yet documented, thought they exist, please add them here) ## Todo 1. Write a Todo list