# Init Script for PowerShell # Created as part of cmder project # !!! THIS FILE IS OVERWRITTEN WHEN CMDER IS UPDATED # !!! Use "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_profile.ps1" to add your own startup commands # Compatibility with PS major versions <= 2 if(!$PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path } if ($ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG) { # write-host "CMDER IS ALSO USING INDIVIDUAL USER CONFIG FROM '$ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG'!" } # We do this for Powershell as Admin Sessions because CMDER_ROOT is not beng set. if (! $ENV:CMDER_ROOT ) { if ( $ENV:ConEmuDir ) { $ENV:CMDER_ROOT = resolve-path( $ENV:ConEmuDir + "\..\.." ) } else { $ENV:CMDER_ROOT = resolve-path( $PSScriptRoot + "\.." ) } } # Remove trailing '\' $ENV:CMDER_ROOT = (($ENV:CMDER_ROOT).trimend("\")) # Do not load bundled psget if a module installer is already available # -> recent PowerShell versions include PowerShellGet out of the box $moduleInstallerAvailable = [bool](Get-Command -Name 'Install-Module' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) # Add Cmder modules directory to the autoload path. $CmderModulePath = Join-path $PSScriptRoot "psmodules/" if(-not $moduleInstallerAvailable -and -not $env:PSModulePath.Contains($CmderModulePath) ){ $env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath.Insert(0, "$CmderModulePath;") } try { Get-command -Name "vim" -ErrorAction Stop >$null } catch { # # You could do this but it may be a little drastic and introduce a lot of # # unix tool overlap with powershel unix like aliases # $env:Path += $(";" + $env:CMDER_ROOT + "\vendor\git-for-windows\usr\bin") # set-alias -name "vi" -value "vim" # # I think the below is safer. new-alias -name "vim" -value $($ENV:CMDER_ROOT + "\vendor\git-for-windows\usr\bin\vim.exe") new-alias -name "vi" -value vim } try { # Check if git is on PATH, i.e. Git already installed on system Get-command -Name "git" -ErrorAction Stop >$null } catch { $env:Path += $(";" + $env:CMDER_ROOT + "\vendor\git-for-windows\cmd") # for bash.exe, which in the cmd version is found as \usr\bin\bash.exe $env:Path += $(";" + $env:CMDER_ROOT + "\vendor\git-for-windows\bin") } $gitLoaded = $false function Import-Git($Loaded){ if($Loaded) { return } $GitModule = Get-Module -Name Posh-Git -ListAvailable if($GitModule | select version | where version -le ([version]"")){ Import-Module Posh-Git > $null } if(-not ($GitModule) ) { Write-Warning "Missing git support, install posh-git with 'Install-Module posh-git' and restart cmder." } # Make sure we only run once by alawys returning true return $true } function checkGit($Path) { if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $Path '.git') ) { $gitLoaded = Import-Git $gitLoaded Write-VcsStatus return } $SplitPath = split-path $path if ($SplitPath) { checkGit($SplitPath) } } if (Get-Module PSReadline -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue") { Set-PSReadlineOption -ExtraPromptLineCount 1 } # Enhance Path $env:Path = "$Env:CMDER_ROOT\bin;$Env:CMDER_ROOT\vendor\bin;$env:Path;$Env:CMDER_ROOT" # Drop *.ps1 files into "$ENV:CMDER_ROOT\config\profile.d" # to source them at startup. if (-not (test-path "$ENV:CMDER_ROOT\config\profile.d")) { mkdir "$ENV:CMDER_ROOT\config\profile.d" } pushd $ENV:CMDER_ROOT\config\profile.d foreach ($x in Get-ChildItem *.psm1) { # write-host write-host Sourcing $x Import-Module $x } foreach ($x in Get-ChildItem *.ps1) { # write-host write-host Sourcing $x . $x } popd # Drop *.ps1 files into "$ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\config\profile.d" # to source them at startup. Requires using cmder.exe /C [cmder_user_root_path] argument if ($ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG -ne "" -and (test-path "$ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\profile.d")) { pushd $ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\profile.d foreach ($x in Get-ChildItem *.psm1) { # write-host write-host Sourcing $x Import-Module $x } foreach ($x in Get-ChildItem *.ps1) { # write-host write-host Sourcing $x . $x } popd } # Renaming to "config\user_profile.ps1" to "user_profile.ps1" for consistency. if (test-path "$env:CMDER_ROOT\config\user-profile.ps1") { rename-item "$env:CMDER_ROOT\config\user-profile.ps1" user_profile.ps1 } $CmderUserProfilePath = Join-Path $env:CMDER_ROOT "config\user_profile.ps1" if (Test-Path $CmderUserProfilePath) { # Create this file and place your own command in there. . "$CmderUserProfilePath" # user_profile.ps1 is not a module DO NOT USE import-module } if ($ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG) { # Renaming to "$env:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\user-profile.ps1" to "user_profile.ps1" for consistency. if (test-path "$env:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\user-profile.ps1") { rename-item "$env:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\user-profile.ps1" user_profile.ps1 } $env:Path = "$Env:CMDER_USER_CONFIG\bin;$env:Path" $CmderUserProfilePath = Join-Path $ENV:CMDER_USER_CONFIG "user_profile.ps1" if (Test-Path $CmderUserProfilePath) { . "$CmderUserProfilePath" # user_profile.ps1 is not a module DO NOT USE import-module } } if (! (Test-Path $CmderUserProfilePath) ) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor Darkgreen -ForegroundColor White "First Run: Creating user startup file: $CmderUserProfilePath" Copy-Item "$env:CMDER_ROOT\vendor\user_profile.ps1.default" -Destination $CmderUserProfilePath } # # Prompt Section # Users should modify their user_profile.ps1 as it will be safe from updates. # # Only set the prompt if it is currently set to the default # This allows users to configure the prompt in their user_profile.ps1 or config\profile.d\*.ps1 if ( $(get-command prompt).Definition -match 'PS \$\(\$executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation\)\$\(' -and ` $(get-command prompt).Definition -match '\(\$nestedPromptLevel \+ 1\)\) ";') { # Pre assign the hooks so the first run of cmder gets a working prompt. [ScriptBlock]$PrePrompt = {} [ScriptBlock]$PostPrompt = {} [ScriptBlock]$CmderPrompt = { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "White" Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host $pwd.ProviderPath -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green checkGit($pwd.ProviderPath) } <# This scriptblock runs every time the prompt is returned. Explicitly use functions from MS namespace to protect from being overridden in the user session. Custom prompt functions are loaded in as constants to get the same behaviour #> [ScriptBlock]$Prompt = { $realLASTEXITCODE = $LASTEXITCODE $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Split-Path $pwd.ProviderPath -Leaf PrePrompt | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host -NoNewline CmderPrompt Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host "`nλ " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor "DarkGray" PostPrompt | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Host -NoNewline $global:LASTEXITCODE = $realLASTEXITCODE return " " } # Once Created these code blocks cannot be overwritten # if (-not $(get-command PrePrompt).Options -match 'Constant') {Set-Item -Path function:\PrePrompt -Value $PrePrompt -Options Constant} # if (-not $(get-command CmderPrompt).Options -match 'Constant') {Set-Item -Path function:\CmderPrompt -Value $CmderPrompt -Options Constant} # if (-not $(get-command PostPrompt).Options -match 'Constant') {Set-Item -Path function:\PostPrompt -Value $PostPrompt -Options Constant} Set-Item -Path function:\PrePrompt -Value $PrePrompt -Options Constant Set-Item -Path function:\CmderPrompt -Value $CmderPrompt -Options Constant Set-Item -Path function:\PostPrompt -Value $PostPrompt -Options Constant # Functions can be made constant only at creation time # ReadOnly at least requires `-force` to be overwritten # if (!$(get-command Prompt).Options -match 'ReadOnly') {Set-Item -Path function:\prompt -Value $Prompt -Options ReadOnly} Set-Item -Path function:\prompt -Value $Prompt -Options ReadOnly }