@echo off set lib_base=call "%~dp0lib_base.cmd" if "%~1" == "/h" ( %lib_base% help "%~0" ) else if "%1" neq "" ( call :%* ) exit /b :help :::=============================================================================== :::show_subs - shows all sub routines in a .bat/.cmd file with documentation :::. :::include: :::. ::: call "lib_base.cmd" :::. :::usage: :::. ::: %lib_base% show_subs "file" :::. :::options: :::. ::: file full path to file containing lib_routines to display :::. :::------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for /f "tokens=* delims=:" %%a in ('type "%~1" ^| %WINDIR%\System32\findstr /i /r "^:::"') do ( rem echo a="%%a" if "%%a"=="." ( echo. ) else if /i "%%a" == "usage" ( echo %%a: ) else if /i "%%a" == "options" ( echo %%a: ) else if not "%%a" == "" ( echo %%a ) ) pause exit /b :cmder_shell :::=============================================================================== :::show_subs - shows all sub routines in a .bat/.cmd file with documentation :::. :::include: :::. ::: call "lib_base.cmd" :::. :::usage: :::. ::: %lib_base% cmder_shell :::. :::options: :::. ::: file full path to file containing lib_routines to display :::. :::------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo %comspec% | %WINDIR%\System32\find /i "\cmd.exe" > nul && set "CMDER_SHELL=cmd" echo %comspec% | %WINDIR%\System32\find /i "\tcc.exe" > nul && set "CMDER_SHELL=tcc" echo %comspec% | %WINDIR%\System32\find /i "\tccle" > nul && set "CMDER_SHELL=tccle" set CMDER_CLINK=1 if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tcc" set CMDER_CLINK=0 if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tccle" set CMDER_CLINK=0 set CMDER_ALIASES=1 if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tcc" set CMDER_ALIASES=0 if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tccle" set CMDER_ALIASES=0 exit /b :update_legacy_aliases type "%user_aliases%" | %WINDIR%\System32\findstr /i ";= Add aliases below here" >nul if "%errorlevel%" == "1" ( echo Creating initial user_aliases store in "%user_aliases%"... if defined CMDER_USER_CONFIG ( copy "%user_aliases%" "%user_aliases%.old_format" copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%" ) else ( copy "%user_aliases%" "%user_aliases%.old_format" copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%" ) ) exit /b