@echo off call "%~dp0lib_base.cmd" call "%%~dp0lib_console" set lib_path=call "%~dp0lib_path.cmd" if "%~1" == "/h" ( %lib_base% help "%~0" ) else if "%1" neq "" ( call :%* ) exit /b :enhance_path :::=============================================================================== :::enhance_path - Add a directory to the path env variable if required. ::: :::include: ::: ::: call "lib_path.cmd" ::: :::usage: ::: ::: %lib_path% enhance_path "[dir_path]" [append] ::: :::required: ::: ::: [dir_path] <in> Fully qualified directory path. Ex: "c:\bin" ::: :::options: ::: ::: append <in> Append to the path env variable rather than pre-pend. ::: :::output: ::: ::: path <out> Sets the path env variable if required. :::------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if "%~1" neq "" ( set "add_path=%~1" ) else ( %lib_console% show_error "You must specify a directory to add to the path!" exit 1 ) if "%~2" neq "" if /i "%~2" == "append" ( set "position=%~2" ) else ( set "position=" ) if "%fast_init%" == "1" ( if "%position%" == "append" ( set "PATH=%PATH%;%add_path%" ) else ( set "PATH=%add_path%;%PATH%" ) goto :end_enhance_path ) set found=0 set "find_query=%add_path%" set "find_query=%find_query:\=\\%" set "find_query=%find_query: =\ %" if "%CMDER_CONFIGURED%" == "1" ( %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var - find_query=%find_query%" echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /I /R ";%find_query%\"$" if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1 ) %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 1 - found=!found!" if "!found!" == "0" ( if "%CMDER_CONFIGURED%" == "1" ( echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /i /r ";%find_query%;" if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1 ) %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 2 - found=!found!" ) if "%found%" == "0" ( %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "BEFORE Env Var - PATH=!path!" if /i "%position%" == "append" ( %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Appending '%add_path%'" set "PATH=%PATH%;%add_path%" ) else ( %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Prepending '%add_path%'" set "PATH=%add_path%;%PATH%" ) %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "AFTER Env Var - PATH=!path!" ) :end_enhance_path endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%" exit /b :enhance_path_recursive :::=============================================================================== :::enhance_path_recursive - Add a directory and subs to the path env variable if ::: required. :::. :::include: :::. ::: call "$0" :::. :::usage: :::. ::: call "%~DP0lib_path" enhance_path_recursive "[dir_path]" [max_depth] [append] :::. :::required: :::. ::: [dir_path] <in> Fully qualified directory path. Ex: "c:\bin" :::. :::options: :::. ::: [max_depth] <in> Max recuse depth. Default: 1 :::. ::: append <in> Append instead to path env variable rather than pre-pend. :::. :::output: :::. ::: path <out> Sets the path env variable if required. :::------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if "%~1" neq "" ( set "add_path=%~1" ) else ( %lib_console% show_error "You must specify a directory to add to the path!" exit 1 ) if "%~2" gtr "1" ( set "max_depth=%~2" ) else ( set "max_depth=1" ) if "%~3" neq "" if /i "%~3" == "append" ( set "position=%~3" ) else ( set "position=" ) if "%fast_init%" == "1" ( call :enhance_path "%add_path%" %position% goto :end_enhance_path_recursive ) if "%depth%" == "" set depth=0 %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - add_path=%add_path%" %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - position=%position%" %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - max_depth=%max_depth%" if %max_depth% gtr !depth! ( %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Adding parent directory - '%add_path%'" call :enhance_path "%add_path%" %position% set /a "depth=!depth!+1" for /d %%i in ("%add_path%\*") do ( %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var BEFORE - depth=!depth!" %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Found Subdirectory - '%%~fi'" call :enhance_path_recursive "%%~fi" %max_depth% %position% %lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var AFTER- depth=!depth!" ) ) :end_enhance_path_recursive endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%" exit /b