@echo off set "flag_exists=%~dp0flag_exists" setlocal if "%~1" equ "" goto :wrongSyntax if not defined CMDER_USER_FLAGS ( set "CMDER_USER_FLAGS= " ) set "feNOT=false" goto :parseArgument :doShift shift :parseArgument set "currenTarg=%~1" if /i "%currenTarg%" == "/?" ( goto :help ) else if /i "%currenTarg%" equ "/help" ( goto :help ) else if /i "%currenTarg%" equ "/h" ( goto :help ) else if /i "%currenTarg%" equ "NOT" ( set "feNOT=true" goto :doShift ) else ( if "%~1" equ "" goto :wrongSyntax if "%~2" equ "" goto :wrongSyntax set "feArgName=%~1" set "feCommand=%~2" goto :detect ) :detect :: to avoid erroneous deteciton like "/do" "/doNOT", both have a "/do" :: but if it works like "/do " "/doNOT ", "/do " won't match "/doN" set "CMDER_USER_FLAGS=%CMDER_USER_FLAGS% " set "feArgName=%feArgName% " :: echo. :: echo %CMDER_USER_FLAGS% :: echo %feNOT% :: echo %feArgName% :: echo %feCommand% :: echo. echo %CMDER_USER_FLAGS% | find /i "%feArgName%">nul if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" ( if "%feNOT%" == "false" ( call "%feCommand%" ) ) else ( if "%feNOT%" == "true" ( call "%feCommand%" ) ) exit /b :wrongSyntax echo The syntax of the command is incorrect. echo. echo use /? for help echo. exit /b :help echo. echo %%flag_exists%% echo. echo Handles with custom arguments for cmder's init.bat. echo written by xiazeyu, inspired DRSDavidSoft. echo. echo Usage: echo. echo %%flag_exists%% [NOT] argName command echo. echo NOT Specifies that %%flag_exists%% should carry out echo the command only if the condition is false. echo. echo argName Specifies which argument name is to detect. echo. echo command Specifies the command to carry out if the echo argument name is detected. It's recommand to echo use a pair of double quotation marks to echo wrap your command to avoid exceed expectation. echo. echo Examples: echo. echo these examples are expected to be writted in /config/user-profile.cmd echo it will use the environment varible "CMDER_USER_FLAGS" echo. echo Case 1: echo. echo The following command in user-profile.cmd would execute "notepad.exe" echo. echo call %%flag_exists%% "/startNotepad" "cmd /c start notepad.exe" echo. echo if you pass parameter to init.bat like: echo. echo init.bat /startNotepad echo. echo Case 2: echo. echo The following command in user-profile.cmd would execute "notepad.exe" echo. echo call %%flag_exists%% NOT "/dontStartNotepad" "cmd /c start notepad.exe" echo. echo UNLESS you pass parameter to init.bat like: echo. echo init.bat /dontStartNotepad echo. exit /b