name: Update Vendor on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: # At 13:37 UTC every day. - cron: '37 13 * * *' defaults: run: shell: pwsh permissions: contents: read jobs: vendor: runs-on: windows-latest continue-on-error: false timeout-minutes: 15 permissions: contents: write pull-requests: write steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 - id: make-changes name: Checking for updates env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | $currentVersion = (Get-Content .\vendor\sources.json | ConvertFrom-Json) . .\scripts\update.ps1 -verbose Set-GHVariable -Name COUNT_UPDATED -Value $count $newVersion = (Get-Content .\vendor\sources.json | ConvertFrom-Json) $listUpdated = "" $updateMessage = "| Name | Old Version | New Version |`n| :--- | ---- | ---- |`n" foreach ($s in $newVersion) { $oldVersion = ($currentVersion | Where-Object {$ -eq $}).version if ($s.version -ne $oldVersion) { $repoUrl = ($repoUrl = $s.Url.Replace("/archive/", "/releases/")).Substring(0, $repoUrl.IndexOf("/releases/")) + "/releases" $listUpdated += "$($ v$($s.version), " $updateMessage += "| **[$($]($repoUrl)** | $oldVersion | **$($s.version)** |`n" } } if ($count -eq 0) { return } Set-GHVariable -Name LIST_UPDATED -Value $listUpdated.Trim(', ') echo "UPDATE_MESSAGE<< 0 with: title: 'Updates to `${{ env.COUNT_UPDATED }}` vendored dependencies' body: | ### Automatically updated `${{ env.COUNT_UPDATED }}` dependencies: ${{ env.UPDATE_MESSAGE }} --- Please verify and then **Merge** the pull request to update. commit-message: '⬆️ Update dependencies (${{ env.LIST_UPDATED }})' branch: update-vendor base: master