@echo off :: Init Script for cmd.exe :: Created as part of cmder project :: !!! THIS FILE IS OVERWRITTEN WHEN CMDER IS UPDATED :: !!! Use "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-profile.cmd" to add your own startup commands :: Find root dir if not defined CMDER_ROOT ( for /f "delims=" %%i in ("%ConEmuDir%\..\..") do set "CMDER_ROOT=%%~fi" ) :: Remove trailing '\' if "%CMDER_ROOT:~-1%" == "\" SET "CMDER_ROOT=%CMDER_ROOT:~0,-1%" :: Change the prompt style :: Mmm tasty lamb prompt $E[1;32;40m$P$S{git}{hg}$S$_$E[1;30;40m{lamb}$S$E[0m :: Pick right version of clink if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" ( set architecture=86 ) else ( set architecture=64 ) :: Tell the user about the clink config files... if not exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\settings" ( echo Generating clink initial settings in "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\settings" echo Additional *.lua files in "%CMDER_ROOT%\config" are loaded on startup. ) :: Run clink "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\clink\clink_x%architecture%.exe" inject --quiet --profile "%CMDER_ROOT%\config" --scripts "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor" :: Prepare for git-for-windows :: I do not even know, copypasted from their .bat set PLINK_PROTOCOL=ssh if not defined TERM set TERM=cygwin :: The idea: :: * if the users points as to a specific git, use that :: * test if a git is in path and if yes, use that :: * last, use our vendored git :: also check that we have a recent enough version of git (e.g. test for GIT\cmd\git.exe) if defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT ( if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\cmd\git.exe" (goto :FOUND_GIT) ) :: check if git is in path... setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /F "delims=" %%F in ('where git.exe') do @( pushd %%~dpF cd .. set "test_dir=!CD!" popd if exist "!test_dir!\cmd\git.exe" ( set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=!test_dir!" set test_dir= goto :FOUND_GIT ) else ( echo Found old git version in "!test_dir!", but not using... set test_dir= ) ) :: our last hope: our own git... :VENDORED_GIT if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows" ( set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows" rem add the minimal git commands to the front of the path set "PATH=!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\cmd;%PATH%" ) else ( goto :NO_GIT ) :FOUND_GIT :: Add git to the path if defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT ( rem add the unix commands at the end to not shadow windows commands like more echo Enhancing PATH with unix commands from git in "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin" set "PATH=%PATH%;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\share\vim\vim74" :: define SVN_SSH so we can use git svn with ssh svn repositories if not defined SVN_SSH set "SVN_SSH=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT:\=\\%\\bin\\ssh.exe" ) :NO_GIT endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%" & set "SVN_SSH=%SVN_SSH%" & set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%" :: Enhance Path set "PATH=%CMDER_ROOT%\bin;%PATH%;%CMDER_ROOT%\" :: Drop *.bat and *.cmd files into "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d" :: to run them at startup. if not exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d" ( mkdir "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d" ) pushd "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d" for /f "usebackq" %%x in ( `dir /b *.bat *.cmd 2^>nul` ) do ( REM echo Calling "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d\%%x"... call "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\profile.d\%%x" ) popd :: Allows user to override default aliases store using profile.d :: scripts run above by setting the 'alaises' env variable. :: :: Note: If overriding default aliases store file the aliases :: must also be self executing, see '.\user-aliases.cmd.example', :: and be in profile.d folder. set "user-aliases=%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-aliases.cmd" if not defined aliases ( set "aliases=%user-aliases%" ) :: make sure we have an example file if not exist "%user-aliases%" ( echo Creating intial user-aliases store in "%user-aliases%"... copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user-aliases.cmd.example" "%user-aliases%" ) :: Update old 'user-aliases' to new self executing 'user-aliases.cmd' if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" ( echo Updating old "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" to new format... type "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" >> "%user-aliases%" && del "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases" ) :: Add aliases to the environment call "%user-aliases%" :: See vendor\git-for-windows\README.portable for why we do this :: Basically we need to execute this post-install.bat because we are :: manually extracting the archive rather than executing the 7z sfx if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\post-install.bat" ( echo Running Git for Windows one time Post Install.... cd /d "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\" "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\git-bash.exe" --no-needs-console --hide --no-cd --command=post-install.bat cd /d %USERPROFILE% ) :: Set home path if not defined HOME set "HOME=%USERPROFILE%" :: This is either a env variable set by the user or the result of :: cmder.exe setting this variable due to a commandline argument or a "cmder here" if defined CMDER_START ( cd /d "%CMDER_START%" ) if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-profile.cmd" ( rem create this file and place your own command in there call "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-profile.cmd" ) else ( echo Creating user startup file: "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-profile.cmd" ( echo :: use this file to run your own startup commands echo :: use in front of the command to prevent printing the command echo. echo :: call "%%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%%/cmd/start-ssh-agent.cmd" echo :: set "PATH=%%CMDER_ROOT%%\vendor\whatever;%%PATH%%" echo. ) > "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-profile.cmd" )