function readVersion($gitPath) { $gitExecutable = "${gitPath}\git.exe" if (!(test-path "$gitExecutable")) { return $null } $gitVersion = (cmd /c "${gitExecutable}" --version) if ($gitVersion -match 'git version') { ($trash1, $trash2, $gitVersion) = $gitVersion.split(' ', 3) } else { pause return $null } return $gitVersion.toString() } function isGitShim($gitPath) { # check if there's shim - and if yes follow the path if (test-path "${gitPath}\git.shim") { $shim = (get-content "${gitPath}\git.shim") ($trash, $gitPath) = $shim.replace(' ','').split('=') $gitPath=$gitPath.replace('\git.exe','') } return $gitPath.toString() } function compareVersions($userVersion, $vendorVersion) { if (-not($userVersion -eq $null)) { ($userMajor, $userMinor, $userPatch, $userBuild) = $userVersion.split('.', 4) } else { return -1 } if (-not($vendorVersion -eq $null)) { ($vendorMajor, $vendorMinor, $vendorPatch, $vendorBuild) = $vendorVersion.split('.', 4) } else { return 1 } if (($userMajor -eq $vendorMajor) -and ($userMinor -eq $vendorMinor) -and ($userPatch -eq $vendorPatch) -and ($userBuild -eq $vendorBuild)) { return 1 } if ($userMajor -gt $vendorMajor) {return 1} if ($userMajor -lt $vendorMajor) {return -1} if ($userMinor -gt $vendorMinor) {return 1} if ($userMinor -lt $vendorMinor) {return -1} if ($userPatch -gt $vendorPatch) {return 1} if ($userPatch -lt $vendorPatch) {return -1} if ($userBuild -gt $vendorBuild) {return 1} if ($userBuild -lt $vendorBuild) {return -1} return 0 } function compare_git_versions($userVersion, $vendorVersion) { $result = compareVersions -userVersion $userVersion -vendorVersion $vendorVersion # write-host "Compare Versions Result: ${result}" if ($result -ge 0) { return $userVersion } else { return $vendorVersion } } function Configure-Git($gitRoot, $gitType, $gitPathUser){ # Proposed Behavior # Modify the path if we are using VENDORED Git do nothing if using USER Git. # If User Git is installed but older match its path config adding paths # in the same path positions allowing a user to configure Cmder Git path # using locally installed Git Path Config. if ($gitType -eq 'VENDOR') { # If User Git is installed replace its path config with Newer Vendored Git Path if ($gitPathUser -ne '' -and $gitPathUser -ne $null) { # write-host "Cmder 'profile.ps1': Replacing older user Git path '$gitPathUser' with newer vendored Git path '$gitRoot' in the system path..." $newPath = ($env:path -ireplace [regex]::Escape($gitPathUser), $gitRoot) } else { if (!($env:Path -match [regex]::Escape("$gitRoot\cmd"))) { # write-host "Adding $gitRoot\cmd to the path" $newPath = $($gitRoot + "\cmd" + ";" + $env:Path) } # Add "$gitRoot\mingw[32|64]\bin" to the path if exists and not done already if ((test-path "$gitRoot\mingw32\bin") -and -not ($env:path -match [regex]::Escape("$gitRoot\mingw32\bin"))) { # write-host "Adding $gitRoot\mingw32\bin to the path" $newPath = "$newPath;$gitRoot\mingw32\bin" } elseif ((test-path "$gitRoot\mingw64\bin") -and -not ($env:path -match [regex]::Escape("$gitRoot\mingw64\bin"))) { # write-host "Adding $gitRoot\mingw64\bin to the path" $newPath = "$newPath;$gitRoot\mingw64\bin" } # Add "$gitRoot\usr\bin" to the path if exists and not done already if ((test-path "$gitRoot\usr\bin") -and -not ($env:path -match [regex]::Escape("$gitRoot\usr\bin"))) { # write-host "Adding $gitRoot\usr\bin to the path" $newPath = "$newPath;$gitRoot\usr\bin" } } return $newPath } return $env:path } function Import-Git(){ $GitModule = Get-Module -Name Posh-Git -ListAvailable if($GitModule | select version | where version -le ([version]"")){ Import-Module Posh-Git > $null } if($GitModule | select version | where version -ge ([version]"1.0.0")){ Import-Module Posh-Git > $null $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole = $false } if(-not ($GitModule) ) { Write-Warning "Missing git support, install posh-git with 'Install-Module posh-git' and restart cmder." } # Make sure we only run once by alawys returning true return $true } function checkGit($Path) { if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $Path '.git') ) { if($env:gitLoaded -eq 'false') { $env:gitLoaded = Import-Git } if (getGitStatusSetting -eq $true) { Write-VcsStatus } else { $headContent = Get-Content (Join-Path $Path '.git/HEAD') if ($headContent -like "ref: refs/heads/*") { $branchName = $headContent.Substring(16) } else { $branchName = "HEAD detached at $($headContent.Substring(0, 7))" } Write-Host " [$branchName]" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White } return } $SplitPath = split-path $path if ($SplitPath) { checkGit($SplitPath) } } function getGitStatusSetting() { $gitStatus = (git --no-pager config -l) | out-string ForEach ($line in $($gitStatus -split "`r`n")) { if ($line -match 'cmder.status=false' -or $line -match 'cmder.psstatus=false') { return $false } } return $true }