Florian Schwalm 0ed10e5e89 Reorder if-else-clauses in :compare_git_versions so last else block can be reached
It is hard to spot without the brackets, but the last else block - that resets %test_dir% and
logs in verbose mode that an older user git version will be ignored - can't actually be reached.
The else block is considered to belong to the if clause "if exist "%test_dir:~0,-4%\cmd\git.exe""
that will only ever be executed if ERRORLEVEL is greather than or equal to 0, thus if the test fails,
the following else if clause "else if ERRORLEVEL 0" will always succeed and the last else block will be ignored.
Using the vendored git version may still have worked because %GIT_INSTALL_ROOT% isn't set either way,
but to enable the log message I reordered if-else-clauses and brackets in the way I think the
original author intended them to work.
2020-07-29 22:39:46 +02:00

279 lines
8.4 KiB

@echo off
call "%~dp0lib_base.cmd"
call "%%~dp0lib_console.cmd"
set lib_git=call "%~dp0lib_git.cmd"
if "%~1" == "/h" (
%lib_base% help "%~0"
) else if "%1" neq "" (
call :%*
exit /b
:::read_version - Get the git.exe verion
::: call "lib_git.cmd"
::: %lib_git% read_version "[dir_path]"
::: [GIT PATH] <in> Fully qualified path to the Git command root.
::: GIT_VERSION_[GIT SCOPE] <out> Env variable containing Git semantic version string
:: clear the variables
set GIT_VERSION_%~1=
:: set the executable path
set "git_executable=%~2\git.exe"
%lib_console% debug_output :read_version "Env Var - git_executable=%git_executable%"
:: check if the executable actually exists
if not exist "%git_executable%" (
%lib_console% debug_output :read_version "%git_executable% does not exist."
exit /b -255
:: get the git version in the provided directory
"%git_executable%" --version > "%temp%\git_version.txt"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 usebackq" %%A in (`type "%temp%\git_version.txt" 2^>nul`) do (
if /i "%%A %%B" == "git version" (
) else (
echo "'git --version' returned an inproper version string!"
exit /b
endlocal & set "GIT_VERSION_%~1=%GIT_VERSION%" & %lib_console% debug_output :read_version "Env Var - GIT_VERSION_%~1=%GIT_VERSION%"
exit /b
:::parse_version - Parse semantic version string 'x.x.x.x' and return the pieces
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% parse_version "[VERSION]"
::: [VERSION] <in> Semantic version String. Ex:
::: [SCOPE]_MAJOR <out> Scoped Major version.
::: [SCOPE]_MINOR <out> Scoped Minor version.
::: [SCOPE]_PATCH <out> Scoped Patch version.
::: [SCOPE]_BUILD <out> Scoped Build version.
:: process a `x.x.x.xxxx.x` formatted string
%lib_console% debug_output :parse_version "ARGV[1]=%~1, ARGV[2]=%~2"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=1-3* delims=.,-" %%A in ("%2") do (
set "%~1_MAJOR=%%A"
set "%~1_MINOR=%%B"
set "%~1_PATCH=%%C"
set "%~1_BUILD=%%D"
REM endlocal & set "%~1_MAJOR=!%~1_MAJOR!" & set "%~1_MINOR=!%~1_MINOR!" & set "%~1_PATCH=!%~1_PATCH!" & set "%~1_BUILD=!%~1_BUILD!"
if "%~1" == "VENDORED" (
endlocal & set "%~1_MAJOR=%VENDORED_MAJOR%" & set "%~1_MINOR=%VENDORED_MINOR%" & set "%~1_PATCH=%VENDORED_PATCH%" & set "%~1_BUILD=%VENDORED_BUILD%"
) else (
endlocal & set "%~1_MAJOR=%USER_MAJOR%" & set "%~1_MINOR=%USER_MINOR%" & set "%~1_PATCH=%USER_PATCH%" & set "%~1_BUILD=%USER_BUILD%"
exit /b
:::validate_version - Validate semantic version string 'x.x.x.x'.
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% validate_version [SCOPE] [VERSION]
::: [SCOPE] <in> Example: USER | VENDORED
::: [VERSION] <in> Semantic version String. Ex:
:: now parse the version information into the corresponding variables
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "ARGV[1]=%~1, ARGV[2]=%~2"
call :parse_version %~1 %~2
:: ... and maybe display it, for debugging purposes.
REM %lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: !%~1_MAJOR!.!%~1_MINOR!.!%~1_PATCH!.!%~1_BUILD!"
if "%~1" == "VENDORED" (
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: %VENDORED_MAJOR%.%VENDORED_MINOR%.%VENDORED_PATCH%.%VENDORED_BUILD%"
) else (
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: %USER_MAJOR%.%USER_MINOR%.%USER_PATCH%.%USER_BUILD%"
exit /b
:::compare_version - Compare semantic versions return latest version.
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% validate_version [SCOPE1] [SCOPE2]
::: [SCOPE1] <in> Example: USER
::: [SCOPE2] <in> Example: VENDOR
:: checks all major, minor, patch and build variables for the given arguments.
:: whichever binary that has the most recent version will be used based on the return code.
%lib_console% debug_output Comparing:
%lib_console% debug_output %~1: %USER_MAJOR%.%USER_MINOR%.%USER_PATCH%.%USER_BUILD%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if !%~1_MAJOR! GTR !%~2_MAJOR! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MAJOR! LSS !%~2_MAJOR! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
if !%~1_MINOR! GTR !%~2_MINOR! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MINOR! LSS !%~2_MINOR! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
if !%~1_PATCH! GTR !%~2_PATCH! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_PATCH! LSS !%~2_PATCH! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
if !%~1_BUILD! GTR !%~2_BUILD! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_BUILD! LSS !%~2_BUILD! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
:: looks like we have the same versions.
endlocal & exit /b 0
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% is_git_shim [filepath]
::: [filepath] <in>
pushd "%~1"
:: check if there's shim - and if yes follow the path
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if exist git.shim (
for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %%I in (git.shim) do (
pushd %%~dpI
set "test_dir=!CD!"
) else (
set "test_dir=!CD!"
endlocal & set "test_dir=%test_dir%"
exit /b
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% compare_git_versions
:: compare the user git version against the vendored version
%lib_git% compare_versions USER VENDORED
:: use the user provided git if its version is greater than, or equal to the vendored git
if exist "%test_dir:~0,-4%\cmd\git.exe" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%test_dir:~0,-4%"
set test_dir=
) else (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%test_dir%"
set test_dir=
) else (
call :verbose_output Found old %GIT_VERSION_USER% in "%test_dir%", but not using...
set test_dir=
) else (
:: compare the user git version against the vendored version
:: if the user provided git executable is not found
call :verbose_output No git at "%git_executable%" found.
set test_dir=
exit /b
:::get_user_git_version - get the version information for the user provided git binary
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% get_user_git_version
:: get the version information for the user provided git binary
%lib_git% read_version USER "%test_dir%"
%lib_git% validate_version USER %GIT_VERSION_USER%
exit /b