2018-09-02 17:32:20 -05:00

67 lines
1.6 KiB

@echo off
set lib_base=call "%~dp0lib_base.cmd"
if "%~1" == "/h" (
%lib_base% help "%~0"
) else if "%1" neq "" (
call :%*
exit /b
:::show_subs - shows all sub routines in a .bat/.cmd file with documentation
::: call "lib_base.cmd"
::: %lib_base% show_subs "file"
::: file <in> full path to file containing lib_routines to display
for /f "tokens=* delims=:" %%a in ('type "%~1" ^| findstr /i /r "^:::"') do (
rem echo a="%%a"
if "%%a"=="." (
) else if /i "%%a" == "usage" (
echo %%a:
) else if /i "%%a" == "options" (
echo %%a:
) else if not "%%a" == "" (
echo %%a
exit /b
:::show_subs - shows all sub routines in a .bat/.cmd file with documentation
::: call "lib_base.cmd"
::: %lib_base% is_cmd
::: file <in> full path to file containing lib_routines to display
echo %comspec% | find /i "\cmd.exe" > nul && set "CMDER_SHELL=cmd.exe"
echo %comspec% | find /i "\tcc.exe" > nul && set "CMDER_SHELL=tcc.exe"
exit /b