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PowerShell module installation stuff.
URL: https://github.com/psget/psget
Based on http://poshcode.org/1875 Install-Module by Joel Bennett
#requires -Version 2.0
#region Setup
Write-Debug 'Set up the global scope config variables.'
if ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) {
$global:UserModuleBasePath = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) -ChildPath 'WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
else {
# Support scenarios where PSGet is running without a MyDocuments special folder (e.g. executing within a DSC resource)
$global:UserModuleBasePath = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath 'WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
# NOTE: Path changed to align with current MS conventions
$global:CommonGlobalModuleBasePath = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramFiles -ChildPath 'WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
if (-not (Test-Path -Path:variable:global:PsGetDirectoryUrl)) {
$global:PsGetDirectoryUrl = 'https://github.com/psget/psget/raw/master/Directory.xml'
# NOTE: $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath is used by Install-Module as configuration if set by user.
Write-Debug 'Set up needed constants.'
Set-Variable -Name PSGET_ZIP -Value 'ZIP' -Option Constant -Scope Script
Set-Variable -Name PSGET_PSM1 -Value 'PSM1' -Option Constant -Scope Script
Set-Variable -Name PSGET_PSD1 -Value 'PSD1' -Option Constant -Scope Script
#region Exported Cmdlets
Installs PowerShell modules from a variety of sources including: Nuget, PsGet module directory, local directory, zipped folder and web URL.
Supports installing modules for the current user or all users (if elevated).
Name of the module to install.
URL to the module to install; Can be direct link to PSM1 file or ZIP file. Can be a shortened link.
Local path to the module to install.
In context with -ModuleUrl or -ModulePath it is not always possible to interfere the right ModuleName, eg. the filename is unknown or the zip archive contains multiple modules.
When ModuleUrl or ModulePath specified, allows specifying type of the package. Can be ZIP or PSM1.
NuGet package name containing the module to install.
.PARAMETER PackageVersion
Allows a specific version of the specified NuGet package to used, if not specified then the latest stable version will be used.
.PARAMETER NugetSource
URL to the NuGet feed containing the package.
If PackageVersion is not specified, then this switch allows the latest prerelease package to be used.
.PARAMETER PreReleaseTag
If PackageVersion is not specified, then this parameter allows the latest version of a particular prerelease tag to be used
.PARAMETER Destination
When specified the module will be installed below this path. Defaults to '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' if defined.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
If set, attempts to install the module to the all users location in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Modules...
NOTE: If the -Destination directory is specified, then -Global will only have an effect in combination with '-PersistEnvironment'. This is also the case if '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' is defined.
Indicates that command should not import module after installation
Adds Import-Module statement for installed module to the profile.ps1
Forces module to be updated
.PARAMETER DirectoryUrl
URL to central directory. By default it uses the value in the $global:PsGetDirectoryUrl variable
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
If this switch is specified, the installation destination path will be added to either the User's PSModulePath environment variable or Machine's PSModulePath environment variable (if -Global specified)
.PARAMETER InstallWithModuleName
Allows to specify the name of the module and override the ModuleName normally used.
NOTE: This parameter allows to install a module from the PsGet-Directory more than once and PsGet does not remember that this module is installed with a different name.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
Default: definition in directory file or 'Install.ps1'
Alternative name for 'Update'.
Alternative name for 'AddToProfile'.
# Install-Module PsConfig -DoNotImport
Installs the module without importing it to the current session
# Install-Module PoshHg -AddToProfile
Installs the module and then adds impoer of the given module to your profile.ps1 file
# Install-Module PsUrl
This command will query module information from central registry and install required stuff.
# Install-Module -ModulePath .\Authenticode.psm1 -Global
Installs the Authenticode module to the System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules for all users to use.
# Install-Module -ModuleUrl https://github.com/chaliy/psurl/raw/master/PsUrl/PsUrl.psm1
Installs the PsUrl module to the users modules folder
# Install-Module -ModuleUrl http://bit.ly/e1X4BO -ModuleName "PsUrl"
Installs the PsUrl module with name specified, because command will not be able to guess it
# Install-Module -ModuleUrl https://github.com/psget/psget/raw/master/TestModules/HelloWorld.zip
Downloads HelloWorld module (module can have more than one file) and installs it
# Install-Module -NugetPackageId SomePackage
Downloads the latest stable version of the 'SomePackage' module from the NuGet Gallery
# Install-Module -NugetPackageId SomePackage -PackageVersion 1.0.2-beta
Downloads the specified version of the 'SomePackage' module from the NuGet Gallery
# Install-Module -NugetPackageId SomePackage -PreRelease
Downloads the latest pre-release version of the 'SomePackage' module from the NuGet Gallery
# Install-Module -NugetPackageId SomePackage -PreReleaseTag beta -NugetSource http://myget.org/F/myfeed
Downloads the latest 'beta' pre-release version of the 'SomePackage' module from a custom NuGet feed
function Install-Module {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='CentralDirectory')]
[String] $Module,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Web')]
[String] $ModuleUrl,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Local')]
[String] $ModulePath,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='Web')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='Local')]
[String] $ModuleName,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='Web')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='Local')]
[ValidateSet('ZIP', 'PSM1', 'PSD1', '')] # $script:PSGET_ZIP, $script:PSGET_PSM1 or $script:PSGET_PSD1
[String] $Type,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='NuGet')]
[ValidatePattern('^\w+([_.-]\w+)*$')] # regex from NuGet.PackageIdValidator._idRegex
[ValidateLength(1,100)] # maximum length from NuGet.PackageIdValidator.MaxPackageIdLength
[String] $NuGetPackageId,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='NuGet')]
[String] $PackageVersion,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='NuGet')]
[String] $NugetSource = 'https://nuget.org/api/v2/',
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='NuGet')]
[Switch] $PreRelease,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName='NuGet')]
[String] $PreReleaseTag,
[String] $Destination = $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[Switch] $Update,
[String] $DirectoryUrl = $global:PsGetDirectoryUrl,
[Switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[String] $InstallWithModuleName,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook,
[Switch] $Force,
[Switch] $Startup
process {
if ($Force) {
Write-Verbose 'Force parameter is considered obsolete. Please use Update instead.'
$Update = $true
if ($Startup) {
Write-Verbose 'Startup parameter is considered obsolete. Please use AddToProfile instead.'
$AddToProfile = $true
if (-not $Destination) {
$Destination = if ($Global) { $global:CommonGlobalModuleBasePath } else { $global:UserModuleBasePath }
#Because we are using the default location, always ensure it is persisted
$PersistEnvironment = $true
if (-not $Destination) {
throw 'The destination path was not added to the PSModulePath environment variable, ensure you have the rights to modify environment variables'
$Destination = ConvertTo-CanonicalPath -Path $Destination
Write-Debug "Execute installation for '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)' type."
switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
CentralDirectory {
Install-ModuleFromDirectory -Module:$Module -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -DirectoryUrl:$DirectoryUrl -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
Web {
Install-ModuleFromWeb -ModuleUrl:$ModuleUrl -ModuleName:$ModuleName -Type:$Type -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
Local {
Install-ModuleFromLocal -ModulePath:$ModulePath -ModuleName:$ModuleName -Type:$Type -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
NuGet {
Install-ModuleFromNuGet -NuGetPackageId:$NuGetPackageId -PackageVersion:$PackageVersion -NugetSource:$NugetSource -PreRelease:$PreRelease -PreReleaseTag:$PreReleaseTag -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
default {
throw "Unknown ParameterSetName '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)'"
Updates a module.
Supports updating modules for the current user or all users (if elevated).
Name of the module to update.
If -All is defined. all to PsGet known modules will be updated.
.PARAMETER Destination
When specified the module will be updated below this path.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
If set, attempts to install the module to the all users location in Windows\System32...
Indicates that command should not import module after installation.
Adds installed module to the profile.ps1.
Forces module to be updated.
.PARAMETER DirectoryUrl
URL to central directory. By default it uses the value in the $PsGetDirectoryUrl global variable.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
Will not be check in combination with -All switch.
Default: 'Install.ps1'
# Update-Module PsUrl
Updates the module
function Update-Module {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $Module,
[Switch] $All,
[String] $Destination = $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[String] $DirectoryUrl = $global:PsGetDirectoryUrl,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook
process {
if ($All) {
Install-Module -Module PSGet -Force -DoNotImport
Get-PsGetModuleInfo -ModuleName '*' | Where-Object {
if ($_.Id -ne 'PSGet') {
Get-Module -Name:($_.ModuleName) -ListAvailable
} | Install-Module -Update
Import-Module -Name PSGet -Force -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall
else {
Install-Module -Module:$Module -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -DirectoryUrl:$DirectoryUrl -Update -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
Retrieve information about module from central directory
Command will query central directory to get information about module specified.
Name of module to look for in directory. Supports wildcards.
.PARAMETER DirectoryUrl
URL to central directory. By default it uses the value in the $PsGetDirectoryUrl global variable.
Get-PsGetModuleInfo PoshCo*
Retrieves information about all registered modules that start with PoshCo.
function Get-PsGetModuleInfo {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $ModuleName,
[String] $DirectoryUrl = $global:PsGetDirectoryUrl
begin {
$client = (new-object Net.WebClient)
$client.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
$PsGetDataPath = Join-Path -Path $Env:APPDATA -ChildPath psget
$DirectoryCachePath = Join-Path -Path $PsGetDataPath -ChildPath directorycache.clixml
$DirectoryCache = @()
$CacheEntry = $null
if (Test-Path -Path $DirectoryCachePath) {
$DirectoryCache = Import-Clixml -Path $DirectoryCachePath
$CacheEntry = $DirectoryCache | Where-Object { $_.Url -eq $DirectoryUrl } | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $CacheEntry) {
$CacheEntry = @{
Url = $DirectoryUrl
File = '{0}.xml' -f [Guid]::NewGuid().Tostring()
ETag = $null
$DirectoryCache += @($CacheEntry)
$CacheEntryFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PsGetDataPath -ChildPath $CacheEntry.File
if ($CacheEntry -and $CacheEntry.ETag -and (Test-Path -Path $CacheEntryFilePath)) {
if ((Get-Item -Path $CacheEntryFilePath).LastWriteTime.AddDays(1) -gt (Get-Date)) {
# use cached directory if it is less than 24 hours old
$client.Headers.Add('If-None-Match', $CacheEntry.ETag)
try {
Write-Verbose "Downloading modules repository from $DirectoryUrl"
$stream = $client.OpenRead($DirectoryUrl)
$repoXmlTemp = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument
$StatusCode = 200
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$Response = $_.Exception.Response
if ($Response) { $StatusCode = [int]$Response.StatusCode }
if ($StatusCode -eq 200) {
$repoXml = [xml]$repoXmlTemp
$CacheEntry.ETag = $client.ResponseHeaders['ETag']
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PsGetDataPath)) {
New-Item -Path $PsGetDataPath -ItemType Container | Out-Null
Export-Clixml -InputObject $DirectoryCache -Path $DirectoryCachePath
elseif (Test-Path -Path $CacheEntryFilePath) {
if ($StatusCode -ne 304) {
Write-Warning "Could not retrieve modules repository from '$DirectoryUrl'. Status code: $StatusCode"
Write-Verbose 'Using cached copy of modules repository'
$repoXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $CacheEntryFilePath)
else {
throw "Could not retrieve modules repository from '$DirectoryUrl'. Status code: $StatusCode"
$nss = @{ a = 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom';
pg = 'urn:psget:v1.0' }
$feed = $repoXml.feed
$title = $feed.title.innertext
Write-Verbose "Processing $title feed..."
process {
# Very naive, ignoring namespaces and so on.
$feed.entry | Where-Object { $_.id -like $ModuleName } |
ForEach-Object {
$Type = ''
switch -regex ($_.content.type) {
'application/zip' { $Type = $PSGET_ZIP }
default { $Type = $PSGET_PSM1 }
$Verb = if ($_.properties.Verb -imatch 'POST') { 'POST' } else { 'GET' }
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Title = $_.title.innertext
Description = $_.summary.'#text'
Updated = [DateTime]$_.updated
Author= $_.author.name
Id = $_.id
ModuleName = if ($_.properties.ModuleName) { $_.properties.ModuleName } else { $_.id }
Type = $Type
DownloadUrl = $_.content.src
Verb = $Verb
#This was changed from using the $_.properties.ProjectUrl because the value for ModuleUrl needs to be the full path to the module file
#This change was required to get the tests to pass
ModuleUrl = $_.content.src
NoPostInstallHook = if ($_.properties.NoPostInstallHook -eq 'true') { $true } else { $false }
PostInstallHook = $_.properties.PostInstallHook
PostUpdateHook = $_.properties.PostUpdateHook
} |
Select-Object Title, ModuleName, Id, Description, Updated, Type, Verb, ModuleUrl, DownloadUrl, NoPostInstallHook, PostInstallHook, PostUpdateHook
Calculate the hash value of a module.
Calculate the hash value of the specified module directory for usage with the 'ModuleHash' parameter for validation.
Path to the module directory
Get-PsGetModuleHash $global:UserModuleBasePath\PsGet
Returns the hash value usable with the 'ModuleHash' parameter of 'Install-Module'
function Get-PsGetModuleHash {
param (
[String] $Path
process {
Get-FolderHash -Path (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).Path
#region Sub-Cmdlets
Install a module from the defined PsGet directory.
Name of the module to install from PsGet directory.
.PARAMETER Destination
When specified the module will be installed below this path. Defaults to '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' if defined.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
If set, attempts to install the module to the all users location in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Modules...
NOTE: If the -Destination directory is specified, then -Global will only have an effect in combination with '-PersistEnvironment'. This is also the case if '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' is defined.
Indicates that command should not import module after installation
Adds Import-Module statement for installed module to the profile.ps1
Forces module to be updated
.PARAMETER DirectoryUrl
URL to central directory. By default it uses the value in the $global:PsGetDirectoryUrl variable
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
If this switch is specified, the installation destination path will be added to either the User's PSModulePath environment variable or Machine's PSModulePath environment variable (if -Global specified)
.PARAMETER InstallWithModuleName
Allows to specify the name of the module and override the ModuleName normally used.
NOTE: This parameter allows to install a module from the PsGet-Directory more than once and PsGet does not remember that this module is installed with a different name.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
Default: definition in directory file or 'Install.ps1'
function Install-ModuleFromDirectory {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $Module,
[String] $Destination = $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[Switch] $Update,
[String] $DirectoryUrl = $global:PsGetDirectoryUrl,
[Switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[String] $InstallWithModuleName,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook
process {
$testModuleName = if ($InstallWithModuleName) { $InstallWithModuleName } else { $Module }
if (Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport -ModuleName:$testModuleName -Destination:$Destination -Update:$Update -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash) {
Write-Verbose "Module $Module will be installed from central repository"
$moduleData = Get-PsGetModuleInfo -ModuleName:$Module -DirectoryUrl:$DirectoryUrl | select -First 1
if (-not $moduleData) {
throw "Module $Module was not found in central repository"
# $Module and $moduleData.Id are not equally by guarantee, so we have to test again.
if (Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport -ModuleName:$moduleData.ModuleName -Destination:$Destination -Update:$Update -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash) {
if (-not $DoNotPostInstall) {
$DoNotPostInstall = $moduledata.NoPostInstallHook
if (-not $PostInstallHook) {
if ($Update) {
$PostInstallHook = $moduleData.PostUpdateHook
else {
$PostInstallHook = $moduleData.PostInstallHook
if (-not $PostInstallHook) {
$PostInstallHook = 'Install.ps1'
$result = Invoke-DownloadModuleFromWeb -DownloadUrl:$moduleData.DownloadUrl -ModuleName:$moduleData.ModuleName -Type:$moduleData.Type -Verb:$moduleData.Verb
Install-ModuleToDestination -ModuleName:$result.ModuleName -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -ModuleFolderPath:$result.ModuleFolderPath -TempFolderPath:$result.TempFolderPath -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
Install a module from a provided download location.
URL to the module to install; Can be direct link to PSM1 file or ZIP file. Can be a shortened link.
It is not always possible to interfere the right ModuleName, eg. the filename is unknown or the zip archive contains multiple modules.
When ModuleUrl or ModulePath specified, allows specifying type of the package. Can be ZIP or PSM1.
.PARAMETER Destination
When specified the module will be installed below this path. Defaults to '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' if defined.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
If set, attempts to install the module to the all users location in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Modules...
NOTE: If the -Destination directory is specified, then -Global will only have an effect in combination with '-PersistEnvironment'. This is also the case if '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' is defined.
Indicates that command should not import module after installation
Adds Import-Module statement for installed module to the profile.ps1
Forces module to be updated
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
If this switch is specified, the installation destination path will be added to either the User's PSModulePath environment variable or Machine's PSModulePath environment variable (if -Global specified)
.PARAMETER InstallWithModuleName
Allows to specify the name of the module and override the ModuleName normally used.
NOTE: This parameter allows to install a module from the PsGet-Directory more than once and PsGet does not remember that this module is installed with a different name.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
Default: 'Install.ps1'
function Install-ModuleFromWeb {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $ModuleUrl,
[String] $ModuleName,
[ValidateSet('ZIP', 'PSM1', 'PSD1', '')] # $script:PSGET_ZIP, $script:PSGET_PSM1 or $script:PSGET_PSD1
[String] $Type,
[String] $Destination = $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[Switch] $Update,
[Switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[String] $InstallWithModuleName,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook
process {
Write-Verbose "Module will be installed from $ModuleUrl"
if ($InstallWithModuleName) {
if (Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport -ModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -Destination:$Destination -Update:$Update -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash) {
$result = Invoke-DownloadModuleFromWeb -DownloadUrl:$ModuleUrl -ModuleName:$ModuleName -Type:$Type -Verb:'GET'
if (-not $PostInstallHook) {
$PostInstallHook = 'Install.ps1'
Install-ModuleToDestination -ModuleName:$result.ModuleName -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -ModuleFolderPath:$result.ModuleFolderPath -TempFolderPath:$result.TempFolderPath -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
Install a module from a provided local path.
Local path to the module to install.
It is not always possible to interfere the right ModuleName, eg. the filename is unknown or the zip archive contains multiple modules.
When ModuleUrl or ModulePath specified, allows specifying type of the package. Can be ZIP or PSM1.
.PARAMETER Destination
When specified the module will be installed below this path. Defaults to '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' if defined.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
If set, attempts to install the module to the all users location in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Modules...
NOTE: If the -Destination directory is specified, then -Global will only have an effect in combination with '-PersistEnvironment'. This is also the case if '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' is defined.
Indicates that command should not import module after installation
Adds Import-Module statement for installed module to the profile.ps1
Forces module to be updated
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
If this switch is specified, the installation destination path will be added to either the User's PSModulePath environment variable or Machine's PSModulePath environment variable (if -Global specified)
.PARAMETER InstallWithModuleName
Allows to specify the name of the module and override the ModuleName normally used.
NOTE: This parameter allows to install a module from the PsGet-Directory more than once and PsGet does not remember that this module is installed with a different name.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
Default: 'Install.ps1'
function Install-ModuleFromLocal {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $ModulePath,
[String] $ModuleName,
[ValidateSet('ZIP', 'PSM1', 'PSD1', '')] # $script:PSGET_ZIP, $script:PSGET_PSM1 or $script:PSGET_PSD1
[String] $Type,
[String] $Destination = $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[Switch] $Update,
[Switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[String] $InstallWithModuleName,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook
process {
Write-Verbose 'Module will be installed from local path'
$InstallWithModuleName = if ($InstallWithModuleName) { $InstallWithModuleName } else { $ModuleName }
if ($InstallWithModuleName) {
if (Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport -ModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -Destination:$Destination -Update:$Update -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash) {
$tempFolderPath = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
New-Item $tempFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Debug "Temporary work directory created: $tempFolderPath"
trap { Remove-Item -Path $tempFolderPath -Recurse -Force ; break }
$newModulePath = Join-Path -Path $tempFolderPath -ChildPath 'module'
New-Item $newModulePath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
if (Test-Path -Path $ModulePath -PathType Leaf) {
$extension = (Get-Item $ModulePath).Extension
if ($extension -eq '.psm1') {
$Type = if ($Type) { $Type } else { $PSGET_PSM1 }
} elseif ($extension -eq '.zip') {
$Type = if ($Type) { $Type } else { $PSGET_ZIP }
if ($Type -eq $PSGET_ZIP) {
Expand-ZipModule $ModulePath $newModulePath
else {
Copy-Item -Path $ModulePath -Destination $newModulePath
elseif (Test-Path -Path $ModulePath -PathType Container) {
Copy-Item -Path $ModulePath -Destination $newModulePath -Force -Recurse
else {
throw "ModulePath '$ModulePath' does not point to an module."
$foundResult = Find-ModuleNameAndFolder -Path $newModulePath -ModuleName $ModuleName
if (-not $PostInstallHook) {
$PostInstallHook = 'Install.ps1'
Install-ModuleToDestination -ModuleName:$foundResult.ModuleName -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -ModuleFolderPath:$foundResult.ModuleFolderPath -TempFolderPath:$tempFolderPath -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
Install a module from a NuGet source.
NuGet package name containing the module to install.
.PARAMETER PackageVersion
Allows a specific version of the specified NuGet package to used, if not specified then the latest stable version will be used.
.PARAMETER NugetSource
URL to the NuGet feed containing the package.
If PackageVersion is not specified, then this switch allows the latest prerelease package to be used.
.PARAMETER PreReleaseTag
If PackageVersion is not specified, then this parameter allows the latest version of a particular prerelease tag to be used
.PARAMETER Destination
When specified the module will be installed below this path. Defaults to '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' if defined.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
If set, attempts to install the module to the all users location in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Modules...
NOTE: If the -Destination directory is specified, then -Global will only have an effect in combination with '-PersistEnvironment'. This is also the case if '$global:PsGetDestinationModulePath' is defined.
Indicates that command should not import module after installation
Adds Import-Module statement for installed module to the profile.ps1
Forces module to be updated
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
If this switch is specified, the installation destination path will be added to either the User's PSModulePath environment variable or Machine's PSModulePath environment variable (if -Global specified)
.PARAMETER InstallWithModuleName
Allows to specify the name of the module and override the ModuleName normally used.
NOTE: This parameter allows to install a module from the PsGet-Directory more than once and PsGet does not remember that this module is installed with a different name.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
Default: 'Install.ps1'
function Install-ModuleFromNuGet {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[ValidatePattern('^\w+([_.-]\w+)*$')] # regex from NuGet.PackageIdValidator._idRegex
[ValidateLength(1,100)] # maximum length from NuGet.PackageIdValidator.MaxPackageIdLength
[String] $NuGetPackageId,
[String] $PackageVersion,
[String] $NugetSource = 'https://nuget.org/api/v2/',
[Switch] $PreRelease,
[String] $PreReleaseTag,
[String] $Destination = $global:PsGetDestinationModulePath,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[Switch] $Update,
[Switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[String] $InstallWithModuleName,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook
process {
Write-Verbose 'Module will be installed from NuGet'
$InstallWithModuleName = if ($InstallWithModuleName) { $InstallWithModuleName } else { $NuGetPackageId }
if (Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport -ModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -Destination:$Destination -Update:$Update -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash) {
if (-not $PostInstallHook) {
$PostInstallHook = 'Install.ps1'
try {
$result = Invoke-DownloadNugetPackage -NuGetPackageId $NuGetPackageId -PackageVersion $PackageVersion -Source $NugetSource -PreRelease:$PreRelease -PreReleaseTag $PreReleaseTag
Install-ModuleToDestination -ModuleName:$result.ModuleName -InstallWithModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -ModuleFolderPath:$result.ModuleFolderPath -TempFolderPath:$result.TempFolderPath -Destination:$Destination -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash -Global:$Global -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -AddToProfile:$AddToProfile -Update:$Update -DoNotPostInstall:$DoNotPostInstall -PostInstallHook:$PostInstallHook
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
#region Internal Cmdlets
#region Module Installation
Adds value to a "Path" type of environment variable (PATH or PSModulePath). Path type of variables munge the User and Machine values into the value for the current session.
The System.EnvironmentVariableTarget of what type of environment variable to modify ("Machine","User" or "Session")
The actual path to add to the environment variable
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
If specified, will permanently store the variable in registry
AddPathToPSModulePath -Scope "Machine" -PathToAdd "$env:CommonProgramFiles\Modules"
This command add the path "$env:CommonProgramFiles\Modules" to the Machine PSModulePath environment variable
function Add-PathToPSModulePath {
param (
[string] $PathToAdd,
[switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[switch] $Global
process {
$PathToAdd = ConvertTo-CanonicalPath -Path $PathToAdd
if(-not $PersistEnvironment) {
if (-not ($env:PSModulePath.Contains($PathToAdd))) {
Write-Warning "Module install destination `"$PathToAdd`" is not included in the PSModulePath environment variable."
$scope = 'User'
if ($Global) {
Write-Verbose 'The Machine environment variable PSModulePath will be modified.'
$scope = 'Machine'
$pathValue = '' + [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $scope)
if (-not ($pathValue.Contains($PathToAdd))) {
if ($pathValue -eq '') {
Write-Debug "PSModulePath for scope '$scope' was read empty. Setting PowerShell default instead."
if ($scope -eq 'User') {
$pathValue = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) -ChildPath 'WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
else {
$pathValue = Join-Path -Path $PSHOME -ChildPath 'Modules'
if (-not ($pathValue.Contains($PathToAdd))) {
$pathValue = "$pathValue;$PathToAdd"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $pathValue, $scope)
Write-Host """$PathToAdd"" is added to the PSModulePath environment variable"
else {
Write-Verbose """$PathToAdd"" already exists in PSModulePath environment variable"
Standardize the provided path.
A simple routine to standardize path formats.
function ConvertTo-CanonicalPath {
[String] $Path
process {
return [IO.Path]::GetFullPath(($Path.Trim()))
Find the module file in the given path.
Path of module
Name of the Module
function Get-ModuleFile {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $Path,
[String] $ModuleName = '*'
process {
$Includes = Get-PossibleModuleFileNames -ModuleName $ModuleName
# Sort by folder length ensures that we use one from root folder(Issue #12)
$DirectoryNameLengthProperty = @{
E = { $_.DirectoryName.Length }
# sort by Includes to give PSD1 preference over PSM1, etc
$IncludesPreferenceProperty = @{
E = {
for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Includes.Length; $Index++) {
if ($_.Name -like $Includes[$Index]) { break }
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include $Includes -Recurse |
Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
Sort-Object -Property $DirectoryNameLengthProperty, $IncludesPreferenceProperty |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1
Get list of possible names for the module file.
Name of the module
function Get-PossibleModuleFileNames {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $ModuleName
process {
'psd1','psm1','ps1','dll','cdxml','xaml' | ForEach-Object { "$ModuleName`.$_" }
Search in the provided folder for a module, if possible with the provided name.
Path to search in for the module.
ModuleName which is expected.
function Find-ModuleNameAndFolder {
[String] $Path,
[String] $ModuleName
process {
if ($ModuleName) {
$moduleFile = Get-ModuleFile -Path $Path -ModuleName $ModuleName
if (-not $moduleFile) {
throw "Could not find a module with name '$ModuleName' in the provided file."
else {
$moduleFile = Get-ModuleFile -Path $Path
if (-not $moduleFile) {
throw 'Could not find any module in the provided file.'
$ModuleName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($moduleFile)
$moduleFolderPath = Split-Path -Path $moduleFile
return @{
ModuleName = $ModuleName
ModuleFolderPath = $moduleFolderPath
Import given modele
Import given module with switch -Global (functions available to other modules) and avoid
a Powershell bug related to binary modules.
function Import-ModuleGlobally {
param (
[String] $ModuleName,
[String] $ModuleBase,
[Switch] $Force
process {
Write-Verbose "Importing installed module '$ModuleName' from '$($installedModule.ModuleBase)'"
Import-Module -Name $ModuleBase -Global -Force:$Force
# For psget no further checks are needed and their execution cause
# an error for the update process of 'psget'
# https://github.com/psget/psget/issues/186
if ($ModuleName -eq 'PsGet') {
$IdentityExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension((Get-ModuleFile -Path $ModuleBase -ModuleName $ModuleName))
if ($IdentityExtension -eq '.dll') {
# import module twice for binary modules to workaround PowerShell bug:
# https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/733869/import-module-global-does-not-work-for-a-binary-module
Import-Module -Name $ModuleBase -Global -Force:$Force
Download module from URL
Download module from URL and try to interfere unknown parameter.
If download target is a zip-archive it will be extracted.
Returns a map containing the TempFolderPath, ModuleFolderPath and ModuleName.
The TempFolderPath should be removed after processing the result.
.PARAMETER DownloadUrl
URL to the module delivery file.
Name of the module.
Type of the module delivery file.
Http method used for download.
function Invoke-DownloadModuleFromWeb {
param (
[String] $DownloadUrl,
[String] $ModuleName,
[String] $Type,
[String] $Verb
$tempFolderPath = Join-Path -Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
New-Item -Path $tempFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Debug "Temporary work directory created: $tempFolderPath"
# make certain that the tempFolder will be deleted if there is an error
trap { Remove-Item -Path $tempFolderPath -Recurse -Force; break }
Write-Verbose "Downloading module from $DownloadUrl"
$client = (new-object Net.WebClient)
$client.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
$downloadFilePath = Join-Path -Path $tempfolderPath -ChildPath 'download'
if ($Verb -eq 'POST') {
$client.Headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($downloadFilePath, $client.UploadData($DownloadUrl, ''))
else {
$client.DownloadFile($DownloadUrl, $downloadFilePath)
$candidateName = '{undefined}'
$contentDisposition = $client.ResponseHeaders['Content-Disposition']
Write-Debug "Try to get module file name from content disposition header: Content-Disposition = '$contentDisposition'"
if ($contentDisposition -match '\bfilename="?(?<name>[^/]+)\.(?<ext>psm1|zip)"?') {
$candidateName = $Matches.name
$Type = if ($Type) { $Type } elseif ($Matches.ext -eq 'psm1') { $PSGET_PSM1 } elseif ($Matches.ext -eq 'zip') { $PSGET_ZIP }
else {
Write-Debug "Try to get module file name from url: '$DownloadUrl'"
if ($DownloadUrl -match '\b(?<name>[^/]+)\.(?<ext>psm1|zip)[\#\?]*') {
$candidateName = $Matches.name
$Type = if ($Type) { $Type } elseif ($Matches.ext -eq 'psm1') { $PSGET_PSM1 } elseif ($Matches.ext -eq 'zip') { $PSGET_ZIP }
else {
$locationHeader = $client.ResponseHeaders['Location']
Write-Debug "Check location header in case of redirect: '$locationHeader'"
if ($locationHeader -match '\b(?<name>[^/]+)\.(?<ext>psm1|zip)[\#\?]*') {
$candidateName = $Matches.name
$Type = if ($Type) { $Type } elseif ($Matches.ext -eq 'psm1') { $PSGET_PSM1 } elseif ($Matches.ext -eq 'zip') { $PSGET_ZIP }
Write-Debug "Invoke-DownloadModuleFromWeb: CandidateName = '$candidateName'"
if (-not $Type) {
$contentType = $client.ResponseHeaders['Content-Type']
Write-Debug "Download header Content-Type: '$contentType'"
if ($contentType -eq 'application/zip') {
$type = $PSGET_ZIP
# check downloaded file for the PKZip header
elseif ((Get-Item -Path $downloadFilePath).Length -gt 4) {
Write-Debug 'Search for PKZipHeader'
$knownPKZipHeader = 0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04
$fileHeader = Get-Content -Path $downloadFilePath -Encoding Byte -TotalCount 4
if ([System.BitConverter]::ToString($knownPKZipHeader) -eq [System.BitConverter]::ToString($fileHeader)) {
Write-Debug 'Found PKZipHeader => Type = ZIP'
$type = $PSGET_ZIP
else {
Write-Debug 'No PKZipHeader found => Type -ne ZIP'
if (-not $Type) {
Write-Debug 'If its most likely no zip it has to be an PSM1 file.'
$Type = $PSGET_PSM1
$moduleFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $tempFolderPath -ChildPath 'module'
New-Item -Path $moduleFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
switch ($Type) {
$zipFilePath = $downloadFilePath + '.zip'
Move-Item -Path $downloadFilePath -Destination $zipFilePath
Expand-ZipModule -Path $zipFilePath -Destination $moduleFolderPath
if (-not $ModuleName) {
if ($candidateName -eq '{undefined}') {
throw 'Cannot guess module name. Try specifying ModuleName argument!'
$ModuleName = $candidateName
$psmFilePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleFolderPath -ChildPath "$ModuleName.psm1"
Move-Item -Path $downloadFilePath -Destination $psmFilePath
default {
throw "Type $Type is not supported yet"
$foundResult = Find-ModuleNameAndFolder -Path $moduleFolderPath -ModuleName $ModuleName
Write-Debug "Invoke-DownloadModuleFromWeb: ModuleName = '$ModuleName'"
return @{
TempFolderPath = $tempFolderPath
ModuleFolderPath = $foundResult.ModuleFolderPath
ModuleName = $foundResult.ModuleName
Install the provided module into the defined destination.
Install the module inside of the provided directory into the defined destination
and perform the following steps:
* Rename module if requested by provided InstallWithModuleName
* If a ModuleHash is provided, check if it matches.
* Add the destination path to the PSModulePath if necessary (depends on provided parameters)
* Place the conventions-matching module folder in the destination folder
* Import the module if necessary
* Add the profile import to profile if necessary
The name of the module.
.PARAMETER InstallWithModuleName
The name the module should get.
.PARAMETER ModuleFolderPath
The path to the module data, which contains the module main file, named according to ModuleName
.PARAMETER TempFolderPath
TempPath used by PsGet for doing the work. Contains the ModuleFolderPath and will be deleted after processing,
.PARAMETER Destination
Path to which the module will be installed.
When ModuleHash is specified the chosen module will only be installed if its contents match the provided hash.
Influence the PSModulePath changes and profile changes.
.PARAMETER PersistEnvironment
Defines if the PSModulePath changes should be persistent.
Defines if the installed module should be imported.
Defines if an 'Import-Module' statement should be added to the profile.
Defines if an already existing folder in the target may be deleted for installation of the module.
.PARAMETER DoNotPostInstall
If defined, the PostInstallHook is not executed.
.PARAMETER PostInstallHook
Defines the name of a script inside the installed module folder which should be executed after installation.
function Install-ModuleToDestination {
param (
[String] $ModuleName,
[String] $ModuleFolderPath,
[String] $TempFolderPath,
[String] $Destination,
[String] $InstallWithModuleName,
[String] $ModuleHash,
[Switch] $Global,
[Switch] $PersistEnvironment,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[Switch] $AddToProfile,
[Switch] $Update,
[Switch] $DoNotPostInstall,
[String] $PostInstallHook
process {
# Make certain the temp folder is deleted
trap { Remove-Item -Path $TempFolderPath -Recurse -Force; break }
$InstallWithModuleName = if ($InstallWithModuleName) { $InstallWithModuleName } else { $ModuleName }
# Case: no $InstallWithModuleName and module name interfered from install files
if (Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport -ModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -Destination:$Destination -Update:$Update -DoNotImport:$DoNotImport -ModuleHash:$ModuleHash) {
Remove-Item -Path $TempFolderPath -Recurse -Force
$moduleFilePath = Get-ModuleFile -Path $ModuleFolderPath -ModuleName $ModuleName
# sanity checks
if (-not $moduleFilePath) {
throw 'BUG! Module installation failed in step Install-ModuleToDestination. Please report this issue including your command line.'
if ($ModuleFolderPath -ne (Split-Path -Path $moduleFilePath)) {
throw 'BUG! Module installation failed in step Install-ModuleToDestination. Please report this issue including your command line.'
if ($InstallWithModuleName -ne $ModuleName) {
Rename-Item -Path $moduleFilePath -NewName ($InstallWithModuleName + (Get-Item $moduleFilePath).Extension)
$targetFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $Destination -ChildPath $InstallWithModuleName
if ($ModuleHash) {
Write-Verbose 'Ensure that the hash of the module matches the specified hash'
$newModuleHash = Get-PsGetModuleHash -Path $ModuleFolderPath
Write-Verbose "Hash of module in '$ModuleFolderPath' is: $newModuleHash"
if ($ModuleHash -ne $newModuleHash) {
throw 'Module contents do not match specified module hash. Ensure the expected hash is correct and the module source is trusted.'
if ( Test-Path $targetFolderPath ) {
Write-Verbose 'Module already exists in destination path. Check if hash in destination is correct. If not replace with to be installed module.'
$destinationModuleHash = Get-PsGetModuleHash -Path $targetFolderPath
if ($destinationModuleHash -ne $ModuleHash ) {
$Update = $true
#Add the Destination path to the User or Machine environment
Add-PathToPSModulePath -PathToAdd:$Destination -PersistEnvironment:$PersistEnvironment -Global:$Global
if (-not (Test-Path $targetFolderPath)) {
New-Item $targetFolderPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable FailMkDir | Out-Null
## Handle the error if they asked for -Global and don't have permissions
if ($FailMkDir -and @($FailMkDir)[0].CategoryInfo.Category -eq 'PermissionDenied') {
throw "You do not have permission to install a module to '$Destination'. You may need to be elevated."
Write-Verbose "Create module folder at $targetFolderPath"
Write-Debug 'Empty existing module folder before copying new files.'
Get-ChildItem -Path $targetFolderPath -Force | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Debug 'Copy module files to destination folder'
Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleFolderPath | Copy-Item -Destination $targetFolderPath -Force -Recurse
if (-not $DoNotPostInstall) {
Write-Verbose "PostInstallHook $PostInstallHook"
if ($PostInstallHook -like '*.ps1') {
$postInstallScript = Join-Path -Path $targetFolderPath -ChildPath $PostInstallHook
if (Test-Path -Path $postInstallScript -PathType Leaf) {
Write-Verbose "'$PostInstallHook' found in module. Let's execute it."
& $postInstallScript
else {
Write-Verbose "PostInstallHook '$PostInstallHook' not found."
$isDestinationInPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath.Contains($Destination)
if ($isDestinationInPSModulePath) {
if (-not (Get-Module $InstallWithModuleName -ListAvailable)) {
throw 'For some unexpected reasons module was not installed.'
else {
if (-not (Get-ModuleFile -Path $targetFolderPath)) {
throw 'For some unexpected reasons module was not installed.'
if ($Update) {
Write-Host "Module $InstallWithModuleName was successfully updated." -Foreground Green
else {
Write-Host "Module $InstallWithModuleName was successfully installed." -Foreground Green
if (-not $DoNotImport) {
Import-ModuleGlobally -ModuleName:$InstallWithModuleName -ModuleBase:$targetFolderPath -Force:$Update
if ($isDestinationInPSModulePath -and $AddToProfile) {
# WARNING $Profile is empty on Win2008R2 under Administrator
if ($PROFILE) {
if (-not (Test-Path $PROFILE)) {
Write-Verbose "Creating PowerShell profile...`n$PROFILE"
New-Item $PROFILE -Type File -Force -ErrorAction Stop
if (Select-String $PROFILE -Pattern "Import-Module $InstallWithModuleName") {
Write-Verbose "Import-Module $InstallWithModuleName command already in your profile"
else {
$signature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $PROFILE
if ($signature.Status -eq 'Valid') {
Write-Error "PsGet cannot modify code-signed profile '$PROFILE'."
else {
Write-Verbose "Add Import-Module $InstallWithModuleName command to the profile"
"`nImport-Module $InstallWithModuleName" | Add-Content $PROFILE
Write-Debug "Cleanup temporary work folder '$TempFolderPath'"
Remove-Item -Path $TempFolderPath -Recurse -Force
Test if module is installed and import it then.
Test if module with provided name is installed in the target destination.
If it is installed, it will be imported. Returns '$true' if installed.
Name of the module
.PARAMETER Destination
Installation destination
If 'Update'-switch is set, this returns always '$true'.
Switch suppress the import of module.
If a hash is provided an installed module will only be accepted as installed if the hash match.
function Test-ModuleInstalledAndImport {
param (
[String] $ModuleName,
[String] $Destination,
[Switch] $Update,
[Switch] $DoNotImport,
[String] $ModuleHash
process {
if ($Update) {
#TODO: This implementation is more like the old -Force flag, because this will force an installation also if no installation in destination exists.
Write-Verbose "Ignoring if module with name '$ModuleName' is already installed because of update mode."
return $false
$installedModule = Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ListAvailable
if ($installedModule) {
if ($installedModule.Count -gt 1) {
$targetModule = $installedModule | Where-Object { (ConvertTo-CanonicalPath -Path (Split-Path $_.ModuleBase)) -eq $Destination } | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $targetModule) {
Write-Warning "Module with name '$ModuleName' was not found in '$Destination'. But it was found in:`n $($installedModule.ModuleBase | Format-List | Out-String)"
return $false
Write-Warning "The module '$ModuleName' was installed at more than one location. Installed paths:`n`t$($installedModule.ModuleBase | Format-List | Out-String)`n'$($firstInstalledModule.ModuleBase)' is the searched destination."
$installedModule = $targetModule
elseif ((Split-Path $installedModule.ModuleBase) -ne $Destination) {
Write-Verbose "Module with name '$ModuleName' was found in '$($installedModule.ModuleBase)' but not in '$Destination'."
return $false
else {
$candidateModulePath = Join-Path -Path $Destination -ChildPath $ModuleName
$possibleModuleFileNames = Get-PossibleModuleFileNames -ModuleName $ModuleName
if (Test-Path -Path $candidateModulePath\* -Include $possibleModuleFileNames -PathType Leaf) {
Write-Verbose "Module with name '$ModuleName' found in '$Destination' (note: destination is not in PSModulePath)"
$installedModule = @{ ModuleBase = $CandidateModulePath }
else {
Write-Verbose "Module with name '$ModuleName' is not installed."
return $false
if ($ModuleHash) {
$installedModuleHash = Get-PsGetModuleHash -Path $installedModule.ModuleBase
Write-Verbose "Hash of module in '$($installedModule.ModuleBase)' is: $InstalledModuleHash"
if ($ModuleHash -ne $installedModuleHash) {
Write-Verbose "Expected '$ModuleHash' but calculated '$installedModuleHash'."
return $false
Write-Verbose "'$ModuleName' already installed. Use -Update if you need update"
if ($DoNotImport -eq $false) {
Import-ModuleGlobally -ModuleName $ModuleName -ModuleBase $installedModule.ModuleBase -Force:$Update
return $true
Extract the content of the referenced zip file to the defined destination
Path to a zip file with the file extension '.zip'
.Parameter Destination
Path to which the zip content is extracted
function Expand-ZipModule {
param (
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $Path,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]
[String] $Destination
process {
Write-Debug "Unzipping $Path to $Destination..."
# Check if powershell v3+ and .net v4.5 is available
$netFailed = $true
if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3 -and (Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4' -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty -Name Version | Where-Object { $_.Version -like '4.5*' -Or $_.Version -ge '4.5' }) ) {
Write-Debug 'Attempting unzip using the .NET Framework...'
try {
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($Path, $Destination)
$netFailed = $false
catch {
if ($netFailed) {
try {
Write-Debug 'Attempting unzip using the Windows Shell...'
$shellApp = New-Object -Com Shell.Application
$shellZip = $shellApp.NameSpace([String]$Path)
$shellDest = $shellApp.NameSpace($Destination)
catch {
$shellFailed = $true
# if failure already registered or no result
if (($netFailed -and $shellFailed) -or ((Get-ChildItem $Destination | Measure-Object | Where-Object { $_.Count -eq 0}))) {
Write-Warning 'We were unable to decompress the downloaded module. This tends to mean both of the following are true:'
Write-Warning '1. You''ve disabled Windows Explorer Zip file integration or are running on Windows Server Core.'
Write-Warning '2. You don''t have the .NET Framework 4.5 installed.'
Write-Warning 'You''ll need to correct at least one of the above issues depending on your installation to proceed.'
throw 'Unable to unzip downloaded module file!'
Update '$env:PSModulePath' from 'User' and 'Machine' scope environment variables
function Update-PSModulePath {
process {
# powershell default
$psModulePath = "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowershell\Modules\"
$machineModulePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', 'Machine')
if (-not $machineModulePath) {
# powershell default
$machineModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSHOME -ChildPath 'Modules'
$userModulePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', 'User')
if (-not $userModulePath) {
# powershell default
$userModulePath = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) -ChildPath 'WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
$newSessionValue = "$userModulePath;$machineModulePath;$psModulePath"
#Set the value in the current process
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $newSessionValue, 'Process')
#region NuGet Handling
Download a module of type NuGet package
NuGet package id
.PARAMETER PackageVersion
Specific version to be installed. If not defined, install newest.
NuGet source url
If no PackageVersion is defined, may PreReleases be used?
.PARAMETER PreReleaseTag
If PreReleases may be used, also use prereleases of a special tag?
function Invoke-DownloadNuGetPackage {
param (
[String] $NuGetPackageId,
[String] $PackageVersion,
[String] $Source,
[Switch] $PreRelease,
[String] $PreReleaseTag
process {
$WebClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
$WebClient.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
if (-not $Source.EndsWith('/')) {
$Source += '/'
Write-Verbose "Querying '$Source' repository for package with Id '$NuGetPackageId'"
try {
$Url = "{1}Packages()?`$filter=tolower(Id)+eq+'{0}'&`$orderby=Id" -f $NuGetPackageId.ToLower(), $Source
Write-Debug "Trying NuGet query url: $Url"
$XmlDoc = [xml]$WebClient.DownloadString($Url)
catch {
try {
$Url = "{1}Packages(Id='{0}')?`$orderby=Id" -f $NuGetPackageId, $Source
Write-Debug "Trying NuGet query url: $Url"
$XmlDoc = [xml]$WebClient.DownloadString($Url)
catch {
throw "Unable to download from NuGet feed: $($_.Exception.InnerException.Message)"
if ($PackageVersion) {
# version regexs can be found in the NuGet.SemanticVersion class
$Entry = $XmlDoc.feed.entry |
Where-Object { $_.properties.Version -eq $PackageVersion } |
Select-Object -First 1
else {
$Entry = Find-LatestNugetPackageFromFeed -Feed:$XmlDoc.feed.entry -PreRelease:$PreRelease -PreReleaseTag:$PreReleaseTag
if ($Entry) {
$PackageVersion = $Entry.properties.Version
Write-Verbose "Found NuGet package version '$PackageVersion'"
else {
throw ("Cannot find NuGet package '$NuGetPackageId $PackageVersion' [PreRelease='{0}', PreReleaseTag='{1}']" -f $PreRelease, $PreReleaseTag)
$DownloadUrl = $Entry.content.src
Write-Verbose "Downloading NuGet package from '$DownloadUrl'"
$DownloadResult = Invoke-DownloadModuleFromWeb -DownloadUrl:$DownloadUrl -ModuleName:$NugetPackageId
return $DownloadResult
Find the latest release in the provided NuGet feed for the NuGet package id.
Xml feed node for NuGet package
If no PackageVersion is defined, may PreReleases be used?
.PARAMETER PreReleaseTag
If PreReleases may be used, also use prereleases of a special tag?
function Find-LatestNugetPackageFromFeed {
[Object[]] $Feed,
[Switch] $PreRelease,
[String] $PreReleaseTag
process {
# From NuGet.SemanticVersion - https://github.com/Haacked/NuGet/blob/master/src/Core/SemanticVersion.cs
$semVerRegex = "^(?<Version>\d+(\s*\.\s*\d+){0,3})(?<Release>-[a-z][0-9a-z-]*)?$"
$semVerStrictRegex = "^(?<Version>\d+(\.\d+){2})(?<Release>-[a-z][0-9a-z-]*)?$"
# find only stable versions
$stableRegex = "^(\d+(\s*\.\s*\d+){0,3})?$"
# find stable and prerelease versions
$preReleaseRegex = "^(\d+(\s*\.\s*\d+){0,3})(-[a-z][0-9a-z-]*)?$"
# find only a specific prerelease versions
$specificPreReleaseRegex = "^(\d+(\s*\.\s*\d+){{0,3}}-{0}[0-9a-z-]*)?$" -f $preReleaseTag
# Set the required search expression
$searchRegex = $stableRegex
if ($preRelease) { $searchRegex = $preReleaseRegex }
if ($preReleaseTag) { $searchRegex = $specificPreReleaseRegex }
$packages = $feed | Where-Object {
($_.properties.Version) -match $searchRegex
return ($packages | Select -Last 1)
#region Module Hashing
Calculate a hash for the given file
File path for hasing
function Get-FileHash {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[String] $Path
begin {
$Algorithm = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
process {
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Error "Cannot find file: $Path"
$Stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Path)
try {
$HashBytes = $Algorithm.ComputeHash($Stream)
[BitConverter]::ToString($HashBytes) -replace '-',''
finally {
Calculate a hash for the given directory.
Path to the folder which should be hashed.
function Get-FolderHash {
param (
[String] $Path
process {
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container)) {
throw "Cannot find folder: $Path"
$Path = $Path + '\' -replace '\\\\$','\\'
$PathPattern = '^' + [Regex]::Escape($Path)
$ChildHashes = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Force |
Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
ForEach-Object {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
RelativePath = $_.FullName -replace $PathPattern, ''
Hash = Get-FileHash -Path $_.FullName
$Text = @($ChildHashes |
Sort-Object -Property RelativePath |
ForEach-Object {
'{0} {1}' -f $_.Hash, $_.RelativePath
}) -join '`r`n'
Write-Debug "TEXT>$Text<TEXT"
$Algorithm = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed
$HashBytes = $Algorithm.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Text))
[BitConverter]::ToString($HashBytes) -replace '-',''
#region TabExpansion
# Back Up TabExpansion if needed
# Idea is stolen from posh-git + ps-get
$tabExpansionBackup = 'PsGet_DefaultTabExpansion'
if ((Test-Path -Path Function:\TabExpansion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and -not (Test-Path -Path Function:\$tabExpansionBackup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Rename-Item -Path Function:\TabExpansion $tabExpansionBackup -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Revert old tabexpnasion when module is unloaded
# this does not cover all paths, but most of them
# Idea is stolen from PowerTab
$Module = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module
$Module.OnRemove = {
Write-Debug 'Revert tab expansion back'
Remove-Item -Path Function:\TabExpansion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (Test-Path -Path Function:\$tabExpansionBackup) {
Rename-Item -Path Function:\$tabExpansionBackup Function:\TabExpansion
function TabExpansion {
[String] $line,
[String] $lastWord
process {
if ($line -eq "Install-Module $lastword" -or $line -eq "inmo $lastword" -or $line -eq "ismo $lastword" -or $line -eq "upmo $lastword" -or $line -eq "Update-Module $lastword") {
Get-PsGetModuleInfo -ModuleName "$lastword*" | % { $_.Id } | sort -Unique
elseif ( Test-Path -Path Function:\$tabExpansionBackup ) {
& $tabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord
#region Module Interface
Set-Alias -Name inmo -Value Install-Module #Obsolete
Set-Alias -Name ismo -Value Install-Module
Set-Alias -Name upmo -Value Update-Module
Export-ModuleMember Install-Module
Export-ModuleMember Update-Module
Export-ModuleMember Get-PsGetModuleInfo
Export-ModuleMember Get-PsGetModuleHash
Export-ModuleMember TabExpansion
Export-ModuleMember -Alias inmo
Export-ModuleMember -Alias ismo
Export-ModuleMember -Alias upmo