Dax T. Games cf15dcffc7 Added/enhanced bash with, organized tasks menu
added personal files to .gitignore so they never get uploaded to the repo and added support for msys2 bash in the new git for windows

added autocreate of config/ if iot does not exist and added it to the .gitignore

Added tasks: cmd::Cmder, cmd::Cmder as Admin, bash::bash, bash::bash as Admin, bash::mintty, bash::mintty as admin, powershell::powershell, powershell::powershell as Admin. Set default task to cmd::Cmder.  Cot rid of init.bat running before /bin/bash, fixes double exit requirement

Added running git for windows post-install.bat on first cmder launch

fixed file/path not found  errors when launching powershell as admin

fixed file/path not found errors when launching bash/mintty as admin

fixed PATH in vendor/

Added sourcing ~/.bashrc if it exists.

changed .gitignore to ignore anything with path of config/user-*

removed my personal files from .gitignore, left in config/user-*

Make sure $CMDER_ROOT does not have a trailing '/'

%CMDER_ROOT% does not have trailing '\'. allow user to specify a conemu.xml on the command line

Removed '\' from %CMDER_ROOT%
2015-11-14 12:07:56 -06:00

92 lines
2.9 KiB

:: Init Script for cmd.exe
:: Created as part of cmder project
:: !!! Use "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-startup.cmd" to add your own startup commands
:: Find root dir
@if not defined CMDER_ROOT (
for /f "delims=" %%i in ("%ConEmuDir%\..\..") do @set CMDER_ROOT=%%~fi
:: Remove trailing '\'
@if "%CMDER_ROOT:~-1%" == "\" SET CMDER_ROOT=%CMDER_ROOT:~0,-1%
:: Change the prompt style
:: Mmm tasty lamb
@prompt $E[1;32;40m$P$S{git}{hg}$S$_$E[1;30;40m{lamb}$S$E[0m
:: Pick right version of clink
set architecture=86
) else (
set architecture=64
:: Run clink
@"%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\clink\clink_x%architecture%.exe" inject --quiet --profile "%CMDER_ROOT%\config"
:: Prepare for git-for-windows
:: I do not even know, copypasted from their .bat
@if not defined TERM set TERM=cygwin
:: Check if msysgit is installed
@if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Git" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Git"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git"
) else if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows"
:: Add git to the path
@if defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT (
set "PATH=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\bin;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin;%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\share\vim\vim74;%PATH%"
:: define SVN_SSH so we can use git svn with ssh svn repositories
if not defined SVN_SSH set "SVN_SSH=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT:\=\\%\\bin\\ssh.exe"
:: Enhance Path
:: Add aliases
@doskey /macrofile="%CMDER_ROOT%\config\aliases"
:: See vendor\git-for-windows\README.portable for why we do this
:: Basically we need to execute this post-install.bat because we are
:: manually extracting the archive rather than executing the 7z sfx
@if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\post-install.bat" (
echo Running Git for Windows one time Post Install....
cd /d "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\"
"%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows\git-bash.exe" --no-needs-console --hide --no-cd --command=post-install.bat
:: Set home path
@if not defined HOME set HOME=%USERPROFILE%
@if defined CMDER_START (
@cd /d "%CMDER_START%"
) else (
@if "%CD%\" == "%CMDER_ROOT%" (
@cd /d "%HOME%"
@if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-startup.cmd" (
@rem create this file and place your own command in there
call "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-startup.cmd"
) else (
@echo Creating user startup file: "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-startup.cmd"
@echo :: use this file to run your own startup commands
@echo :: use @ in front of the command to prevent printing the command
@echo :: @call "%%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%%/cmd/start-ssh-agent.cmd
@echo :: @set PATH=%%CMDER_ROOT%%\vendor\whatever;%%PATH%%
) > "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-startup.cmd"