
221 lines
7.8 KiB

Build Cmder
Use this script to build your own edition of Cmder
This script builds dependencies from current vendor/sources.json file and unpacks them.
You will need to make this script executable by setting your Powershell Execution Policy to Remote signed
Then unblock the script for execution with UnblockFile .\build.ps1
Executes the default build for Cmder; ConEmu, clink. This is equivalent to the "minimum" style package in the releases
.\build.ps1 -Compile
Recompile the launcher executable if you have the requisite build tools for C++ installed.
.\build.ps1 -Compile -NoVendor
Skip all downloads and only build launcher.
.\build -verbose
Execute the build and see what's going on.
.\build.ps1 -SourcesPath '~/custom/vendors.json'
Build cmder with your own packages. See vendor/sources.json for the syntax you need to copy.
Samuel Vasko, Jack Bennett
Part of the Cmder project.
.LINK - Project Home
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
# CmdletBinding will give us;
# -verbose switch to turn on logging and
# -whatif switch to not actually make changes
# Path to the vendor configuration source file
[string]$sourcesPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\vendor\sources.json",
# Vendor folder location
[string]$saveTo = "$PSScriptRoot\..\vendor\",
# Launcher folder location
[string]$launcher = "$PSScriptRoot\..\launcher",
# Config folder location
[string]$config = "$PSScriptRoot\..\config",
# Using this option will skip all downloads, if you only need to build launcher
# Using this option will specify the emulator to use [none, all, conemu-maximus5, or windows-terminal]
[string]$terminal = 'all',
# Build launcher if you have MSBuild tools installed
# Get the scripts and cmder root dirs we are building in.
$cmder_root = (Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..").toString()
# Dot source util functions into this scope
. "$PSScriptRoot\utils.ps1"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if ($Compile) {
# Check for requirements
Ensure-Executable "msbuild"
# Get the version string
$version = Get-VersionStr
Push-Location -Path $launcher
Create-RC $version ($launcher + '\src\version.rc2')
Write-Verbose "Building the launcher..."
# Reference:
msbuild CmderLauncher.vcxproj /t:Clean,Build /p:configuration=Release /m
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "MSBuild failed to build the launcher executable."
if (-not $noVendor) {
# Check for requirements
Ensure-Exists $sourcesPath
Ensure-Executable "7z"
# Get the vendor sources
$sources = Get-Content $sourcesPath | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
Push-Location -Path $saveTo
New-Item -Type Directory -Path (Join-Path $saveTo "/tmp/") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >$null
$vend = $pwd
# Preserve modified (by user) ConEmu setting file
if ($config -ne "") {
$ConEmuXml = Join-Path $saveTo "conemu-maximus5\ConEmu.xml"
if (Test-Path $ConEmuXml -pathType leaf) {
$ConEmuXmlSave = Join-Path $config "ConEmu.xml"
Write-Verbose "Backup '$ConEmuXml' to '$ConEmuXmlSave'"
Copy-Item $ConEmuXml $ConEmuXmlSave
else { $ConEmuXml = "" }
else { $ConEmuXml = "" }
# Preserve modified (by user) Windows Terminal setting file
if ($config -ne "") {
$WinTermSettingsJson = Join-Path $saveTo "windows-terminal\settings\settings.json"
if (Test-Path $WinTermSettingsJson -pathType leaf) {
$WinTermSettingsJsonSave = Join-Path $config "windows_terminal_settings.json"
Write-Verbose "Backup '$WinTermSettingsJson' to '$WinTermSettingsJsonSave'"
Copy-Item $WinTermSettingsJson $WinTermSettingsJsonSave
else { $WinTermSettingsJson = "" }
else { $WinTermSettingsJson = "" }
# Kill ssh-agent.exe if it is running from the $env:cmder_root we are building
foreach ($ssh_agent in $(Get-Process ssh-agent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
if ([string]$($ssh_agent.path) -Match [string]$cmder_root.replace('\', '\\')) {
Write-Verbose $("Stopping " + $ssh_agent.path + "!")
Stop-Process $
foreach ($s in $sources) {
if ($terminal -eq "none") {
} elseif ($ -eq "conemu-maximus5" -and $terminal -eq "windows-terminal") {
} elseif ($ -eq "windows-terminal" -and $terminal -eq "conemu-maximus5") {
Write-Verbose "Getting vendored $($ $($s.version)..."
# We do not care about the extensions/type of archive
$tempArchive = "tmp/$($"
Delete-Existing $tempArchive
Delete-Existing $
Download-File -Url $s.url -File $vend\$tempArchive -ErrorAction Stop
Extract-Archive $tempArchive $
# Make Embedded Windows Terminal Portable
if ($ -eq "windows-terminal") {
$windowTerminalFiles = resolve-path ($saveTo + "\" + $ + "\terminal*")
move-item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $windowTerminalFiles\* $ >$null
remove-item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $windowTerminalFiles >$null
write-verbose "Making Windows Terminal Portable..."
New-Item -Type Directory -Path (Join-Path $saveTo "/windows-terminal/settings") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >$null
New-Item -Type File -Path (Join-Path $saveTo "/windows-terminal/.portable") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >$null
if ((Get-ChildItem $ -eq 1) {
# Write current version to .cmderver file, for later.
"$($s.version)" | Out-File "$($"
# Restore ConEmu user configuration
if ($ConEmuXml -ne "") {
Write-Verbose "Restore '$ConEmuXmlSave' to '$ConEmuXml'"
Copy-Item $ConEmuXmlSave $ConEmuXml
# Restore Windows Terminal user configuration
if ($WinTermSettingsJson -ne "") {
Write-Verbose "Restore '$WinTermSettingsJsonSave' to '$WinTermSettingsJson'"
Copy-Item $WinTermSettingsJsonSave $WinTermSettingsJson
# Put vendor\ in /etc/profile.d so it runs when we start bash or mintty
if ( (Test-Path $($saveTo + "git-for-windows/etc/profile.d") ) ) {
Write-Verbose "Adding /etc/profile.d"
Copy-Item $($saveTo + "") $($saveTo + "git-for-windows/etc/profile.d/")
# Replace /etc/profile.d/ with cmder lambda prompt so it runs when we start bash or mintty
if ( !(Test-Path $($saveTo + "git-for-windows/etc/profile.d/") ) ) {
Write-Verbose "Replacing /etc/profile.d/ with our"
Move-Item $($saveTo + "git-for-windows/etc/profile.d/") $($saveTo + "git-for-windows/etc/profile.d/")
Copy-Item $($saveTo + "") $($saveTo + "git-for-windows/etc/profile.d/")
if (-not $Compile -or $noVendor) {
Write-Warning "You are not building the full project, Use -Compile without -noVendor"
Write-Warning "This cannot be a release. Test build only!"
Write-Verbose "Successfully built Cmder v$version!"
if ( $Env:APPVEYOR -eq 'True' ) {
Add-AppveyorMessage -Message "Building Cmder v$version was successful." -Category Information
if ( $Env:GITHUB_ACTIONS -eq 'true' ) {
Write-Output "::notice title=Build Complete::Building Cmder v$version was successful."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "All good and done!"