mirror of https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder.git synced 2025-03-13 14:14:37 +08:00
2019-03-31 09:47:50 -04:00

171 lines
4.9 KiB

@echo off
call "%~dp0lib_base.cmd"
call "%%~dp0lib_console.cmd"
set lib_git=call "%~dp0lib_git.cmd"
if "%~1" == "/h" (
%lib_base% help "%~0"
) else if "%1" neq "" (
call :%*
exit /b
:::read_version - Get the git.exe verion
::: call "lib_git.cmd"
::: %lib_git% read_version "[dir_path]"
::: [GIT PATH] <in> Fully qualified path to the Git command root.
::: GIT_VERSION_[GIT SCOPE] <out> Env variable containing Git semantic version string
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: clear the variables
set GIT_VERSION_%~1=
:: set the executable path
set "git_executable=%~2\git.exe"
%lib_console% debug_output :read_version "Env Var - git_executable=%git_executable%"
:: check if the executable actually exists
if not exist "%git_executable%" (
%lib_console% debug_output :read_version "%git_executable% does not exist."
exit /b -255
:: get the git version in the provided directory
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 usebackq" %%A in (`"%git_executable%" --version 2^>nul`) do (
if /i "%%A %%B" == "git version" (
%lib_console% debug_output :read_version "Env Var - GIT_VERSION_%~1=!GIT_VERSION!"
) else (
%lib_console% show_error "git --version" returned an inproper version string!
exit /b
endlocal & set "GIT_VERSION_%~1=%GIT_VERSION%"
exit /b
:::parse_version - Parse semantic version string 'x.x.x.x' and return the pieces
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% parse_version "[VERSION]"
::: [VERSION] <in> Semantic version String. Ex:
::: [SCOPE]_MAJOR <out> Scoped Major version.
::: [SCOPE]_MINOR <out> Scoped Minor version.
::: [SCOPE]_PATCH <out> Scoped Patch version.
::: [SCOPE]_BUILD <out> Scoped Build version.
:: process a `x.x.x.xxxx.x` formatted string
set "%~1_MAJOR="
set "%~1_MINOR="
set "%~1_PATCH="
set "%~1_BUILD="
%lib_console% debug_output :parse_version "ARGV[1]=%~1, ARGV[2]=%~2"
for /F "tokens=1-3* delims=.,-" %%A in ("%2") do (
set "%~1_MAJOR=%%A"
set "%~1_MINOR=%%B"
set "%~1_PATCH=%%C"
set "%~1_BUILD=%%D"
exit /b
:::validate_version - Validate semantic version string 'x.x.x.x'.
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% validate_version [SCOPE] [VERSION]
::: [SCOPE] <in> Example: USER | VENDORED
::: [VERSION] <in> Semantic version String. Ex:
:: now parse the version information into the corresponding variables
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "ARGV[1]=%~1, ARGV[2]=%~2"
call :parse_version %~1 %~2
:: ... and maybe display it, for debugging purposes.
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: !%~1_MAJOR!.!%~1_MINOR!.!%~1_PATCH!.!%~1_BUILD!"
exit /b
:::compare_version - Compare semantic versions return latest version.
::: call "$0"
::: %lib_git% validate_version [SCOPE1] [SCOPE2]
::: [SCOPE1] <in> Example: USER
::: [SCOPE2] <in> Example: VENDOR
:: checks all major, minor, patch and build variables for the given arguments.
:: whichever binary that has the most recent version will be used based on the return code.
%lib_console% debug_output Comparing:
%lib_console% debug_output %~1: !%~1_MAJOR!.!%~1_MINOR!.!%~1_PATCH!.!%~1_BUILD!
%lib_console% debug_output %~2: !%~2_MAJOR!.!%~2_MINOR!.!%~2_PATCH!.!%~2_BUILD!
if !%~1_MAJOR! GTR !%~2_MAJOR! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MAJOR! LSS !%~2_MAJOR! (exit /b -1)
if !%~1_MINOR! GTR !%~2_MINOR! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MINOR! LSS !%~2_MINOR! (exit /b -1)
if !%~1_PATCH! GTR !%~2_PATCH! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_PATCH! LSS !%~2_PATCH! (exit /b -1)
if !%~1_BUILD! GTR !%~2_BUILD! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_BUILD! LSS !%~2_BUILD! (exit /b -1)
:: looks like we have the same versions.
exit /b 0