/** * 京东试用, 只是一个DEMO */ const qs = require('qs'); const axios = require("axios"); const common = require('./utils/Rebels_jdCommon') const {SmashUtils} = require("./utils/smashUtils"); const {setBaseCookie} = require("./utils/baseCookie"); const $ = new Env("京东试用"); const URL = "https://api.m.jd.com/client.action"; let trialActivityIdList = []; let trialActivityTitleList = []; let notifyMsg = ""; let size = 1; $.isPush = true; $.isLimit = false; $.isForbidden = false; $.wrong = false; $.giveupNum = 0; $.successNum = 0; $.completeNum = 0; $.getNum = 0; $.try = true; $.sentNum = 0; $.cookiesArr = []; //默认的过滤关键词 $.innerKeyWords = ["幼儿园", "教程", "英语", "辅导", "培训", "孩子", "小学", "成人用品", "套套", "情趣", "自慰", "阳具", "飞机杯", "男士用品", "女士用品", "内衣", "高潮", "避孕", "乳腺", "肛塞", "肛门", "宝宝", "芭比", "娃娃", "男用", "女用", "神油", "足力健", "老年", "老人", "宠物", "饲料", "丝袜", "黑丝", "磨脚", "脚皮", "除臭", "性感", "内裤", "跳蛋", "安全套", "龟头", "阴道", "阴部", "手机卡", "电话卡", "流量卡", "习题", "试卷",]; //下面很重要,遇到问题请把下面注释看一遍再来问 let args_xh = { h5st_server: process.env.H5ST_SERVER || 'https://jd1.zhx47.xyz', /* * 控制一次最多跑几个号,默认10个 */ try_num: process.env.JD_TRY_NUM * 1 || 10000, /* * 控制是否输出当前环境变量设置,默认为false * 环境变量名称:XH_TRY_ENV */ env: process.env.XH_TRY_ENV === "true" || false, /* * 跳过某个指定账号,默认为全部账号清空 * 填写规则:例如当前Cookie1为pt_key=key; pt_pin=pin1;则环境变量填写pin1即可,此时pin1的购物车将不会被清空 * 若有更多,则按照pin1@pin2@pin3进行填写 * 环境变量名称:XH_TRY_EXCEPT */ except: (process.env.XH_TRY_EXCEPT && process.env.XH_TRY_EXCEPT.split("@")) || [], //以上环境变量新增于2022.01.30 /* * 由于每个账号每次获取的试用产品都不一样,所以为了保证每个账号都能试用到不同的商品,之前的脚本都不支持采用统一试用组的 * 以下环境变量是用于指定是否采用统一试用组的 * 例如当 JD_TRY_UNIFIED 为 true时,有3个账号,第一个账号跑脚本的时候,试用组是空的 * 而当第一个账号跑完试用组后,第二个,第三个账号所采用的试用组默认采用的第一个账号的试用组 * 优点:减少除第一个账号外的所有账号遍历,以减少每个账号的遍历时间 * 缺点:A账号能申请的东西,B账号不一定有 * 提示:想每个账号独立不同的试用产品的,请设置为false,想减少脚本运行时间的,请设置为true * 默认为false */ unified: process.env.JD_TRY_UNIFIED === "true" || false, //以上环境变量新增于2022.01.25 /* * 商品原价,低于这个价格都不会试用,意思是 * A商品原价49元,试用价1元,如果下面设置为50,那么A商品不会被加入到待提交的试用组 * B商品原价99元,试用价0元,如果下面设置为50,那么B商品将会被加入到待提交的试用组 * C商品原价99元,试用价1元,如果下面设置为50,那么C商品将会被加入到待提交的试用组 * 默认为0 * */ jdPrice: process.env.JD_TRY_PRICE * 1 || 20, /* * 下面有一个function是可以获取tabId列表,名为try_tabList * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_TABID,用@进行分隔 * tabId不定期会变,获取不到商品,自行获取并修改tabId * */ tabId: (process.env.JD_TRY_TABID && process.env.JD_TRY_TABID.split("@").map(Number)) || [212, 221, 222, 223, 229, 225, 224, 226, 234, 227, 228], /* * 试用商品标题过滤,黑名单,当标题存在关键词时,则不加入试用组 * 当白名单和黑名单共存时,黑名单会自动失效,优先匹配白名单,匹配完白名单后不会再匹配黑名单,望周知 * 例如A商品的名称为『旺仔牛奶48瓶特价』,设置了匹配白名单,白名单关键词为『牛奶』,但黑名单关键词存在『旺仔』 * 这时,A商品还是会被添加到待提交试用组,白名单优先于黑名单 * 已内置对应的 成人类 幼儿类 宠物 老年人类关键词,请勿重复添加 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_TITLEFILTERS,关键词与关键词之间用@分隔 * */ titleFilters: (process.env.JD_TRY_TITLEFILTERS && process.env.JD_TRY_TITLEFILTERS.split("@")) || [], /* * 试用价格(中了要花多少钱),高于这个价格都不会试用,小于等于才会试用,意思就是 * A商品原价49元,现在试用价1元,如果下面设置为10,那A商品将会被添加到待提交试用组,因为1 < 10 * B商品原价49元,现在试用价2元,如果下面设置为1,那B商品将不会被添加到待提交试用组,因为2 > 1 * C商品原价49元,现在试用价1元,如果下面设置为1,那C商品也会被添加到带提交试用组,因为1 = 1 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_TRIALPRICE,默认为0 * */ trialPrice: process.env.JD_TRY_TRIALPRICE * 1 || 0, /* * 最小提供数量,例如试用商品只提供2份试用资格,当前设置为1,则会进行申请 * 若只提供5分试用资格,当前设置为10,则不会申请 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_MINSUPPLYNUM * */ minSupplyNum: process.env.JD_TRY_MINSUPPLYNUM * 1 || 1, /* * 过滤大于设定值的已申请人数,例如下面设置的10000,A商品已经有10001人申请了,则A商品不会进行申请,会被跳过 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_APPLYNUMFILTER * */ applyNumFilter: process.env.JD_TRY_APPLYNUMFILTER * 1 || 10000, /* * 商品数组的最大长度,通俗来说就是即将申请的商品队列长度 * 例如设置为20,当第一次获取后获得12件,过滤后剩下5件,将会进行第二次获取,过滤后加上第一次剩余件数 * 例如是18件,将会进行第三次获取,直到过滤完毕后为20件才会停止,不建议设置太大 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_MAXLENGTH * */ maxLength: process.env.JD_TRY_MAXLENGTH * 1 || 5, /* * 过滤种草官类试用,某些试用商品是专属官专属,考虑到部分账号不是种草官账号 * 例如A商品是种草官专属试用商品,下面设置为true,而你又不是种草官账号,那A商品将不会被添加到待提交试用组 * 例如B商品是种草官专属试用商品,下面设置为false,而你是种草官账号,那A商品将会被添加到待提交试用组 * 例如B商品是种草官专属试用商品,下面设置为true,即使你是种草官账号,A商品也不会被添加到待提交试用组 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_PASSZC,默认为true * */ passZhongCao: process.env.JD_TRY_PASSZC !== "false", /* * 是否打印输出到日志,考虑到如果试用组长度过大,例如100以上,如果每个商品检测都打印一遍,日志长度会非常长 * 打印的优点:清晰知道每个商品为什么会被过滤,哪个商品被添加到了待提交试用组 * 打印的缺点:会使日志变得很长 * * 不打印的优点:简短日志长度 * 不打印的缺点:无法清晰知道每个商品为什么会被过滤,哪个商品被添加到了待提交试用组 * 可设置环境变量:JD_TRY_PLOG,默认为true * */ printLog: process.env.JD_TRY_PLOG !== "false", /* * 白名单,是否打开,如果下面为true,那么黑名单会自动失效 * 白名单和黑名单无法共存,白名单永远优先于黑名单 * 可通过环境变量控制:JD_TRY_WHITELIST,默认为false * */ whiteList: process.env.JD_TRY_WHITELIST === "true" || false, /* * 白名单关键词,当标题存在关键词时,加入到试用组 * 例如A商品的名字为『旺仔牛奶48瓶特价』,白名单其中一个关键词是『牛奶』,那么A将会直接被添加到待提交试用组,不再进行另外判断 * 就算设置了黑名单也不会判断,希望这种写得那么清楚的脑瘫问题就别提issues了 * 可通过环境变量控制:JD_TRY_WHITELIST,用@分隔 * */ whiteListKeywords: (process.env.JD_TRY_WHITELISTKEYWORDS && process.env.JD_TRY_WHITELISTKEYWORDS.split("@")) || [], /* * 每多少个账号发送一次通知,默认为4 * 可通过环境变量控制 JD_TRY_SENDNUM * */ sendNum: process.env.JD_TRY_SENDNUM * 1 || 4, }; !(async () => { await $.wait(500); $.log("\n第一次运行请务必运行一次【依赖安装(jd_indeps.sh)】脚本\n避免出现一些奇怪的问题,遇到问题请先看脚本内注释\n频道:https://t.me/zhouya47\n"); await requireConfig(); if (!$.cookiesArr[0]) { console.log($.name, "【提示】请先获取京东账号一cookie\n直接使用NobyDa的京东签到获取", "https://bean.m.jd.com/"); return; } args_xh.tabId = args_xh.tabId.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random()); for (let i = 0; i < args_xh.try_num; i++) { if ($.cookiesArr[i]) { $.cookie = $.cookiesArr[i]; $.UserName = decodeURIComponent($.cookie.match(/pt_pin=(.+?);/) && $.cookie.match(/pt_pin=(.+?);/)[1]); $.index = i + 1; $.isLogin = true; $.userAgent = common.genUA($.UserName); console.log(`\n开始【京东账号${$.index}】${$.UserName}\n`); await try_rafflecount(); $.except = false; if (args_xh.except.includes($.UserName)) { console.log(`跳过账号:${$.UserName}`); $.except = true; continue; } if (!$.isLogin) { console.log($.name, `【提示】cookie已失效`, `京东账号${$.index} ${$.UserName}`); await $.notify.sendNotify(`${$.name}cookie已失效 - ${$.UserName}`, `京东账号${$.index} ${$.UserName}\n请重新登录获取cookie`); continue; } await initSmashUtils(); $.totalTry = 0; $.totalSuccess = 0; $.nowTabIdIndex = 0; $.nowPage = 1; $.nowItem = 1; $.retrynum = 0; if (!args_xh.unified) { trialActivityIdList = []; trialActivityTitleList = []; } $.isLimit = false; $.isForbidden = false; $.wrong = false; size = 1; while (trialActivityIdList.length < args_xh.maxLength && $.retrynum < 3) { if ($.nowTabIdIndex === args_xh.tabId.length) { console.log(`tabId组已遍历完毕,不在获取商品\n`); break; } else { await try_feedsList(args_xh.tabId[$.nowTabIdIndex], $.nowPage); //获取对应tabId的试用页面 } if (trialActivityIdList.length < args_xh.maxLength) { console.log(`间隔等待中,请等待5秒 \n`); await $.wait(5000); } } if ($.isForbidden === false && $.isLimit === false) { console.log(`稍后将执行试用申请,请等待 5 秒\n`); await $.wait(5000); for (let i = 0; i < trialActivityIdList.length && $.isLimit === false; i++) { if ($.isLimit) { console.log("试用上限"); break; } if ($.isForbidden) { console.log("403了,跳出"); break; } await try_apply(trialActivityTitleList[i], trialActivityIdList[i]); console.log(`间隔等待中,请等待15秒 \n`); await $.wait(15000); } console.log("试用申请执行完毕..."); $.giveupNum = 0; $.successNum = 0; $.getNum = 0; $.completeNum = 0; // await try_MyTrials(1, 2); //申请成功的商品 await showMsg(); } } // if ($.index % args_xh.sendNum === 0) { // $.sentNum++; // console.log(`正在进行第 ${$.sentNum} 次发送通知,发送数量:${args_xh.sendNum}`); // await $.notify.sendNotify(`${$.name}`, `${notifyMsg}`); // notifyMsg = ""; // } } // if ($.except === false) { // if ($.cookiesArr.length - $.sentNum * args_xh.sendNum < args_xh.sendNum && notifyMsg.length != 0) { // console.log(`正在进行最后一次发送通知,发送数量:${$.cookiesArr.length - $.sentNum * args_xh.sendNum}`); // await $.notify.sendNotify(`${$.name}`, `${notifyMsg}`); // notifyMsg = ""; // } // } })() .catch((e) => { console.error(`❗️ ${$.name} 运行错误!\n${e}`); }) .finally(() => $.done()); function requireConfig() { return new Promise((resolve) => { $.notify = require("./sendNotify"); //获取 Cookies $.cookiesArr = []; //Node.js用户请在jdCookie.js处填写京东ck; const jdCookieNode = require("./jdCookie.js"); Object.keys(jdCookieNode).forEach((item) => { if (jdCookieNode[item]) $.cookiesArr.push(jdCookieNode[item]); }); if (process.env.JD_DEBUG && process.env.JD_DEBUG === "false") console.log = () => { }; for (let keyWord of $.innerKeyWords) args_xh.titleFilters.push(keyWord); console.log(`共${$.cookiesArr.length}个京东账号\n`); if (args_xh.env) { console.log("=========环境变量配置如下========="); console.log(`env: ${typeof args_xh.env}, ${args_xh.env}`); console.log(`try_num: ${typeof args_xh.try_num}, ${args_xh.try_num}`); console.log(`except: ${typeof args_xh.except}, ${args_xh.except}`); console.log(`unified: ${typeof args_xh.unified}, ${args_xh.unified}`); console.log(`jdPrice: ${typeof args_xh.jdPrice}, ${args_xh.jdPrice}`); console.log(`tabId: ${typeof args_xh.tabId}, ${args_xh.tabId}`); console.log(`titleFilters: ${typeof args_xh.titleFilters}, ${args_xh.titleFilters}`); console.log(`trialPrice: ${typeof args_xh.trialPrice}, ${args_xh.trialPrice}`); console.log(`minSupplyNum: ${typeof args_xh.minSupplyNum}, ${args_xh.minSupplyNum}`); console.log(`applyNumFilter: ${typeof args_xh.applyNumFilter}, ${args_xh.applyNumFilter}`); console.log(`maxLength: ${typeof args_xh.maxLength}, ${args_xh.maxLength}`); console.log(`passZhongCao: ${typeof args_xh.passZhongCao}, ${args_xh.passZhongCao}`); console.log(`printLog: ${typeof args_xh.printLog}, ${args_xh.printLog}`); console.log(`whiteList: ${typeof args_xh.whiteList}, ${args_xh.whiteList}`); console.log(`whiteListKeywords: ${typeof args_xh.whiteListKeywords}, ${args_xh.whiteListKeywords}`); console.log("==============================="); } resolve(); }); } async function try_apply(title, activityId) { console.log(`申请试用商品提交中...`); args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品:${title}`) : ""; args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`id为:${activityId}`) : ""; const sign = await h5stSign({ functionId: "try_apply", appid: "newtry", body: { "activityId": Number(activityId), } }, '20240830232408557;5mztiyg695z5tnm6;35fa0;tk03w9b6e1c4318nMQIE17rhyLkcTB-PhrO8maY4_RSFx_6guFXoBgeXI5Q-pgu5iYVqY7DEIqs3bafgK11fvFYpImgx;cf229d6282c8034badeed93959755103;4.7;1725031448557;UO2O1eGHgZxHt05fbSMrWvUOu1PbhSTSZXp1azqJ7fMHhEK13A77ZoJ724J8DSzpZ9uzLpnSVPxqwCJFi_q-ZwH6yKHQBoB9MYxqe7f3r0o8VsqWKarWlBbrnRW-D7AxITRFcUYuG1-4CsL0Gv8R4NY7sRBegv_2GGO5XGqFAtxWe6vfNHZwnpdmCGAhMTxShK03QzvlawNfPeWXjEuEGSOoqDg8-o9lV8b64XK1YS2ATcbPlAXI8aKiOBFJam3P-jckGZ07hQDJgDXut8xEuFLOuBuLaKBUA4wgE0SFuGW_BcTdXJ5eLa5q_4KSBlqg7qv-fxuo63VFJWVMwnXf7W-0OgheXs4j9DQNh27xJR2bNu-pLfvjbNpzfP8IA_rvoMuy-jzbU65EWLHBTDwFyKjKwRf8UpVqDlbAn9w0P6u9q6qLhyM7an-PhlwdrLeHyCtqGGrxPldbz2Ljo4j6iBSYEKV_kjHxZ6Ae0pfqutW7Aq0UPOuc5bhxfQ3EgG7unVUiRJVoUHW0b5Eg-tiymJxRPe7ZKTkRBMp99Ke-YgzrnelJvloLcMBx_SFuiGwdcHL8fY_p5xIpUsrVxOLCu7nZggE7nDk8PeheJO0dl8zjLad9Prk3hGJ0DQIeqffFGvzEemLTD52YgeDqWQHLXbk3;b49e1f80adb86f588174db9e7128196b') setBaseCookie(); const joylog = await $.smashUtils.sign({ ...sign.body }, true); try { const {data} = await api({ method: "POST", url: `https://api.m.jd.com/client.action`, headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", origin: "https://pro.m.jd.com", Referer: "https://pro.m.jd.com/mall/active/3mpGVQDhvLsMvKfZZumWPQyWt83L/index.html", "User-Agent": $.userAgent, "x-referer-page": "https://pro.m.jd.com/mall/active/3mpGVQDhvLsMvKfZZumWPQyWt83L/index.html" }, data: qs.stringify(joylog) }); $.totalTry++; if (data.success && data.code === "1") { // 申请成功 console.log("申请提交成功"); $.totalSuccess++; } else if (data.code === "-106") { console.log(data.message); // 未在申请时间内! } else if (data.code === "-110") { console.log(data.message); // 您的申请已成功提交,请勿重复申请… } else if (data.code === "-120") { console.log(data.message); // 您还不是会员,本品只限会员申请试用,请注册会员后申请! } else if (data.code === "-167") { console.log(data.message); // 抱歉,此试用需为种草官才能申请。查看下方详情了解更多。 } else if (data.code === "-131") { console.log(data.message); // 申请次数上限。 $.isLimit = true; } else if (data.code === "-113") { console.log(data.message); // 操作不要太快哦! } else { console.log("申请失败", data); } } catch (e) { if (e.message === `Request failed with status code 403`) { $.isForbidden = true; console.log("账号被京东服务器风控,不再请求该帐号"); } else { console.log(e.message); console.log(`${$.name} API请求失败,请检查网路重试`); } } } function try_MyTrials(page, selected) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { switch (selected) { case 1: console.log("正在获取已申请的商品..."); break; case 2: console.log("正在获取申请成功的商品..."); break; case 3: console.log("正在获取申请失败的商品..."); break; default: console.log("selected错误"); } let options = { url: URL, data: `appid=newtry&functionId=try_MyTrials&clientVersion=10.3.4&client=wh5&body=%7B%22page%22%3A${page}%2C%22selected%22%3A${selected}%2C%22previewTime%22%3A%22%22%7D`, headers: { origin: "https://prodev.m.jd.com", "User-Agent": $.userAgent, referer: "https://prodev.m.jd.com/", cookie: $.cookie, }, }; $.restApi(options, (err, resp, data) => { try { if (err) { console.log(`🚫 ${arguments.callee.name.toString()} API请求失败,请检查网路\n${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } else { if (data.success) { //temp adjustment if (selected === 2) { if (data.success && data.data) { for (let item of data.data.list) { item.status === 4 || item.text.text.includes("试用资格已过期") ? ($.giveupNum += 1) : ""; item.status === 2 && item.text.text.includes("试用资格将保留") ? ($.successNum += 1) : ""; item.status === 2 && item.text.text.includes("请收货后尽快提交报告") ? ($.getNum += 1) : ""; item.status === 2 && item.text.text.includes("试用已完成") ? ($.completeNum += 1) : ""; } console.log(`待领取 | 已领取 | 已完成 | 已放弃:${$.successNum} | ${$.getNum} | ${$.completeNum} | ${$.giveupNum}`); } else { console.log(`获得成功列表失败: ${data.message}`); } } } else { console.error(`ERROR:try_MyTrials`); } } } catch (e) { reject(`⚠️ ${arguments.callee.name.toString()} API返回结果解析出错\n${e}\n${JSON.stringify(data)}`); } finally { resolve(); } }); }); } async function showMsg() { let message = ``; message += `👤 京东账号${$.index} ${$.UserName}\n`; if ($.totalSuccess !== 0 && $.totalTry !== 0) { message += `🎉 本次提交申请:${$.totalSuccess}/${$.totalTry}个商品🛒\n`; message += `🎉 ${$.successNum}个商品待领取\n`; message += `🎉 ${$.getNum}个商品已领取\n`; message += `🎉 ${$.completeNum}个商品已完成\n`; message += `🗑 ${$.giveupNum}个商品已放弃\n\n`; } else { message += `⚠️ 本次执行没有申请试用商品\n`; message += `🎉 ${$.successNum}个商品待领取\n`; message += `🎉 ${$.getNum}个商品已领取\n`; message += `🎉 ${$.completeNum}个商品已完成\n`; message += `🗑 ${$.giveupNum}个商品已放弃\n\n`; } if (!args_xh.jdNotify || args_xh.jdNotify === "false") { console.log($.name, message); notifyMsg += `${message}`; } else { console.log(message); } } /** * 获取账号剩余次数,目前每个账号只有5次 */ async function try_rafflecount() { const options = { method: 'POST', url: 'https://api.m.jd.com/client.action', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", Cookie: $.cookie, Origin: 'https://prodev.m.jd.com', Referer: "https://prodev.m.jd.com/mall/active/3C751WNneAUaZ8Lw8xYN7cbSE8gm/index.html", "User-Agent": $.userAgent, }, data: qs.stringify({ appid: 'ysas-new', functionId: 'try_rafflecount', body: JSON.stringify({"previewTime": ""}) }) }; try { const {data} = await axios.request(options); if (data.code !== '0') { $.isLogin = false; console.log(`${data.message}`); return; } console.log(`${data.data.promptDesc}${data.data.remainingNum}`) if (data.data.remainingNum === 0) { args_xh.except.push($.UserName); } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } async function initSmashUtils() { try { $.smashUtils = new SmashUtils( 'https://prodev.m.jd.com/mall/active/3mpGVQDhvLsMvKfZZumWPQyWt83L/index.html?activityId=501742184&sku=10097544183544', $.cookie, $.userAgent ); $.smashUtils["getLocalData"](); $.smashUtils["getAppOs"](); $.smashUtils.getBlog(); $.smashUtils["getFpv"](); await $.smashUtils.getInfo(); $.smashUtils.setjoyyaCookie("init"); $.smashUtils.getJrInfo(); } catch (e) { $.smashUtils.getInterfaceData({ funcName: "other", real_msg: "initial", error_msg: e && e.message }) } await $.smashUtils.initial({ appId: "50170_", debug: !1, preRequest: !0, onSign: function (e) { e.code, e.message, e.data }, onRequestTokenRemotely: function (e) { e.code, e.message }, onRequestToken: function (e) { e.code, e.message } }) } /** * 获取商品列表并且过滤 */ async function try_feedsList(tabId, page) { const sign = await h5stSign({ functionId: 'try_SpecFeedList', appid: 'newtry', body: { tabId: String(tabId), page: Number(page), version: 2, source: 'default', client: 'outer', }, }, '20240830232343586;tiz96gyymmmynn59;35fa0;tk03w74b71aa618n1t11vUdyHIggnHwEcPN9aklEa14dNUDG8_8G3G34c5d7s7mGwUJ2aADGh7Umx71p0_RW-DKW3kvy;9a6a37681b62443c25d331b98417422c;4.7;1725031423586;UOGBLFzTfNK9tsvi--7prGlZZovw_k_cuzzLZOX_1lNL2GXWq-BLKv79W5y_og7inaFiDDK3Ae6_yrIkNpgJDMfKGugQSF3ESrMz3pC-ykNOfoPVeBqaXc-5fy2PKHjCXsCQw7_9DHj2gyZac3nDQ_PHDPUC4w4R4VC0xw6qrsNoWgqVJnCSgi0bbY0Na0iXiIp-vEX_0jTQqomWsAj7w-lg2k23OvwymIfEyuhK2Iz68gXWZtrbMwW1s8bz2wV7F0KUgPZcEB1n85XGzhlRqTcv0N59rnqv7h_9kP3AAg5qR0yf4TIXlat5jjKAy_7oXS24_sb-UDolpGmS45s_pHfFbhaonAd2ZDhqrIZClpfaURLGsL4lbsJahK7fms-cuU0FRkGLeQ8kbqREPJQ0BkUJwRf8UpVqDlbAn9w0P6u9q6qLhyM7an-PhlwdrLeHyCtqGGrxPldbz2Ljo4j6iBSYEKV_kjHxZ6Ae0pfqutW7Aq0UPOuc5bhxfQ3EgG7unVUiRJVoUHW0b5Eg-tiymJxRPe7ZKTkRBMp99Ke-YgzrnelJvloLcMBx_SFuiGwdcHL8fY_p5xIpUsrVxOLCu7nZggE7nDk8PeheJO0dl8zjLad9Prk3hGJ0DQIeqffFGvzEemLTD52YgeDqWQHLXbk3;3c8d81286085ce3732829ecfcfa55587' ) try { const {data} = await api({ method: "POST", url: `https://api.m.jd.com/client.action`, headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", origin: "https://prodev.m.jd.com", Referer: "https://prodev.m.jd.com/mall/active/3C751WNneAUaZ8Lw8xYN7cbSE8gm/index.html", "User-Agent": $.userAgent, "x-referer-page": "https://prodev.m.jd.com/mall/active/3C751WNneAUaZ8Lw8xYN7cbSE8gm/index.html", 'x-rp-client': 'h5_1.0.0' }, data: sign.qs }); let tempKeyword = ``; if (data.code === '0') { console.log(`第 ${size++} 次获取试用商品成功,tabId:${args_xh.tabId[$.nowTabIdIndex]} 的 第 ${page} 页`); console.log(`获取到商品 ${data.data.feedList.length} 条`); for (let item of data.data.feedList) { if (item.applyNum === null) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品未到申请时间:${item.skuTitle}\n`) : ""; continue; } if (trialActivityIdList.length >= args_xh.maxLength) { console.log("商品列表长度已满.结束获取"); break; } if (item.applyState === 1) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品已申请试用:${item.skuTitle}\n`) : ""; continue; } if (item.applyState !== null) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品状态异常,未找到skuTitle\n`) : ""; continue; } if (args_xh.passZhongCao) { $.isPush = true; if (item.tagList.length !== 0) { for (let itemTag of item.tagList) { if (itemTag.tagType === 3) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log("商品被过滤,该商品是种草官专属") : ""; $.isPush = false; break; } else if (itemTag.tagType === 5) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log("商品被跳过,该商品是付费试用!") : ""; $.isPush = false; break; } } } } if (item.skuTitle && $.isPush) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`检测 tabId:${args_xh.tabId[$.nowTabIdIndex]} 的 第 ${page} 页 第 ${$.nowItem++ + 1} 个商品\n${item.skuTitle}`) : ""; if (args_xh.whiteList) { if (args_xh.whiteListKeywords.some((fileter_word) => item.skuTitle.includes(fileter_word))) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品白名单通过,将加入试用组,trialActivityId为${item.trialActivityId}\n`) : ""; trialActivityIdList.push(item.trialActivityId); trialActivityTitleList.push(item.skuTitle); } } else { tempKeyword = ``; if (parseFloat(item.jdPrice) <= args_xh.jdPrice) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品被过滤,商品价格 ${item.jdPrice} < ${args_xh.jdPrice} \n`) : ""; } else if (parseFloat(item.supplyNum) < args_xh.minSupplyNum && item.supplyNum !== null) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品被过滤,提供申请的份数小于预设申请的份数 \n`) : ""; } else if (parseFloat(item.applyNum) > args_xh.applyNumFilter && item.applyNum !== null) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品被过滤,已申请人数大于预设的${args_xh.applyNumFilter}人 \n`) : ""; } else if (item.jdPrice === null) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品被过滤,商品无价,不能申请 \n`) : ""; } else if (parseFloat(item.trialPrice) > args_xh.trialPrice) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品被过滤,商品试用价大于预设试用价 \n`) : ""; } else if (args_xh.titleFilters.some((fileter_word) => (item.skuTitle.includes(fileter_word) ? (tempKeyword = fileter_word) : ""))) { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品被过滤,含有关键词 ${tempKeyword}\n`) : ""; } else { args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`商品通过,加入试用组,trialActivityId为${item.trialActivityId}\n`) : ""; if (trialActivityIdList.indexOf(item.trialActivityId) === -1) { trialActivityIdList.push(item.trialActivityId); trialActivityTitleList.push(item.skuTitle); } } } } else if ($.isPush !== false) { console.error("skuTitle解析异常"); return; } } console.log(`当前试用组长度为:${trialActivityIdList.length}`); console.log(`下一页状态:${data.data.hasNext}`); if (data.data.hasNext === false) { if ($.nowTabIdIndex < args_xh.tabId.length) { $.nowTabIdIndex++; $.nowPage = 1; $.nowItem = 1; $.retrynum = 0; } else { // 这下是真的没了 $.retrynum = 999 } } else { $.nowPage++; $.retrynum = 0; } } else { console.log(`💩 获得试用列表失败: ${data.message}`); } } catch (e) { if (e.message === `Request failed with status code 403`) { $.retrynum++; if ($.retrynum === 4) { $.isForbidden = true; $.log("多次尝试失败,换个时间再试!"); } else { console.log(`403,第 ${$.retrynum} 次重试`); } } else { console.log(e.message); console.log(`${$.name} API请求失败,请检查网路重试`); } } } async function h5stSign(body, h5st) { const options = { method: 'POST', url: `${args_xh.h5st_server}/h5st`, headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}, data: { version: '4.7.4', pin: $.UserName, ua: $.userAgent, body, h5st }, }; const {data} = await axios.request(options); return data.body; } function Env(name, opts) { class Http { constructor(env) { this.env = env; } send(opts, method = "GET") { opts = typeof opts === "string" ? { url: opts, } : opts; let sender = this.get; if (method === "POST") { sender = this.post; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sender.call(this, opts, (err, resp, body) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(resp); }); }); } get(opts) { return this.send.call(this.env, opts); } post(opts) { return this.send.call(this.env, opts, "POST"); } } return new (class { constructor(name, opts) { this.name = name; this.http = new Http(this); this.data = null; this.dataFile = "box.dat"; this.logs = []; this.isMute = false; this.isNeedRewrite = false; this.logSeparator = "\n"; this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); Object.assign(this, opts); this.log("", `🔔${this.name}, 开始!`); } initAxios() { if (!this.axios) { this.axios = axios.create(); } } restApi(opts, callback = () => { }) { this.initAxios(); this.axios(opts) .then(resp => { const {status, headers, data} = resp; callback(null, { status, headers, data, }, data); }, (err) => { const {message: error, response: resp} = err; callback(error, resp, resp && resp.data); }); } log(...logs) { if (logs.length > 0) { this.logs = [...this.logs, ...logs]; } console.log(logs.join(this.logSeparator)); } wait(time) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)); } done() { const endTime = new Date().getTime(); const costTime = (endTime - this.startTime) / 1000; this.log("", `🔔${this.name}, 结束! 🕛 ${costTime} 秒`); } } ) (name, opts); }