mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 14:44:44 +08:00
1551 lines
43 KiB
1551 lines
43 KiB
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
const { BaseUtils } = require('./baseUtils');
class SmashUtils {
constructor(url, cookieStr, userAgent) {
global.baseUtils || new BaseUtils();
baseUtils.changeEnv(url, cookieStr, userAgent);
this.P = {};
this.B = {
q: '',
appid: '',
etid: '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D',
cf_v: '00',
encrypt_id: '1,3,*,1',
openMonitor: '1',
openPre: '0',
collectStatus: '1',
collect_vote: '100',
collect_rate: '60',
joyytokem: '',
default_encrypt_id: '1,3,*,1',
default_cf_v: '00',
openTraffic: '0',
this.T = 0;
this.L = !1;
this.I = [];
this.M = [];
this.z = {};
this.R = 0;
this.U = !0;
this.q = null;
this.W = 0;
this.K = 0;
this.J = 0;
this.F = 0;
this.V = 0;
this.G = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.Z = !1;
this.Q = 0;
this.$ = baseUtils.getTouchSession();
this.ee = 'w4.0.7';
this.te = baseUtils['isMobile']();
this.ne = this.te ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
this.re = this.te ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
this.oe = this.te ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove';
this.ie = baseUtils['getCookieJdu']();
this.ae = ['click', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend'];
this.ue = [];
this.ce = [];
this.se = [0, 0, 0];
this.fe = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
this.le = !1;
this.pe = 'a';
this.de = 'a';
this.he = 'a';
this.ve = 'a';
this.me = 'a';
this.ge = 'a';
this.ye = 'a';
this.we = 'a';
this.be = 'a';
this.xe = 'a';
this._e = 'a';
this.Se = 'a';
this.Ae = baseUtils['getDefaultArr'](7);
this.Ne = baseUtils['getDefaultArr'](4);
this.Ce = 'a';
this.Ee = 'a';
this.Oe = 'a';
this.je = 1;
this.ke = 0;
this.Pe = !1;
this.De = 'e6LP9bkdiSwa';
this.Be = 'a';
this.Te = 'a';
this.Le = 'a';
this.Ie = 'a';
this.Me = 'a';
this.ze = 0;
this.Re = '';
this.Ue = 'a';
this.qe = baseUtils['getDefaultArr'](7);
this.He = new Array(7).fill('a');
this.We = new Array(7).fill('f');
this.Ke = 864e9;
this.Je = '2022/01/31 18:00:00';
this.Fe = '2022/02/01 02:00:00';
this.Ve = null;
this.Ge = !1;
this.Xe = !1;
this.Ye = {};
// window = {
// fingerPrintCallback: (e) => {
// try {
// e = JSON.parse(e);
// if (e.status === 0) {
// baseUtils.webview.setStorage("unionwsws", e.data);
// }
// } catch (e) {
// }
// }
// }
setParam(e, t, n) {
n && (e[t] = n);
clearjoyytoken(e, t) {
try {
var u = baseUtils.getTokem('joyytokem', e).joyytokenVal;
if (!u || u.indexOf(e) !== 0 || (t && 1 === this.Q) || /^undefined/.test(u)) {
document.cookie = 'joyytokem=;domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires=' + new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString();
baseUtils.clearTokem('joyytokem', e);
this.B.encrypt_id = this.B.default_encrypt_id;
this.B.cf_v = this.B.default_cf_v;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'cookie',
real_msg: 'cookie储存异常',
error_msg: e && e.message,
async getjoyytoken(e, t) {
try {
var u = baseUtils.getTokem('joyytokem', e).joyytokenVal;
if (!u || u.indexOf(e) !== 0 || (t && this.Q === 1) || /^undefined/.test(u)) {
await this.getSwitch(e);
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getjoyytoken',
error_msg: e && e.message,
decryptJoyToken(e) {
if ('' === e || !e) return this.B;
try {
if (this.P.appid && this.P.appid !== 'undefined') {
var c = {};
c = this.decipherJoyToken(e, this.P.appid);
this.Le = c.jjt || 'a';
var s = c.encrypt_id || this.B.encrypt_id;
var u = {};
u.encrypt_id = s;
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.B), {}, u);
return this.B;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.decryptJoyToken',
error_msg: e && e.message,
return this.B;
decipherJoyToken(e, t) {
var u = {
jjt: 'a',
expire: baseUtils.getCurrentTime(),
outtime: 3,
time_correction: !1,
const that = this;
try {
var s = e.indexOf(t) + t.length,
f = e.length;
let c = e
.slice(s, f)
.map(function (e) {
return baseUtils.atobFunc(e);
if (c[1] && c[0] && c[2]) {
var l = c[0].slice(2, 7),
p = c[0].slice(7, 9),
d = baseUtils.xorEncrypt(c[1] || '', l).xorEncrypted.split('~');
(u.outtime = d[3] - 0), (u.encrypt_id = d[2]), (u.jjt = 't');
var h = d[0] - 0 || 0;
if (h && typeof h === 'number') {
u.time_correction = !0;
u.expire = h;
var m = h - baseUtils.getCurrentTime() || 0;
u.q = m;
u.cf_v = p;
return u;
return u;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'joytoken',
real_msg: 'joytoken解密错误',
error_msg: e.name + e.message,
return u;
exeCode(e) {
try {
if (e) {
var i = new Function(e);
this.Ue = i();
} catch (e) {
this.Ue = 'default';
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.exeCode',
error_msg: e.name + e.message,
getInterfaceData(e) {
// console.debug(`getInterfaceData -> ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
setIdData(e, t) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : '';
this.z[e] ? (this.z[e][t] = i) : (this.z[e] = Object.assign({}, t, i));
async getSwitch(e) {
if (!baseUtils.isDuringDate(this.Je, this.Fe)) {
var a = encodeURIComponent(e),
u = baseUtils.getJdKey(),
c = baseUtils.getCookie('pwdt_id') || baseUtils.getCookie('pin') || '',
s = baseUtils.BKDRHash(c) || '';
try {
let { data: t } = await baseUtils.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: baseUtils.requestUrl.gettoken,
credential: !0,
data: 'content='.concat(
appname: a,
whwswswws: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpb'),
jdkey: u,
body: {
platform: '1',
sceneid: this.P.sceneid || '',
hs: s,
version: this.ee,
if (t.code) {
funcName: 'joytoken',
real_msg: 'joytoken请求code异常',
error_msg: JSON.stringify(t),
} else {
if (t.joyytoken && this.P.appid && this.P.appid !== 'undefined') {
var l = this.P.appid + t.joyytoken,
f = this.decipherJoyToken(l, this.P.appid),
p = f.expire,
v = f.outtime;
this.Le = f.jjt || 'a';
this.L = f.time_correction || !1;
this.B = Object.assign(
Object.assign({}, this.B),
q: f.q || 0,
cf_v: f.cf_v || this.B.cf_v,
try {
document.cookie = 'joyytokem=' + this.P.appid + t.joyytoken + ';domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires=' + new Date(p + v * 60 * 60 * 1e3).toGMTString();
var y = window.localStorage.getItem('joyytokem'),
w = {};
if (y) {
var b = JSON.parse(y),
x = Object.entries(b).sort(function (e, t) {
return e[1].n - t[1].n;
if (x.length > 4) {
x = x.slice(x.length - 4);
x.forEach(function (e, t) {
e[1].n = t;
w[e[0]] = e[1];
w[e] = {
n: Object.keys(w).length,
data: this.P.appid + t.joyytoken,
xcd: t.xcd || '',
expires: new Date(p + 60 * v * 60 * 1e3).toGMTString(),
window.localStorage.setItem('joyytokem', JSON.stringify(w));
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'cookie',
real_msg: 'cookie或storage储存异常',
error_msg: e.message,
if (t.collect_rate && t.collect_rate !== this.B.collect_rate) {
this.B.collect_rate = t.collect_rate;
await this.reportData();
await this.reportInterfaceData();
Object.assign(this.B, t);
if (this.M && this.M.length > 0) {
const that = this;
this.M.forEach(function (e) {
if (e.functionid === 'init' || '1' === e.f_name) {
e.cf_v = that.B.cf_v;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'joytoken',
real_msg: 'joytoken网络请求异常',
error_msg: e.message,
async reportInterfaceData() {
try {
if (baseUtils.isDuringDate(this.Je, this.Fe)) return;
var a = this.B.openMonitor,
u = this.B.collectStatus,
c = this.B.collect_vote;
if (a === '0') return;
var s = baseUtils.collectVoteFilter(u, c, this.M, 'session_c');
if (!s || s.length === 0) return;
var f = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
s.forEach(function (t) {
t.createdate = ''.concat(f);
if (this.P.appid && this.P.appid !== 'undefined') {
await this.getjoyytoken(this.P.appid);
try {
await baseUtils.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: baseUtils.requestUrl.bypass,
data: 'content='.concat(
appname: 'interfaceInvoke',
whwswswws: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpb'),
jdkey: '',
body: s,
this.M = [];
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
async reportData() {
var i = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];
try {
var h = baseUtils.isDuringDate(this.Je, this.Fe);
if (h) return;
var s = this.B.openMonitor,
f = this.B.collectStatus,
l = this.B.collect_vote;
if ('0' === s) return;
var v;
v = i ? this.I : baseUtils.collectVoteFilter(f, l, this.I, 'session');
if (!v || v.length === 0) return;
var p = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
v.forEach(function (e) {
e.createdate = ''.concat(p);
try {
await baseUtils.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: baseUtils.requestUrl.bypass,
data: 'content='.concat(
appname: 'stouchmodeH5',
whwswswws: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpb'),
jdkey: '',
body: v,
this.I = [];
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
getid(e) {
return e.currentTarget.id || 'document';
clickCb(e) {
try {
this.Be = 't';
if (!this.Z) return;
var u = this.getid(e);
var p = baseUtils.webview.getStorage('unionwsws') || {
jmafinger: '',
var J = {
appid: this.P.appid || '',
sceneid: this.P.sceneid || '',
uid: this.P.uid || '',
url: encodeURIComponent(location.href),
ua: encodeURIComponent(baseUtils.getUa()),
type_d: this.je,
shshshfpa: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpa'),
shshshfpb: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpb'),
cookie_pin: baseUtils.getCookiePin(),
client_version: this.ee,
npt: this.ge,
nps: this.ye,
nan: this.we,
nvs: this.xe,
var K = this.z[u] || {};
var q = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
var v = K.start_time || '',
g = K.end_time || '',
b = K.click_time || '';
this.le = e.isTrusted;
var a = baseUtils.getGPUMes();
var oe = {
buttonid: u,
client_time: q,
devtools_open: baseUtils.isDevtoolOpen(),
touchtime: g - v,
touch_is_trust: e.isTrusted,
screenx: e.screenX,
screeny: e.screenY,
clientx: e.clientX,
clienty: e.clientY,
radiusx: K.radiusX,
radiusy: K.radiusY,
force: baseUtils.getDefaultVal(K.force),
click_id: e.target.id || '',
pagex: e.pageX,
last_page_down_time: q - this.R,
last_click_time: q - b,
pagey: e.pageY,
call_stack: baseUtils.getCallStack(),
call_stack_source: baseUtils.getCallStackUnencrypted(),
data: K.data || '',
jdu: this.ie,
session: this.$,
time_correction: this.L,
jdkey: baseUtils.getJdKey(),
jmafinger: p.jmafinger,
numOfNavigatorPlugins: baseUtils.getPluginsNum(),
gpuServiceProvider: a[0],
gpuBrand: a[1],
numOfNavigatorLanguages: baseUtils.getLangNum() || '',
numOfChromeAttribute: baseUtils.getChromeAttribute() || '',
configurableEnumerable: baseUtils.getConfigurable_Enumerable(),
azimuth: '',
accelerometer: '',
ncn: baseUtils.getNaviConnection(),
bty: baseUtils.getBatteryStatus(),
this.setIdData(u, 'click_time', q);
var W = Object.assign({}, J, oe);
for (var M in W) {
var U = W[M];
W[M] = String(U);
baseUtils.arrayLength(3, this.ce, this.getCurrnetData(e));
} catch (e) {}
getCurrnetData(e, t) {
try {
var u = (this.z[t] || {}).force,
c = typeof baseUtils.getDefaultVal(u) == 'number' ? u.toFixed(3) : baseUtils.getDefaultVal(u),
s = baseUtils.getCurrentTime() - this.fe,
f = e.clientX,
l = e.clientY;
if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 0) {
f = e.touches[0].clientX;
l = e.touches[0].clientY;
} else if (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length > 0) {
f = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
l = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
return (
'd' +
(this.ae.indexOf(e.type) + 1) +
'-' +
baseUtils.baseConverter(f, 36) +
',' +
baseUtils.baseConverter(l, 36) +
',' +
baseUtils.baseConverter(s, 36) +
',' +
c +
',' +
} catch (e) {
return '';
moveCb(e) {
this.Be = 't';
if (!this.Z) return;
if (this.ke) {
this.ue = [];
this.se[2] = 0;
this.ke = 0;
var c = this.getid(e);
baseUtils.arrayLength(5, this.ue, this.getCurrnetData(e, c));
this.se[2] = this.se[2] + 1;
this.se[1] = this.se[1] > this.se[2] ? this.se[1] : this.se[2];
endCb(e) {
this.Be = 't';
if (!this.Z) return;
var c = this.getid(e);
this.setIdData(c, 'end_time', baseUtils.getCurrentTime());
this.setIdData(c, 'is_trust', e.isTrusted);
baseUtils.arrayLength(3, this.ce, this.getCurrnetData(e, c));
startCb(e) {
this.Be = 't';
if (!this.Z) return;
this.ke = 1;
this.se[0] = this.se[0] + 1;
let c = e.touches,
s = void 0 === c ? [] : c;
let l = s[0] || {};
let f = this.getid(e);
this.setIdData(f, 'session', this.$);
l.start_time = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
const that = this[('radiusX', 'radiusY', 'force', 'start_time')].forEach(function (e) {
that.setIdData(f, e, l[e] ? l[e] : 'a');
baseUtils.arrayLength(3, this.ce, this.getCurrnetData(e, f));
addListener() {
addEvent() {
document.addEventListener(this.ne, this.startCb);
document.addEventListener(this.re, this.endCb);
document.addEventListener(this.oe, this.moveCb);
document.addEventListener('click', this.clickCb);
getBlog() {
try {
let r = baseUtils.getAppVersion();
window.checkVersion = function (r) {
try {
if (r && r !== 'a') {
let a = '9.5.2'.split('.'),
u = r.split('.');
if (
Number(u[0]) > Number(a[0]) ||
(Number(u[0]) === Number(a[0]) && Number(u[1]) > Number(a[1])) ||
(Number(u[0]) === Number(a[0]) && Number(u[1]) === Number(a[1]) && Number(u[2]) >= Number(a[2]))
) {
return !0;
return !1;
} catch (e) {
return !1;
if (window.checkVersion(r)) {
const that = this;
window.callBackNameSmash = function (r) {
var a = JSON.parse(r || '{}');
if (a.data) {
that.Ee = a.data.blog;
that.Oe = a.data.msg;
if (that.Oe === void 0) {
that.Oe = 'f';
if (!that.Ee) {
if (that.Ee === void 0) {
that.Ee = 'f';
funcName: 'blog',
real_msg: 'blog为空',
} else {
that.Ee = 'f';
that.Oe = 'f';
funcName: 'blog',
real_msg: 'blog取值异常',
let a = {
callBackName: 'callBackNameSmash',
callBackId: 'smash',
try {
if (baseUtils.isIOS()) {
a.routerURL = 'router://jdjmamodule/gethcb';
a.routerParam = {};
window.webkit &&
method: 'callsyncroutermodulewithparams',
params: JSON.stringify(a),
if (baseUtils.isAndroid()) {
a.routerURL = 'router://com.jingdong.app.mall.jma.jsjmamanager/getblog';
window.JDAppUnite && window.JDAppUnite.callSyncRouterModuleWithParams(JSON.stringify(a));
} catch (r) {
this.Ee = 'f';
this.Oe = 'f';
funcName: 'blog',
real_msg: 'blog桥接失败',
} else {
funcName: 'blog',
real_msg: '客户端版本不满足条件',
} catch (r) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getBlog',
error_msg: r && r.message,
getFpv() {
try {
var i = baseUtils.isApp('jd'),
a = baseUtils.getAppVersion(),
u = !1;
if (i) {
u = (baseUtils.isIOS() && baseUtils.versionCompare(a, '10.1.6') > -1) || (baseUtils.isAndroid() && baseUtils.versionCompare(a, '10.2.0') > -1);
if (u) {
window.getSoftFingerprintBack = function (e) {
var a = JSON.parse(e || '{}').data || '';
document.cookie = 'shshshfpv='.concat(a, ';domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires=').concat(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString());
var c = {
callBackName: 'getSoftFingerprintBack',
callBackId: new Date().getTime(),
try {
if (baseUtils.isIOS()) {
c.routerURL = 'router://JDJMAModule/getwhwswswws';
c.routerParam = {};
window.webkit &&
method: 'callSyncRouterModuleWithParams',
params: JSON.stringify(c),
if (baseUtils.isAndroid()) {
c.routerURL = 'router://com.jingdong.app.mall.jma.JSJMAManager/getSoftFingerprint';
window.JDAppUnite && window.JDAppUnite.callRouterModuleWithParams(JSON.stringify(c));
} catch (e) {
document.cookie = 'shshshfpv=;domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires='.concat(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString());
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getFpv',
error_msg: e && e.message,
async getInfo() {
if (!baseUtils.isDuringDate(this.Je, this.Fe)) {
try {
try {
let { data: t } = await baseUtils.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: baseUtils.requestUrl.getInfo,
data: 'content='.concat(
appname: 'smashH5pv',
whwswswws: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpb'),
jdkey: '',
body: {},
if (t.code) {
funcName: 'info',
real_msg: 'info请求code异常',
error_msg: JSON.stringify(t),
} else {
var c = t.whwswswws || '';
document.cookie = 'shshshfpb='.concat(c, ';domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires=').concat(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString());
} catch (t) {
document.cookie = 'shshshfpb=;domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires='.concat(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString());
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getInfo.catch',
error_msg: t && t.message,
} catch (t) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getInfo',
error_msg: t && t.message,
getAppOs() {
try {
const that = this;
window.getAppOsInformation = function (t) {
try {
var a = JSON.parse(t);
if (a.status === '0') {
var s = a.data,
l = s.model || 'a',
d = s.systemName || 'a',
v = s.systemVersion || 'a',
g = s.appVersion || 'a',
w = s.appBuild || 'a',
_ = s.uuid || 'a',
A = s.eufv || 'a',
C = s.aid || 'a',
O = s.idfa || 'a';
var j;
try {
j = d.match(/[A-Za-z0-9]+/g).join('');
} catch (e) {
j = 'a';
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getAppOs.systemName',
error_msg: 'systemName='.concat(d, ';').concat(e && e.message),
that.Ae = [l, j, v, g, w, _, A];
baseUtils.isIOS() ? (that.Ce = O) : baseUtils.isAndroid() && (that.Ce = C);
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getAppOs.getAppOsInformation',
error_msg: e && e.message,
this.Te = 'u';
if (baseUtils.isAndroid()) {
if (window.JDAppUnite) {
this.Te = 't';
this.je = 2;
if (baseUtils.isIOS()) {
if (window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.JDAppUnite) {
this.Te = 't';
var o = {
method: 'getPhoneBasicInfo',
params: 'getAppOsInformation',
this.je = 2;
} catch (t) {
this.Ce = 'f';
this.Ae = baseUtils.getFailedArr(7);
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getAppOs',
error_msg: t && t.message,
handlerJrInfo(e) {
var i = typeof e == 'object' ? e : JSON.parse(e);
if (i.errorCode) {
this.qe = baseUtils.getFailedArr(7);
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'getJrAppOs.errorCode',
error_msg: ''.concat(i.errorCode, ',').concat(i.errorMsg),
} else {
var u = i.deviceInfo,
s = u.deviceType || 'a',
l = u.osPlatform || 'a',
h = u.osVersion || 'a',
m = u.clientVersion || 'a',
y = u.resolution || 'a',
_ = u.deviceId || 'a',
A = u.eufv || 'a',
C = u.channelInfo || 'a',
E = baseUtils.md5Str(_).slice(-16);
this.qe = [s, l, h, m, y, E, A];
var O = C;
if (C && C.indexOf('#') > -1) {
O = C.slice(0, C.indexOf('#'));
O = baseUtils.md5Str(O + E);
this.Re = O.slice(-16);
var k = {
fbInfo: this.qe,
jrStackInfo: this.Re,
if (!this.arrayEquals(this.qe, this.He) && window.localStorage) {
window.localStorage.setItem('jrInfo', JSON.stringify(k));
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.handlerJrInfo',
error_msg: JSON.stringify(k) || '',
getJrInfo() {
if (baseUtils.isApp('jdjr')) {
if (window.JrBridge) {
this.Me = 't';
this.ze = 1;
try {
const that = this;
JrBridge.getDeviceInfo(function (t) {
} catch (t) {
this.qe = baseUtils.getFailedArr(7);
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'JrBridge.getDeviceInfo',
error_msg: t && t.message,
} else {
getJrAppOs() {
try {
if (!window.jsBridgeV3) {
this.Me = 'u';
if (!window.defer) {
window.defer = jsBridgeV3.onReady();
if (window.defer) {
if (baseUtils.isApp('jdjr')) {
this.Me = 't';
this.ze = 1;
const that = this;
defer.then(function (t) {
var n = {
type: 9,
isLocation: !1,
data: '',
t.jsToGetResp(function (e) {
}, n);
} else {
this.Me = 'f';
} catch (t) {
this.Me = 'u';
this.qe = baseUtils.getFailedArr(7);
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getJrAppOs',
error_msg: t && t.message,
getFbStorage(e) {
try {
if (this.arrayEquals(e, this.He) || this.arrayEquals(e, this.We)) {
let a = window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem('jrInfo');
if (a) {
let u = JSON.parse(a);
this.qe = u.fbInfo || '';
this.Re = u.jrStackInfo || '';
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getFbStorage',
error_msg: JSON.stringify(u.fbInfo) || '',
} catch (e) {}
arrayEquals(e, t) {
return (
e.length === t.length &&
e.every(function (e, n) {
return e === t[n];
getLocalData() {
try {
this.pe =
'' +
baseUtils.getCookieEnabled() +
baseUtils.getSessionStorage() +
baseUtils.getLocalStorage() +
baseUtils.getIsMobileOne() +
baseUtils.getIsMobileTwo() +
baseUtils.getIsNodeEnv() +
this.de = baseUtils.getExistWebdriver();
this.he = baseUtils.getDetectPhantomjs();
this.ve = this.reportInterfaceData && typeof this.reportInterfaceData == 'function' ? 't' : 'f';
this.me = baseUtils.getNaviParam('platform');
this.ge = baseUtils.getNaviParam('product');
this.ye = baseUtils.getNaviParam('productSub');
this.we = baseUtils.getNaviParam('appName');
this.be = baseUtils.getNaviParam('vendor');
this.xe = baseUtils.getNaviParam('vendorSub');
this._e = baseUtils.getAppBuild();
this.Se = baseUtils.getScreen();
this.Ie = baseUtils.getExistMiniblink();
} catch (t) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getLocalData',
error_msg: t && t.message,
async getLoadData() {
try {
this.Pe = !0;
this.R = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
this.Z = !0;
await this.reportData();
await this.reportInterfaceData();
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getLoadData',
error_msg: e && e.message,
handleCsVal(t) {
var i = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : '';
try {
var d = '';
d += '1';
d += '0';
try {
var s = typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof window.JDAppUnite != 'undefined',
f = window && window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.JDAppUnite;
d += s || f ? '1' : '0';
} catch (e) {
d += '0';
d += '0';
d = parseInt(d, 2);
var h = d.toString(16);
var p = ''.concat(t);
var v = p.slice(p.length - 1);
var m = (Number(d) + Number(v)) % 16;
var l = i.split('');
l[14] = m.toString(16);
l[15] = h;
return l.join('');
} catch (e) {
return i;
getFillVal() {
try {
var r = 'u',
i = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
a = String(navigator.platform).toLowerCase().indexOf('linux') > -1,
u = navigator.platform == 'Win32',
c = navigator.platform == 'MacIntel';
a ? (r = 'l') : u ? (r = 'w') : c ? (r = 'i') : /iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(i) && (r = 'm');
var s = '';
s += '0';
try {
s += window ? '1' : '0';
} catch (e) {
s += '0';
i && i.indexOf('jdapp') === 0 ? (s += '1') : (s += '0');
s = parseInt(s, 2);
return ''.concat(r).concat(s);
} catch (r) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.getFillVal',
error_msg: r && r.message,
return '';
setjoyyaCookie(e) {
try {
var w = Date.parse(new Date()).toString();
w = w.slice(0, 10);
var c = document.cookie.split('; ');
var b = this.getFillVal();
if (e) {
var s = ''.concat(w, '.0.').concat(c.length),
f = baseUtils.getCrcCode(s),
l = ''.concat(s, '.').concat(f).concat(b);
document.cookie = 'joyya='.concat(l, ';domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires=').concat(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString());
} else {
var y = baseUtils.getCookie('joyya');
var g = 0;
y && (g = y.split('.')[0]);
var v = ''.concat(g, '.').concat(w, '.').concat(c.length);
var h = baseUtils.getCrcCode(v);
var m = ''.concat(v, '.').concat(h).concat(b);
document.cookie = 'joyya='.concat(m, ';domain=.jd.com;path=/;expires=').concat(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 864e9).toGMTString());
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inner.setjoyyaCookie',
error_msg: e && e.message,
async initial() {
var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
try {
var h = n.appId,
v = n.preRequest,
m = n.debug,
g = n.onSign,
y = n.onRequestTokenRemotely,
w = n.onRequestToken;
if (!baseUtils.isNotEmptyString(h)) {
funcName: 'initial',
real_msg: '参数appid不能为空',
error_msg: h,
if (!g) {
funcName: 'initial',
real_msg: '参数onsign不能为空',
if (!y) {
funcName: 'initial',
real_msg: '参数onrequesttokenremotely不能为空',
if (h.indexOf('_') === -1) {
funcName: 'initial',
real_msg: '参数appid格式不合法',
error_msg: h,
var s = h.split('_'),
f = s[0],
l = s[1];
if (f) {
this.Ge = !0;
await this.init({
appid: f,
uid: baseUtils.getCookiePin(),
if (l && !this.Xe) {
this.Xe = !0;
var p = {
appId: l,
debug: m,
preRequest: v,
onSign: g,
onRequestTokenRemotely: y,
onRequestToken: w,
// TODO 这好像是一个H5ST算法
this.Ve = new N['default'](p);
} catch (e) {}
async init() {
var i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
try {
!this.Pe && (await this.getLoadData());
this.Q = this.Q + 1;
this.clearjoyytoken(i.appid, !0);
this.$ = this.$ || baseUtils.getTouchSession();
this.P = {
ids: [],
var f = {
status: 0,
msg: '',
var m = i.appid || '';
if (!m) {
funcName: 'init',
real_msg: '参数错误',
f = {
status: 1,
msg: '参数错误',
return f;
Object.assign(this.P, i);
await this.getjoyytoken(i.appid, !0);
funcName: 'init',
return f;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'init',
real_msg: '初始化代码错误',
error_msg: ''.concat(e.name, ',').concat(e.message),
async sign() {
var r = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
i = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
try {
var u = {},
c = '',
s = '';
if (i) {
var p = r.functionId,
h = r.appid,
v = r.clientVersion,
m = r.client,
g = r.t,
y = r.sign,
b = r.body,
_ = r.jsonp;
s = h + m + v + p + g;
c = b;
if (typeof b === 'object') {
c = JSON.stringify(b);
this.setParam(u, 'functionId', p);
this.setParam(u, 'appid', h);
this.setParam(u, 'clientVersion', v);
this.setParam(u, 'client', m);
this.setParam(u, 't', g);
this.setParam(u, 'sign', y);
this.setParam(u, 'jsonp', _);
u.body = CryptoJS.SHA256(c).toString();
} else {
c = r;
if (typeof r === 'object') {
c = JSON.stringify(r);
u = r;
if (this.Ge) {
var S = this.B.openTraffic;
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inSmash',
error_msg: S,
if (S === '1') {
r.joylog = '';
} else {
var C = baseUtils.md5Str(c + s),
O = {
data: {
random: C,
var j = await this.get_risk_result(O);
r.joylog = ''.concat(C, '*').concat(j.log);
if (this.Ve) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'inPSign',
try {
let e = await this.Ve.sign(u);
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'psign.sign加签成功',
error_msg: JSON.stringify(u),
return e;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'PSign.sign加签失败,返回无签名参数',
error_msg: JSON.stringify(u),
return r;
} else {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: '不走签名,返回无签名参数',
return r;
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: '人机或签名失败,返回接口原入参',
error_msg: e && e.message,
return r;
async get_risk_result(e) {
var i = e.id;
var u = e.data || {};
this.T += 1;
var y = baseUtils.getCurrentTime(),
b = {},
N = '',
E = '',
O = '',
k = 'a',
D = 'a';
var s, f, l, p, h, v, m, g;
try {
var M = this.P.ids || [],
q = this.P.appid || '';
var W = '',
K = baseUtils.getTokem('joyytokem', q),
J = K.joyytokenVal,
F = K.xcdVal;
if (q && q !== 'undefined' && J) {
l = J.slice(q.length);
W = J;
} else {
l = baseUtils.getCookiePin();
this.B.encrypt_id = this.B.default_encrypt_id;
this.B.cf_v = this.B.default_cf_v;
var V = this.decryptJoyToken(W),
G = V.openPre,
X = V.q,
Y = V.etid,
Z = V.cf_v,
ne = V.encrypt_id || '1,3,*,1';
ne = ne.replace(/\s*/g, '');
var re = this.z[i],
oe = '';
!this.Q && (oe = 6);
i === void 0 && (oe = 2);
M.indexOf(i) === -1 && (oe = 3);
this.ze === 0 && ((this.ze = 1), this.getJrInfo());
y = baseUtils.getCurrentTime() + X;
g = re && re.is_trust === !1 ? 0 : 1;
g = G === '1' ? g : 1;
f = baseUtils.getRandomWord(10);
var ie,
ae = Y.split(','),
le = ne.split(','),
ge = [le[2], le[3]],
ye = baseUtils.objToString2(baseUtils.RecursiveSorting(u)),
we = '',
xe = !1,
je = baseUtils.getInRange(ae, le[0], le[1]);
ie = le[2];
for (var ke = 0; ke < ie.length; ke++) {
var He = ie[ke] === '*' ? je[baseUtils.getRandomInt(0, je.length - 1)] : ie[ke];
we += He;
var Pe = baseUtils.encrypt(He, f, y);
if (Pe == null || (typeof Pe == 'number' && isNaN(Pe))) {
xe = true;
O += Pe;
E = O && !xe ? 'C' : 'L';
ge[0] = we;
N = ge.toString();
s = `${ye}&token=${l}&time=${y}&nonce_str=${f}&key=${O || this.De}&is_trust=${g}`;
var We = le[3];
p = We == '1' ? CryptoJS.SHA1(s).toString().toUpperCase() : CryptoJS.SHA256(s).toString().toUpperCase();
this.setIdData(i, 'data', ye);
h = baseUtils.getCrcCode(p);
var Ke = baseUtils.getCallStack(),
Je = baseUtils.md5Str(this.Ce),
Fe = Ke.slice(16) + Je.slice(16);
this.Me == 't' && (this.getFbStorage(this.qe), !this.Re && (this.Re = baseUtils.md5Str('').slice(-16)), (Fe = Fe.slice(0, -16) + this.Re));
Fe = this['handleCsVal'](y, Fe);
b = {
tm: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.ue)),
tnm: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.ce)),
grn: this.T,
ss: this.$ || 'a',
wed: this.pe,
wea: '' + this.de + this.he + this.ve + this.Be + this.Te + this.Le + this.Ie + 'a' + this.Me,
pdn: baseUtils['getPageDomNum'](),
jj: oe,
cs: Fe || 'a',
np: this.me,
t: y,
jk: baseUtils.getJdKey(),
fpb: baseUtils.getCookie('shshshfpb'),
nv: this.be,
nav: this._e,
scr: this.Se,
ro: this.Ae,
ioa: baseUtils['getIosAppDetail'](),
aj: baseUtils['getAutoJs'](),
ci: this.ee,
cf_v: Z,
bd: ye,
mj: this.se,
blog: this.Ee,
msg: this.Oe,
xcr: this.Ue,
't' === this.Me && (b.fb = this.qe);
try {
var Ye = baseUtils['xorEncrypt'](JSON.stringify(b), O || this.De);
k = Ye.xorEncrypted.length;
D = Ye['totalTime'];
v = baseUtils['utoa'](Ye.xorEncrypted);
m = baseUtils.getCrcCode(v);
} catch (e) {
k = 'c';
D = 'c';
funcName: 'get_risk_result',
key: O,
is_trust: !!g,
dataString: ye,
buttonid: i,
hl: k,
ht: D,
this.ue = [];
this.ce = [];
this.$ = baseUtils.getTouchSession();
this.fe = baseUtils.getCurrentTime();
this.se = [0, 0, 0];
await this.getjoyytoken(q);
var tt = ''
.concat(y, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(l, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(N, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(p, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(h, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(E, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(v, '|abcdefg|')
tt = tt['replace'](/\|abcdefg\|/g, '~');
this.U && (await this['reportData'](!0), this.reportInterfaceData(), (this.U = !1));
return {
result: 1,
status: 0,
log: tt,
} catch (e) {
var it = ''.concat(e.name, ',').concat(e.message);
b.jj = 5;
b.ci = this.ee;
!O && (E = 'L');
N == '' && ((E = 'L'), (O = ''));
try {
var st = baseUtils['xorEncrypt'](JSON.stringify(b), O || this.De),
ft = st.xorEncrypted,
lt = st.totalTime;
k = ft.length;
D = lt;
v = baseUtils.utoa(ft);
m = baseUtils.getCrcCode(v);
} catch (e) {
(k = 'c'), (D = 'c');
var dt = ''
.concat(y, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(l, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(N, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(p, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(h, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(E, '|abcdefg|')
.concat(v, '|abcdefg|')
dt = dt['replace'](/\|abcdefg\|/g, '~');
var at = {};
(at.funcName = 'get_risk_result'), (at.real_msg = 'get_risk_result代码错误'), (at.error_msg = it), (at.hl = k), (at.ht = D), this.getInterfaceData(at);
this.U && (await this['reportData'](!0), this.reportInterfaceData(), (this.U = !1));
var pt = {};
return (pt['result'] = 1), (pt.log = dt), pt;
getRandom(e) {
try {
if (typeof e !== 'number' || isNaN(e) || !Number.isInteger(e) || e < 1) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'getRandom参数错误',
error_msg: 'type:'.concat(JSON.stringify(e), ', value: ').concat(e),
return '';
return baseUtils.getRandomWord(Math.min(15, e), !0);
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'getRandom异常',
error_msg: e && e.message,
return '';
getHash(e) {
try {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
return baseUtils.md5Str(e).slice(8, -8);
} else {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'getHash参数错误',
error_msg: 'type:'.concat(JSON.stringify(e), ', value: ').concat(e),
return '';
} catch (e) {
funcName: 'other',
real_msg: 'getHash异常',
error_msg: e && e.message,
return '';
module.exports.SmashUtils = SmashUtils;