import { computed, defineComponent, onMounted, shallowRef } from 'vue' import { tryOnBeforeUnmount } from '@vueuse/core' import { classNames, filterEmpty, getSlotsProps, runEvent, useState } from '@v-c/utils' import { useProviderConfigState } from '../config-provider/context' import warning from '../_util/warning' import Wave from '../_util/wave' import { useSize } from '../_util/hooks/size' import { useDisabled } from '../_util/hooks/disabled' import { useCompactItemContext } from '../space/compact' import useStyle from './style' import type { ButtonProps, LoadingConfigType } from './interface' import { buttonProps } from './interface' import { isTwoCNChar, isUnBorderedButtonType, spaceChildren } from './button-helper' import LoadingIcon from './loading-icon' type Loading = number | boolean function getLoadingConfig(loading: ButtonProps['loading']): LoadingConfigType { if (typeof loading === 'object' && loading) { const delay = loading?.delay const isDelay = !Number.isNaN(delay) && typeof delay === 'number' return { loading: false, delay: isDelay ? delay : 0 } } return { loading, delay: 0 } } const Button = defineComponent({ name: 'AButton', inheritAttrs: false, __ANT_BUTTON: true, props: { ...buttonProps }, setup(props, { slots, attrs }) { const { getPrefixCls, autoInsertSpaceInButton, direction } = useProviderConfigState() const prefixCls = computed(() => getPrefixCls('btn', props.prefixCls)) const [wrapSSR, hashId] = useStyle(prefixCls) const size = useSize(props) const { compactSize, compactItemClassnames } = useCompactItemContext( prefixCls, direction ) const sizeCls = computed(() => { const sizeClassNameMap: Record = { large: 'lg', small: 'sm', middle: undefined } const sizeFullName = compactSize?.value || size.value return sizeClassNameMap[sizeFullName] }) const disabled = useDisabled(props) const buttonRef = shallowRef(null) const loadingOrDelay = computed(() => { return getLoadingConfig(props.loading) }) const [innerLoading, setLoading] = useState( loadingOrDelay.value.loading ) const [hasTwoCNChar, setHasTwoCNChar] = useState(false) let isNeedInserted = false const fixTwoCNChar = () => { // FIXME: for HOC usage like if (!buttonRef.value || autoInsertSpaceInButton.value === false) { return } const buttonText = buttonRef.value.textContent if (isNeedInserted && isTwoCNChar(buttonText as string)) { if (!hasTwoCNChar.value) { setHasTwoCNChar(true) } } else if (hasTwoCNChar.value) { setHasTwoCNChar(false) } } let delayTimer: number | null = null onMounted(() => { if (loadingOrDelay.value.delay > 0) { delayTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { delayTimer = null setLoading(true) }, loadingOrDelay.value.delay) } else { setLoading(loadingOrDelay.value.loading) } }) function cleanupTimer() { if (delayTimer) { window.clearTimeout(delayTimer) delayTimer = null } } tryOnBeforeUnmount(() => { cleanupTimer() }) const handleClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { // FIXME: if (innerLoading.value || disabled.value) { e.preventDefault() return } runEvent(props, 'onClick', e) } const showError = () => { const { ghost, type } = props const icon = getSlotsProps(slots, props, 'icon') warning( !(typeof icon === 'string' && icon.length > 2), 'Button', `\`icon\` is using ReactNode instead of string naming in v4. Please check \`${icon}\` at` ) warning( !(ghost && isUnBorderedButtonType(type)), 'Button', "`link` or `text` button can't be a `ghost` button." ) } return () => { const { shape, rootClassName, ghost, type, block, danger } = props const icon = getSlotsProps(slots, props, 'icon') const children = filterEmpty(slots.default?.() as any) isNeedInserted = children.length === 1 && !slots.icon && !isUnBorderedButtonType(props.type) fixTwoCNChar() showError() const iconType = innerLoading.value ? 'loading' : icon const autoInsertSpace = autoInsertSpaceInButton.value !== false const hrefAndDisabled = attrs.href !== undefined && disabled.value const classes = classNames( prefixCls.value, hashId.value, { [`${prefixCls.value}-${shape}`]: shape !== 'default' && shape, [`${prefixCls.value}-${type}`]: type, [`${prefixCls.value}-${sizeCls.value}`]: sizeCls.value, [`${prefixCls.value}-icon-only`]: !children && children !== 0 && !!iconType, [`${prefixCls.value}-background-ghost`]: ghost && !isUnBorderedButtonType(type), [`${prefixCls.value}-loading`]: innerLoading.value, [`${prefixCls.value}-two-chinese-chars`]: hasTwoCNChar.value && autoInsertSpace && !innerLoading.value, [`${prefixCls.value}-block`]: block, [`${prefixCls.value}-dangerous`]: !!danger, [`${prefixCls.value}-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', [`${prefixCls.value}-disabled`]: hrefAndDisabled }, attrs.class, compactItemClassnames.value, rootClassName ) const iconNode = icon && (!innerLoading.value ? ( icon?.() ) : ( )) const kids = children || children === 0 ? spaceChildren(children[0] as any, isNeedInserted && autoInsertSpace) : undefined if (attrs.href !== undefined) { return wrapSSR( {iconNode} {kids} ) } let buttonNode = ( ) if (!isUnBorderedButtonType(type)) { buttonNode = {buttonNode} } return wrapSSR(buttonNode) } } }) export default Button