150 lines
3.9 KiB

import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue'
import type { MapToken } from './maps'
// ======================================================================
// == Alias Token ==
// ======================================================================
export interface AliasToken extends MapToken {
// Background
colorFillContentHover: string
colorFillAlter: string
colorFillContent: string
colorBgContainerDisabled: string
colorBgTextHover: string
colorBgTextActive: string
// Border
colorBorderBg: string
* @nameZH 分割线颜色
* @desc 用于作为分割线的颜色,此颜色和 colorBorderSecondary 的颜色一致,但是用的是透明色。
colorSplit: string
// Text
colorTextPlaceholder: string
colorTextDisabled: string
colorTextHeading: string
colorTextLabel: string
colorTextDescription: string
colorTextLightSolid: string
/** Weak action. Such as `allowClear` or Alert close button */
colorIcon: string
/** Weak action hover color. Such as `allowClear` or Alert close button */
colorIconHover: string
colorLink: string
colorLinkHover: string
colorLinkActive: string
colorHighlight: string
controlOutline: string
colorWarningOutline: string
colorErrorOutline: string
// Font
/** Operation icon in Select, Cascader, etc. icon fontSize. Normal is same as fontSizeSM */
fontSizeIcon: number
/** For heading like h1, h2, h3 or option selected item */
fontWeightStrong: number
// Control
controlOutlineWidth: number
controlItemBgHover: string // Note. It also is a color
controlItemBgActive: string // Note. It also is a color
controlItemBgActiveHover: string // Note. It also is a color
controlInteractiveSize: number
controlItemBgActiveDisabled: string // Note. It also is a color
// Padding
paddingXXS: number
paddingXS: number
paddingSM: number
padding: number
paddingMD: number
paddingLG: number
paddingXL: number
// Padding Content
paddingContentHorizontalLG: number
paddingContentHorizontal: number
paddingContentHorizontalSM: number
paddingContentVerticalLG: number
paddingContentVertical: number
paddingContentVerticalSM: number
// Margin
marginXXS: number
marginXS: number
marginSM: number
margin: number
marginMD: number
marginLG: number
marginXL: number
marginXXL: number
// =============== Legacy: should be remove ===============
opacityLoading: number
boxShadow: string
boxShadowSecondary: string
boxShadowTertiary: string
linkDecoration: CSSProperties['textDecoration']
linkHoverDecoration: CSSProperties['textDecoration']
linkFocusDecoration: CSSProperties['textDecoration']
controlPaddingHorizontal: number
controlPaddingHorizontalSM: number
// Media queries breakpoints
screenXS: number
screenXSMin: number
screenXSMax: number
screenSM: number
screenSMMin: number
screenSMMax: number
screenMD: number
screenMDMin: number
screenMDMax: number
screenLG: number
screenLGMin: number
screenLGMax: number
screenXL: number
screenXLMin: number
screenXLMax: number
screenXXL: number
screenXXLMin: number
/** Used for DefaultButton, Switch which has default outline */
controlTmpOutline: string
// FIXME: component box-shadow, should be removed
/** @internal */
boxShadowPopoverArrow: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowCard: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowDrawerRight: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowDrawerLeft: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowDrawerUp: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowDrawerDown: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowTabsOverflowLeft: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowTabsOverflowRight: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowTabsOverflowTop: string
/** @internal */
boxShadowTabsOverflowBottom: string