validate([ 'email' => 'required|email', 'redirect' => 'nullable' ]); if (Cache::get(CacheKey::get('LAST_SEND_LOGIN_WITH_MAIL_LINK_TIMESTAMP', $params['email']))) { abort(500, __('Sending frequently, please try again later')); } $user = User::where('email', $params['email'])->first(); if (!$user) { return response([ 'data' => true ]); } $code = Helper::guid(); $key = CacheKey::get('TEMP_TOKEN', $code); Cache::put($key, $user->id, 300); Cache::put(CacheKey::get('LAST_SEND_LOGIN_WITH_MAIL_LINK_TIMESTAMP', $params['email']), time(), 60); $redirect = '/#/login?verify=' . $code . '&redirect=' . ($request->input('redirect') ? $request->input('redirect') : 'dashboard'); if (config('v2board.app_url')) { $link = config('v2board.app_url') . $redirect; } else { $link = url($redirect); } SendEmailJob::dispatch([ 'email' => $user->email, 'subject' => __('Login to :name', [ 'name' => config('v2board.app_name', 'V2Board') ]), 'template_name' => 'login', 'template_value' => [ 'name' => config('v2board.app_name', 'V2Board'), 'link' => $link, 'url' => config('v2board.app_url') ] ]); return response([ 'data' => $link ]); } public function register(AuthRegister $request) { if ((int)config('v2board.register_limit_by_ip_enable', 0)) { $registerCountByIP = Cache::get(CacheKey::get('REGISTER_IP_RATE_LIMIT', $request->ip())) ?? 0; if ((int)$registerCountByIP >= (int)config('v2board.register_limit_count', 3)) { abort(500, __('Register frequently, please try again after :minute minute', [ 'minute' => config('v2board.register_limit_expire', 60) ])); } } if ((int)config('v2board.recaptcha_enable', 0)) { $recaptcha = new ReCaptcha(config('v2board.recaptcha_key')); $recaptchaResp = $recaptcha->verify($request->input('recaptcha_data')); if (!$recaptchaResp->isSuccess()) { abort(500, __('Invalid code is incorrect')); } } if ((int)config('v2board.email_whitelist_enable', 0)) { if (!Helper::emailSuffixVerify( $request->input('email'), config('v2board.email_whitelist_suffix', Dict::EMAIL_WHITELIST_SUFFIX_DEFAULT)) ) { abort(500, __('Email suffix is not in the Whitelist')); } } if ((int)config('v2board.email_gmail_limit_enable', 0)) { $prefix = explode('@', $request->input('email'))[0]; if (strpos($prefix, '.') !== false || strpos($prefix, '+') !== false) { abort(500, __('Gmail alias is not supported')); } } if ((int)config('v2board.stop_register', 0)) { abort(500, __('Registration has closed')); } if ((int)config('v2board.invite_force', 0)) { if (empty($request->input('invite_code'))) { abort(500, __('You must use the invitation code to register')); } } if ((int)config('v2board.email_verify', 0)) { if (empty($request->input('email_code'))) { abort(500, __('Email verification code cannot be empty')); } if (Cache::get(CacheKey::get('EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE', $request->input('email'))) !== $request->input('email_code')) { abort(500, __('Incorrect email verification code')); } } $email = $request->input('email'); $password = $request->input('password'); $exist = User::where('email', $email)->first(); if ($exist) { abort(500, __('Email already exists')); } $user = new User(); $user->email = $email; $user->password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $user->uuid = Helper::guid(true); $user->token = Helper::guid(); if ($request->input('invite_code')) { $inviteCode = InviteCode::where('code', $request->input('invite_code')) ->where('status', 0) ->first(); if (!$inviteCode) { if ((int)config('v2board.invite_force', 0)) { abort(500, __('Invalid invitation code')); } } else { $user->invite_user_id = $inviteCode->user_id ? $inviteCode->user_id : null; if (!(int)config('v2board.invite_never_expire', 0)) { $inviteCode->status = 1; $inviteCode->save(); } } } // try out if ((int)config('v2board.try_out_plan_id', 0)) { $plan = Plan::find(config('v2board.try_out_plan_id')); if ($plan) { $user->transfer_enable = $plan->transfer_enable * 1073741824; $user->plan_id = $plan->id; $user->group_id = $plan->group_id; $user->expired_at = time() + (config('v2board.try_out_hour', 1) * 3600); } } if (!$user->save()) { abort(500, __('Register failed')); } if ((int)config('v2board.email_verify', 0)) { Cache::forget(CacheKey::get('EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE', $request->input('email'))); } $user->last_login_at = time(); $user->save(); if ((int)config('v2board.register_limit_by_ip_enable', 0)) { Cache::put( CacheKey::get('REGISTER_IP_RATE_LIMIT', $request->ip()), (int)$registerCountByIP + 1, (int)config('v2board.register_limit_expire', 60) * 60 ); } $authService = new AuthService($user); return response()->json([ 'data' => $authService->generateAuthData('register') ]); } public function login(AuthLogin $request) { $email = $request->input('email'); $password = $request->input('password'); $user = User::where('email', $email)->first(); if (!$user) { abort(500, __('Incorrect email or password')); } if (!Helper::multiPasswordVerify( $user->password_algo, $user->password_salt, $password, $user->password) ) { abort(500, __('Incorrect email or password')); } if ($user->banned) { abort(500, __('Your account has been suspended')); } $authService = new AuthService($user); return response([ 'data' => $authService->generateAuthData('login') ]); } public function token2Login(Request $request) { if ($request->input('token')) { $redirect = '/#/login?verify=' . $request->input('token') . '&redirect=' . ($request->input('redirect') ? $request->input('redirect') : 'dashboard'); if (config('v2board.app_url')) { $location = config('v2board.app_url') . $redirect; } else { $location = url($redirect); } return redirect()->to($location)->send(); } if ($request->input('verify')) { $key = CacheKey::get('TEMP_TOKEN', $request->input('verify')); $userId = Cache::get($key); if (!$userId) { abort(500, __('Token error')); } $user = User::find($userId); if (!$user) { abort(500, __('The user does not ')); } if ($user->banned) { abort(500, __('Your account has been suspended')); } Cache::forget($key); $authService = new AuthService($user); return response([ 'data' => $authService->generateAuthData('token') ]); } } public function getQuickLoginUrl(Request $request) { $authorization = $request->input('auth_data') ?? $request->header('authorization'); if (!$authorization) abort(403, '未登录或登陆已过期'); $user = AuthService::decryptAuthData($authorization); if (!$user) abort(403, '未登录或登陆已过期'); $code = Helper::guid(); $key = CacheKey::get('TEMP_TOKEN', $code); Cache::put($key, $user['id'], 60); $redirect = '/#/login?verify=' . $code . '&redirect=' . ($request->input('redirect') ? $request->input('redirect') : 'dashboard'); if (config('v2board.app_url')) { $url = config('v2board.app_url') . $redirect; } else { $url = url($redirect); } return response([ 'data' => $url ]); } public function forget(AuthForget $request) { if (Cache::get(CacheKey::get('EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE', $request->input('email'))) !== $request->input('email_code')) { abort(500, __('Incorrect email verification code')); } $user = User::where('email', $request->input('email'))->first(); if (!$user) { abort(500, __('This email is not registered in the system')); } $user->password = password_hash($request->input('password'), PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $user->password_algo = NULL; $user->password_salt = NULL; if (!$user->save()) { abort(500, __('Reset failed')); } Cache::forget(CacheKey::get('EMAIL_VERIFY_CODE', $request->input('email'))); return response([ 'data' => true ]); } }