poseidonVersion = $request->input('poseidon_version'); } // 后端获取用户 public function user(Request $request) { if ($r = $this->verifyToken($request)) { return $r; } $nodeId = $request->input('node_id'); $server = Server::find($nodeId); if (!$server) { return $this->error("server could not be found", 404); } Cache::put(CacheKey::get('SERVER_LAST_CHECK_AT', $server->id), time(), 3600); $serverService = new ServerService(); $users = $serverService->getAvailableUsers(json_decode($server->group_id)); $result = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $user->v2ray_user = [ "uuid" => $user->uuid, "email" => sprintf("%s@v2board.user", $user->uuid), "alter_id" => $user->v2ray_alter_id, "level" => $user->v2ray_level, ]; unset($user['uuid']); unset($user['v2ray_alter_id']); unset($user['v2ray_level']); array_push($result, $user); } return $this->success($result); } // 后端提交数据 public function submit(Request $request) { if ($r = $this->verifyToken($request)) { return $r; } $server = Server::find($request->input('node_id')); if (!$server) { return $this->error("server could not be found", 404); } $data = file_get_contents('php://input'); $data = json_decode($data, true); Cache::put(CacheKey::get('SERVER_ONLINE_USER', $server->id), count($data), 3600); $serverService = new ServerService(); $userService = new UserService(); foreach ($data as $item) { $u = $item['u'] * $server->rate; $d = $item['d'] * $server->rate; if (!$userService->trafficFetch($u, $d, $item['user_id'])) { return $this->error("user fetch fail", 500); } $serverService->log( $item['user_id'], $request->input('node_id'), $item['u'], $item['d'], $server->rate, 'vmess' ); } return $this->success(''); } // 后端获取配置 public function config(Request $request) { if ($r = $this->verifyToken($request)) { return $r; } $nodeId = $request->input('node_id'); $localPort = $request->input('local_port'); if (empty($nodeId) || empty($localPort)) { return $this->error('invalid parameters', 400); } $serverService = new ServerService(); try { $json = $serverService->getConfig($nodeId, $localPort); $json->poseidon = [ 'license_key' => (string)config('v2board.server_license'), ]; if ($this->poseidonVersion >= 'v1.5.0') { // don't need it after v1.5.0 unset($json->inboundDetour); unset($json->stats); unset($json->api); array_shift($json->routing->rules); } foreach($json->policy->levels as &$level) { $level->handshake = 2; $level->uplinkOnly = 2; $level->downlinkOnly = 2; $level->connIdle = 60; } return $this->success($json); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->error($e->getMessage(), 500); } } protected function verifyToken(Request $request) { $token = $request->input('token'); if (empty($token)) { return $this->error("token must be set"); } if ($token !== config('v2board.server_token')) { return $this->error("invalid token"); } } protected function error($msg, int $status = 400) { return response([ 'msg' => $msg, ], $status); } protected function success($data) { return response([ 'msg' => 'ok', 'data' => $data, ]); } }