expired_at <= time() || $user->expired_at === NULL) return null; // if reset method is not reset if (isset($user->plan->reset_traffic_method) && $user->plan->reset_traffic_method === 2) return null; if ((int)config('v2board.reset_traffic_method') === 0 || (isset($user->plan->reset_traffic_method) && $user->plan->reset_traffic_method === 0)) { $day = date('d', $user->expired_at); $today = date('d'); $lastDay = date('d', strtotime('last day of +0 months')); return $lastDay - $today; } if ((int)config('v2board.reset_traffic_method') === 1 || (isset($user->plan->reset_traffic_method) && $user->plan->reset_traffic_method === 1)) { $day = date('d', $user->expired_at); $today = date('d'); $lastDay = date('d', strtotime('last day of +0 months')); if ((int)$day >= (int)$today && (int)$day >= (int)$lastDay) { return $lastDay - $today; } if ((int)$day >= (int)$today) { return $day - $today; } else { return $lastDay - $today + $day; } } if ((int)config('v2board.reset_traffic_method') === 2 || (isset($user->plan->reset_traffic_method) && $user->plan->reset_traffic_method === 2)) { $nextYear = strtotime(date("Y-01-01", strtotime('+1 year'))); return (int)(($nextYear - time()) / 86400); } return null; } public function isAvailable(User $user) { if (!$user->banned && $user->transfer_enable && ($user->expired_at > time() || $user->expired_at === NULL)) { return true; } return false; } public function getAvailableUsers() { return User::whereRaw('u + d < transfer_enable') ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('expired_at', '>=', time()) ->orWhere('expired_at', NULL); }) ->where('banned', 0) ->get(); } public function getUnAvailbaleUsers() { return User::where(function ($query) { $query->where('expired_at', '<', time()) ->orWhere('expired_at', 0); }) ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('plan_id', NULL) ->orWhere('transfer_enable', 0); }) ->get(); } public function getUsersByIds($ids) { return User::whereIn('id', $ids)->get(); } public function getAllUsers() { return User::all(); } public function addBalance(int $userId, int $balance):bool { $user = User::lockForUpdate()->find($userId); if (!$user) { return false; } $user->balance = $user->balance + $balance; if ($user->balance < 0) { return false; } if (!$user->save()) { return false; } return true; } public function isNotCompleteOrderByUserId(int $userId):bool { $order = Order::whereIn('status', [0, 1]) ->where('user_id', $userId) ->first(); if (!$order) { return false; } return true; } public function trafficFetch(int $u, int $d, int $userId, object $server, string $protocol) { TrafficFetchJob::dispatch($u, $d, $userId, $server, $protocol); StatServerJob::dispatch($u, $d, $server, $protocol, 'd'); StatUserJob::dispatch($u, $d, $userId, $server, $protocol, 'd'); } }