input('id')) { $knowledge = Knowledge::where('id', $request->input('id')) ->where('show', 1) ->first() ->toArray(); if (!$knowledge) abort(500, __('Article does not exist')); $user = User::find($request->session()->get('id')); $userService = new UserService(); if ($userService->isAvailable($user)) { $appleId = config('v2board.apple_id'); $appleIdPassword = config('v2board.apple_id_password'); } else { $appleId = __('No active subscription. Unable to use our provided Apple ID'); $appleIdPassword = __('No active subscription. Unable to use our provided Apple ID'); $this->formatAccessData($knowledge['body']); } $subscribeUrl = config('v2board.app_url', env('APP_URL')); $subscribeUrls = explode(',', config('v2board.subscribe_url')); if ($subscribeUrls) { $subscribeUrl = $subscribeUrls[rand(0, count($subscribeUrls) - 1)]; } $subscribeUrl = "{$subscribeUrl}/api/v1/client/subscribe?token={$user['token']}"; $knowledge['body'] = str_replace('{{siteName}}', config('v2board.app_name', 'V2Board'), $knowledge['body']); $knowledge['body'] = str_replace('{{subscribeUrl}}', $subscribeUrl, $knowledge['body']); $knowledge['body'] = str_replace('{{urlEncodeSubscribeUrl}}', urlencode($subscribeUrl), $knowledge['body']); $knowledge['body'] = str_replace( '{{safeBase64SubscribeUrl}}', str_replace( array('+', '/', '='), array('-', '_', ''), base64_encode($subscribeUrl) ), $knowledge['body'] ); return response([ 'data' => $knowledge ]); } $knowledges = Knowledge::select(['id', 'category', 'title', 'updated_at']) ->where('language', $request->input('language')) ->where('show', 1) ->orderBy('sort', 'ASC') ->get() ->groupBy('category'); return response([ 'data' => $knowledges ]); } private function formatAccessData(&$body) { function getBetween($input, $start, $end){$substr = substr($input, strlen($start)+strpos($input, $start),(strlen($input) - strpos($input, $end))*(-1));return $start . $substr . $end;} while (strpos($body, '') !== false) { $accessData = getBetween($body, '', ''); if ($accessData) { $body = str_replace($accessData, '
'. __('You must have a valid subscription to view content in this area') .'
', $body); } } } }