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2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
@echo off
if "%ALIASES%" == "" (
set ALIASES="%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_aliases.cmd"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1" == "" echo Use /? for help & echo. & goto :p_show
:: check command usage
rem #region parseargument
goto parseargument
set currentarg=%~1
if /i "%currentarg%" equ "/f" (
set ALIASES=%~2
2019-04-01 22:10:21 -04:00
set _f=%~2
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
goto :do_shift
) else if /i "%currentarg%" == "/reload" (
goto :p_reload
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
) else if "%currentarg%" equ "/H" (
goto :p_help
) else if "%currentarg%" equ "/h" (
goto :p_help
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
) else if "%currentarg%" equ "/?" (
goto :p_help
) else if /i "%currentarg%" equ "/d" (
if "%~2" neq "" (
if "%~3" equ "" (
:: /d flag for delete existing alias
call :p_del %~2
goto :eof
) else if "%currentarg%" neq "" (
if "%~2" equ "" (
:: Show the specified alias
doskey /macros | %WINDIR%\System32\findstr /b %currentarg%= && exit /b
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
echo insufficient parameters.
goto :p_help
) else (
:: handle quotes within command definition, e.g. quoted long file names
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
set _x=%*
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
rem #endregion parseargument
if "%ALIASES%" neq "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_aliases.cmd" (
set _x=!_x:/f "%ALIASES%" =!
if not exist "%ALIASES%" (
echo ;= @echo off>"%ALIASES%"
echo ;= rem Call DOSKEY and use this file as the macrofile>>"%ALIASES%"
echo ;= %%SystemRoot%%\system32\doskey /listsize=1000 /macrofile=%%0%%>>"%ALIASES%"
echo ;= rem In batch mode, jump to the end of the file>>"%ALIASES%"
echo ;= goto:eof>>"%ALIASES%"
echo ;= Add aliases below here>>"%ALIASES%"
:: validate alias
for /f "delims== tokens=1,* usebackq" %%G in (`echo "!_x!"`) do (
set alias_name=%%G
set alias_value=%%H
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
:: leading quotes added while validating
set alias_name=!alias_name:~1!
:: trailing quotes added while validating
set alias_value=!alias_value:~0,-1!
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
::remove spaces
set _temp=%alias_name: =%
if not ["%_temp%"] == ["%alias_name%"] (
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
echo Your alias name can not contain a space
exit /b
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
:: replace already defined alias
2020-12-24 17:55:56 -05:00
%WINDIR%\System32\findstr /b /l /v /i "%alias_name%=" "%ALIASES%" >> "%ALIASES%.tmp"
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
echo %alias_name%=%alias_value% >> "%ALIASES%.tmp" && type "%ALIASES%.tmp" > "%ALIASES%" & @del /f /q "%ALIASES%.tmp"
doskey /macrofile="%ALIASES%"
exit /b
set del_alias=%~1
2020-12-24 17:55:56 -05:00
%WINDIR%\System32\findstr /b /l /v /i "%del_alias%=" "%ALIASES%" >> "%ALIASES%.tmp"
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
type "%ALIASES%".tmp > "%ALIASES%" & @del /f /q "%ALIASES%.tmp"
doskey %del_alias%=
doskey /macrofile="%ALIASES%"
doskey /macrofile="%ALIASES%"
echo Aliases reloaded
exit /b
doskey /macros|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr /v /r "^;=" | sort
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
exit /b
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. alias [options] [alias=alias command]
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. Note: Options MUST precede the alias definition.
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. /d [alias] Delete an [alias].
echo. /f [macrofile] Path to the [macrofile] you want to store the new alias in.
echo. Default: %cmder_root%\config\user_aliases.cmd
echo. /reload Reload the aliases file. Can be used with /f argument.
echo. Default: %cmder_root%\config\user_aliases.cmd
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. If alias is called with no parameters, it will display the list of existing
echo. aliases.
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
echo. In the alias command, you can use the following notations:
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. ^^^^^^^^%% - %% signs in env vars must be escaped if preserving the variable
echo. in he alias is desired. Variables in aliases surrounded by double
echo. quotes only require '^^%%' vs '^^^^^^^^%%'
echo. $* - allows the alias to assume all the parameters of the supplied
echo. command.
2022-01-15 11:00:58 -05:00
echo. $1-$9 - Allows you to separate parameter by number, much like %%1 in
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. batch.
2022-01-15 11:00:58 -05:00
echo. $T - Command separator, allowing you to string several commands
2019-05-05 17:06:44 -04:00
echo. together into one alias.
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
echo. For more information, read DOSKEY /?
2018-09-02 19:09:12 -05:00
exit /b