new alias create syntax

This commit is contained in:
Dax T. Games 2019-04-01 16:58:45 -04:00
parent f2b26352b4
commit 3e40c80331

vendor/bin/alias.cmd vendored
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@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ if "%~1" == "" echo Use /? for help & echo. & goto :p_show
rem #region parseargument
goto parseargument
set args=
@ -22,10 +24,15 @@ goto parseargument
if /i "%currentarg%" equ "/f" (
set ALIASES=%~2
goto :do_shift
) else if /i "%currentarg%" == "/reload" (
goto :p_reload
) else if "%currentarg%" equ "/H" (
goto :p_help
) else if "%currentarg%" equ "/h" (
goto :p_help
) else if "%currentarg%" equ "/?" (
goto :p_help
) else if /i "%currentarg%" equ "/d" (
@ -43,11 +50,28 @@ goto parseargument
doskey /macros | %WINDIR%\System32\findstr /b %currentarg%= && exit /b
echo insufficient parameters.
goto :p_help
) else if "%currentarg%" == "create" (
set action=create
if [%ALT_ALIASES%] neq [] (
echo 1
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,* usebackq" %%G in (`echo %*`) do (
set args=%%J
) else (
echo 2
for /f "tokens=1,2,* usebackq" %%G in (`echo %*`) do (
set args=%%H %%I
) else (
:: handle quotes within command definition, e.g. quoted long file names
set _x=%*
:: echo _x=%_x%
:: echo args=%args%
rem #endregion parseargument
if "%ALIASES%" neq "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_aliases.cmd" (
@ -63,25 +87,38 @@ if "%ALIASES%" neq "%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user_aliases.cmd" (
:: validate alias
for /f "delims== tokens=1,* usebackq" %%G in (`echo "%_x%"`) do (
set alias_name=%%G
set alias_value=%%H
:: create with multiple parameters
if [%action%] == [create] (
if not ["%args%"] == [""] (
for /f "tokens=1,* usebackq" %%G in (`echo %args%`) do (
set alias_name=%%G
set alias_value=%%H
) else (
:: validate alias
echo %_x%
set x=!_x:%=^^%!
echo !_x!
for /f "delims== tokens=1,* usebackq" %%G in (`echo "!_x!"`) do (
set alias_name=%%G
set alias_value=%%H
:: leading quotes added while validating
set alias_name=!alias_name:~1!
:: trailing quotes added while validating
set alias_value=!alias_value:~1,-1!
:: leading quotes added while validating
set alias_name=%alias_name:~1%
:: trailing quotes added while validating
set alias_value=%alias_value:~0,-1%
::remove spaces
set _temp=%alias_name: =%
if not ["%_temp%"] == ["%alias_name%"] (
echo Your alias name can not contain a space
exit /b
echo Your alias name can not contain a space
exit /b
:: replace already defined alias
@ -111,21 +148,26 @@ exit /b
echo. alias [options] [alias=full command]
echo. alias [options] [alias=alias command] or [[create [alias] [alias command]]]
echo. Note: Options MUST precede the alias definition.
echo. /d [alias] Delete an [alias].
echo. /f [macrofile] Path to the [macrofile] you want to store the new alias in.
echo. Default: %cmder_root%\config\user_aliases.cmd
echo. /reload Reload the aliases file. Can be used with /f argument.
echo. Default: %cmder_root%\config\user_aliases.cmd
echo. If alias is called with no parameters, it will display the list of existing aliases.
echo. If alias is called with no parameters, it will display the list of existing aliases.
echo. In the command, you can use the following notations:
echo. $* allows the alias to assume all the parameters of the supplied command.
echo. $1-$9 Allows you to seperate parameter by number, much like %%1 in batch.
echo. $T is the command seperator, allowing you to string several commands together into one alias.
echo. For more information, read DOSKEY/?
echo. In the alias command, you can use the following notations:
echo. ^^^^^^^^%% - '%%' in env vars must be escaped if preserving the variable in the alias is desired.
echo. $* - allows the alias to assume all the parameters of the supplied command.
echo. $1-$9 - Allows you to seperate parameter by number, much like %%1 in batch.
echo. $T - Command seperator, allowing you to string several commands together into one alias.
echo. For more information, read DOSKEY /?
exit /b