fixes for cmd:cmder init script

This commit is contained in:
Dax T. Games 2019-12-04 16:04:16 -05:00
parent 0cf1c5e2eb
commit a857d8419c
2 changed files with 39 additions and 35 deletions

vendor/init.bat vendored
View File

@ -232,15 +232,17 @@ if not defined SVN_SSH set "SVN_SSH=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT:\=\\%\\bin\\ssh.exe"
:: Find locale.exe: From the git install root, from the path, using the git installed env, or fallback using the env from the path.
if not defined git_locale if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\locale.exe" set git_locale="%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\locale.exe"
if not defined git_locale for /F "delims=" %%F in ('where locale.exe 2^>nul') do (if not defined git_locale set git_locale="%%F")
if not defined git_locale for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%F in ('where locale.exe 2^>nul') do ( if not defined git_locale set git_locale="%%F" )
if not defined git_locale if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\env.exe" set git_locale="%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\env.exe" /usr/bin/locale
if not defined git_locale set git_locale=env /usr/bin/locale
if not defined git_locale for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%F in ('where env.exe 2^>nul') do ( if not defined git_locale set git_locale="%%F" /usr/bin/locale )
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Env Var - git_locale=%git_locale%"
if not defined LANG (
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('%git_locale% -uU 2') do (
set "LANG=%%F"
if defined git_locale (
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Env Var - git_locale=%git_locale%"
if not defined LANG (
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('%git_locale% -uU 2') do (
set "LANG=%%F"
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Env Var - GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%"

View File

@ -57,39 +57,38 @@ exit /b
) else (
set "PATH=%add_path%;%PATH%"
goto :end_enhance_path
set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
if "%fast_init%" == "1" (
exit /b
rem setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set found=0
set "find_query=%add_path%"
set "find_query=%find_query:\=\\%"
set "find_query=%find_query: =\ %"
if "%CMDER_CONFIGURED%" == "1" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var - find_query=%find_query%"
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /I /R ";%find_query%\"$"
REM if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%found%" == "0" (
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /I /R /C:";%find_query%;"
call :set_found
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 1 - found=%found%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var INSIDE PATH %find_query% - found=%found%"
if "%found%" == "0" (
if "%CMDER_CONFIGURED%" == "1" (
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /i /r ";%find_query%;"
REM if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
call :set_found
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 2 - found=%found%"
if /i "%position%" == "append" (
if "!found!" == "0" (
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /I /R /C:";%find_query%\"$"
call :set_found
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var END PATH %find_query% - found=!found!"
) else (
if "!found!" == "0" (
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /I /R /C:"^\"%find_query%;"
call :set_found
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var BEGIN PATH %find_query% - found=!found!"
endlocal & set found=%found%
if "%found%" == "0" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "BEFORE Env Var - PATH=%path%"
if /i "%position%" == "append" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Appending '%add_path%'"
set "PATH=%PATH%;%add_path%"
@ -98,16 +97,23 @@ exit /b
set "PATH=%add_path%;%PATH%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "AFTER Env Var - PATH=%path%"
set found=1
rem :end_enhance_path
rem endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
if NOT "%OLD_PATH%" == "%PATH%" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "END Env Var - PATH=%path%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var %find_query% - found=%found%"
set "position="
exit /b
if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" (
set found=1
exit /b
@ -165,7 +171,6 @@ exit /b
exit /b
rem setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%depth%" == "" set depth=0
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - add_path=%add_path%"
@ -175,13 +180,10 @@ exit /b
if %max_depth% gtr %depth% (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Adding parent directory - '%add_path%'"
call :enhance_path "%add_path%" %position%
REM set /a "depth=!depth!+1"
call :set_depth
call :loop_depth
rem :end_enhance_path_recursive
rem endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%"
set "PATH=%PATH%"
exit /b