mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:04:36 +08:00
Merge pull request #2194 from daxgames/fix_path_with!
Fix path with ! in cmder_root dir path
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,10 +2,24 @@
## [Unreleased]
* Update Clink Completions to 0.3.4
* Fix powershell foreground color changing to green
## [1.3.13](https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder/tree/v1.3.12) (2019-10-27)
## [1.3.12](https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder/tree/v1.3.11) (2019-08-18)
### Adds
* #2174 `--` Syntax to pass command line options to Conemu.
* Disable Clink Logging
* Add `~` tab completion.
### Fixes
* Fix #2192: Set default prompt hooks before loading user profile
* Fix #2097, #1899: powershell foreground color changing to green
* Fix #1979: Update Clink Completions to 0.3.4
* Fix #1678: Cmder corrupting path with `!` in Cmder folder path.
## [1.3.12](https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder/tree/v1.3.12) (2019-08-19)
### Fixes
@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
All config files must be in this folder. If there is no option to set this folder
directly, it has to be hardlinked.
* `user-aliases.cmd`: aliases in cmd; called from vendor\init.bat; autocreated from
* `user_aliases.cmd`: aliases in cmd; called from vendor\init.bat; autocreated from
* `*.lua`: clink completions and prompt filters; autoloaded after all
prompt filter and clink completions are initialized; add your own.
* `user-profile.{sh|cmd|ps1}`: startup files for bash|cmd|powershell tasks; called from their
* `user_profile.{sh|cmd|ps1}`: startup files for bash|cmd|powershell tasks; called from their
respective startup scripts in `vendor\`; autocreated from
`vendor\user-profile.{sh|cmd|ps1}.default` on first start of such a task.
`vendor\user_profile.{sh|cmd|ps1}.default` on first start of such a task.
* `.history`: the current commandline history; autoupdated on close.
* `settings`: settings for readline; overwritten on update.
* `ConEmu.xml`: settings from ConEmu (=the UI of cmder -> Preferences); overwritten on update.
* `user-ConEmu.xml`: settings from ConEmu the UI of Cmder. ;
Do not edit this file directly it is overwritten on each cmder.exe launch.
@ -385,7 +385,24 @@ local function svn_prompt_filter()
return false
local function tilde_match (text, f, l)
if text == '~' then
return true
if text:sub(1, 1) == '~' then
clink.add_match(string.gsub(text, "~", clink.get_env('userprofile'), 1))
-- second match prevents adding a space so we can look for more matches
clink.add_match(string.gsub(text, "~", clink.get_env('userprofile'), 1) .. '+')
return true
-- insert the set_prompt at the very beginning so that it runs first
clink.register_match_generator(tilde_match, 1)
clink.prompt.register_filter(set_prompt_filter, 1)
clink.prompt.register_filter(hg_prompt_filter, 50)
clink.prompt.register_filter(git_prompt_filter, 50)
@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ if not defined TERM set TERM=cygwin
:: * test if a git is in path and if yes, use that
:: * last, use our vendored git
:: also check that we have a recent enough version of git by examining the version string
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT (
if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\cmd\git.exe" goto :SPECIFIED_GIT
) else if "%fast_init%" == "1" (
@ -184,56 +183,15 @@ if defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT (
:: check if git is in path...
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('where git.exe 2^>nul') do (
:: get the absolute path to the user provided git binary
pushd %%~dpF
:: check if there's shim - and if yes follow the path
if exist git.shim (
for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %%I in (git.shim) do (
pushd %%~dpI
set "test_dir=!CD!"
) else (
set "test_dir=!CD!"
:: get the version information for the user provided git binary
%lib_git% read_version USER "!test_dir!"
%lib_git% validate_version USER !GIT_VERSION_USER!
if !errorlevel! geq 0 (
:: compare the user git version against the vendored version
%lib_git% compare_versions USER VENDORED
:: use the user provided git if its version is greater than, or equal to the vendored git
if !errorlevel! geq 0 if exist "!test_dir:~0,-4!\cmd\git.exe" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=!test_dir:~0,-4!"
set test_dir=
) else if !errorlevel! geq 0 (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=!test_dir!"
set test_dir=
) else (
call :verbose_output Found old !GIT_VERSION_USER! in "!test_dir!", but not using...
set test_dir=
) else (
:: if the user provided git executable is not found
if !errorlevel! equ -255 (
call :verbose_output No git at "!git_executable!" found.
set test_dir=
call :is_git_shim "%%~dpF"
call :get_user_git_version
call :compare_git_versions
:: our last hope: our own git...
if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows"
%lib_console% debug_output "Using vendored Git '!GIT_VERSION_VENDORED!' from '!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!..."
) else (
goto :NO_GIT
@ -244,48 +202,47 @@ if exist "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\git-for-windows" (
%lib_console% debug_output "Using found Git '!GIT_VERSION_USER!' from '%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%..."
%lib_console% debug_output "Using found Git '%GIT_VERSION_USER%' from '%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%..."
:: Add git to the path
if defined GIT_INSTALL_ROOT (
rem add the unix commands at the end to not shadow windows commands like more
if %nix_tools% equ 1 (
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Preferring Windows commands"
set "path_position=append"
) else (
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Preferring *nix commands"
set "path_position="
rem add the unix commands at the end to not shadow windows commands like more
if %nix_tools% equ 1 (
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Preferring Windows commands"
set "path_position=append"
) else (
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Preferring *nix commands"
set "path_position="
if exist "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\cmd\git.exe" %lib_path% enhance_path "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\cmd" !path_position!
if exist "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\mingw32" (
%lib_path% enhance_path "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\mingw32\bin" !path_position!
) else if exist "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\mingw64" (
%lib_path% enhance_path "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\mingw64\bin" !path_position!
if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\cmd\git.exe" %lib_path% enhance_path "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\cmd" %path_position%
if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw32" (
%lib_path% enhance_path "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw32\bin" %path_position%
) else if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw64" (
%lib_path% enhance_path "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\mingw64\bin" %path_position%
if %nix_tools% geq 1 (
%lib_path% enhance_path "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\usr\bin" !path_position!
if %nix_tools% geq 1 (
%lib_path% enhance_path "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin" %path_position%
:: define SVN_SSH so we can use git svn with ssh svn repositories
if not defined SVN_SSH set "SVN_SSH=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT:\=\\%\\bin\\ssh.exe"
if not defined LANG (
:: Find locale.exe: From the git install root, from the path, using the git installed env, or fallback using the env from the path.
if not defined git_locale if exist "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\usr\bin\locale.exe" set git_locale="!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\usr\bin\locale.exe"
if not defined git_locale for /F "delims=" %%F in ('where locale.exe 2^>nul') do (if not defined git_locale set git_locale="%%F")
if not defined git_locale if exist "!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\usr\bin\env.exe" set git_locale="!GIT_INSTALL_ROOT!\usr\bin\env.exe" /usr/bin/locale
if not defined git_locale set git_locale=env /usr/bin/locale
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('!git_locale! -uU 2') do (
set "LANG=%%F"
:: define SVN_SSH so we can use git svn with ssh svn repositories
if not defined SVN_SSH set "SVN_SSH=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT:\=\\%\\bin\\ssh.exe"
:: Find locale.exe: From the git install root, from the path, using the git installed env, or fallback using the env from the path.
if not defined git_locale if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\locale.exe" set git_locale="%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\locale.exe"
if not defined git_locale for /F "delims=" %%F in ('where locale.exe 2^>nul') do (if not defined git_locale set git_locale="%%F")
if not defined git_locale if exist "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\env.exe" set git_locale="%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%\usr\bin\env.exe" /usr/bin/locale
if not defined git_locale set git_locale=env /usr/bin/locale
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Env Var - git_locale=%git_locale%"
if not defined LANG (
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('%git_locale% -uU 2') do (
set "LANG=%%F"
endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%" & set "LANG=%LANG%" & set "SVN_SSH=%SVN_SSH%" & set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%"
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Env Var - GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%"
%lib_console% debug_output init.bat "Found Git in: '%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%'"
@ -331,22 +288,11 @@ if "%CMDER_ALIASES%" == "1" (
REM Make sure we have a self-extracting user_aliases.cmd file
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if not exist "%user_aliases%" (
echo Creating initial user_aliases store in "%user_aliases%"...
copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%"
) else (
type "%user_aliases%" | %WINDIR%\System32\findstr /i ";= Add aliases below here" >nul
if "!errorlevel!" == "1" (
echo Creating initial user_aliases store in "%user_aliases%"...
if defined CMDER_USER_CONFIG (
copy "%user_aliases%" "%user_aliases%.old_format"
copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%"
) else (
copy "%user_aliases%" "%user_aliases%.old_format"
copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%"
%lib_base% update_legacy_aliases
:: Update old 'user_aliases' to new self executing 'user_aliases.cmd'
@ -359,7 +305,6 @@ if "%CMDER_ALIASES%" == "1" (
type "%user_aliases%.old_format" >> "%user_aliases%"
del "%user_aliases%.old_format"
:: Add aliases to the environment
@ -422,3 +367,56 @@ if %time_init% gtr 0 (
"%cmder_root%\vendor\bin\timer.cmd" %CMDER_INIT_START% %CMDER_INIT_END%
exit /b
pushd "%~1"
:: check if there's shim - and if yes follow the path
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if exist git.shim (
for /F "tokens=2 delims== " %%I in (git.shim) do (
pushd %%~dpI
set "test_dir=!CD!"
) else (
set "test_dir=!CD!"
endlocal & set "test_dir=%test_dir%"
exit /b
if %errorlevel% geq 0 (
:: compare the user git version against the vendored version
%lib_git% compare_versions USER VENDORED
:: use the user provided git if its version is greater than, or equal to the vendored git
if %errorlevel% geq 0 if exist "%test_dir:~0,-4%\cmd\git.exe" (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%test_dir:~0,-4%"
set test_dir=
) else if %errorlevel% geq 0 (
set "GIT_INSTALL_ROOT=%test_dir%"
set test_dir=
) else (
call :verbose_output Found old %GIT_VERSION_USER% in "%test_dir%", but not using...
set test_dir=
) else (
:: if the user provided git executable is not found
if %errorlevel% equ -255 (
call :verbose_output No git at "%git_executable%" found.
set test_dir=
exit /b
:: get the version information for the user provided git binary
%lib_git% read_version USER "%test_dir%"
%lib_git% validate_version USER %GIT_VERSION_USER%
exit /b
@ -66,16 +66,29 @@ exit /b
echo %comspec% | %WINDIR%\System32\find /i "\tccle" > nul && set "CMDER_SHELL=tccle"
if not defined CMDER_CLINK (
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tcc" set CMDER_CLINK=0
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tccle" set CMDER_CLINK=0
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tcc" set CMDER_CLINK=0
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tccle" set CMDER_CLINK=0
if not defined CMDER_ALIASES (
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tcc" set CMDER_ALIASES=0
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tccle" set CMDER_ALIASES=0
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tcc" set CMDER_ALIASES=0
if "%CMDER_SHELL%" equ "tccle" set CMDER_ALIASES=0
exit /b
type "%user_aliases%" | %WINDIR%\System32\findstr /i ";= Add aliases below here" >nul
if "%errorlevel%" == "1" (
echo Creating initial user_aliases store in "%user_aliases%"...
if defined CMDER_USER_CONFIG (
copy "%user_aliases%" "%user_aliases%.old_format"
copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%"
) else (
copy "%user_aliases%" "%user_aliases%.old_format"
copy "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\user_aliases.cmd.default" "%user_aliases%"
exit /b
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ exit /b
::: GIT_VERSION_[GIT SCOPE] <out> Env variable containing Git semantic version string
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: clear the variables
set GIT_VERSION_%~1=
@ -49,18 +48,20 @@ exit /b
:: get the git version in the provided directory
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 usebackq" %%A in (`"%git_executable%" --version 2^>nul`) do (
"%git_executable%" --version > "%temp%\git_version.txt"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2,3 usebackq" %%A in (`type "%temp%\git_version.txt" 2^>nul`) do (
if /i "%%A %%B" == "git version" (
%lib_console% debug_output :read_version "Env Var - GIT_VERSION_%~1=!GIT_VERSION!"
) else (
%lib_console% show_error "git --version" returned an inproper version string!
echo "'git --version' returned an inproper version string!"
exit /b
endlocal & set "GIT_VERSION_%~1=%GIT_VERSION%" & %lib_console% debug_output :read_version "Env Var - GIT_VERSION_%~1=%GIT_VERSION%"
endlocal & set "GIT_VERSION_%~1=%GIT_VERSION%"
exit /b
@ -89,11 +90,9 @@ exit /b
:: process a `x.x.x.xxxx.x` formatted string
set "%~1_MAJOR="
set "%~1_MINOR="
set "%~1_PATCH="
set "%~1_BUILD="
%lib_console% debug_output :parse_version "ARGV[1]=%~1, ARGV[2]=%~2"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=1-3* delims=.,-" %%A in ("%2") do (
set "%~1_MAJOR=%%A"
set "%~1_MINOR=%%B"
@ -101,8 +100,17 @@ exit /b
set "%~1_BUILD=%%D"
REM endlocal & set "%~1_MAJOR=!%~1_MAJOR!" & set "%~1_MINOR=!%~1_MINOR!" & set "%~1_PATCH=!%~1_PATCH!" & set "%~1_BUILD=!%~1_BUILD!"
if "%~1" == "VENDORED" (
endlocal & set "%~1_MAJOR=%VENDORED_MAJOR%" & set "%~1_MINOR=%VENDORED_MINOR%" & set "%~1_PATCH=%VENDORED_PATCH%" & set "%~1_BUILD=%VENDORED_BUILD%"
) else (
endlocal & set "%~1_MAJOR=%USER_MAJOR%" & set "%~1_MINOR=%USER_MINOR%" & set "%~1_PATCH=%USER_PATCH%" & set "%~1_BUILD=%USER_BUILD%"
exit /b
:::validate_version - Validate semantic version string 'x.x.x.x'.
@ -123,10 +131,16 @@ exit /b
:: now parse the version information into the corresponding variables
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "ARGV[1]=%~1, ARGV[2]=%~2"
call :parse_version %~1 %~2
:: ... and maybe display it, for debugging purposes.
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: !%~1_MAJOR!.!%~1_MINOR!.!%~1_PATCH!.!%~1_BUILD!"
REM %lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: !%~1_MAJOR!.!%~1_MINOR!.!%~1_PATCH!.!%~1_BUILD!"
if "%~1" == "VENDORED" (
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: %VENDORED_MAJOR%.%VENDORED_MINOR%.%VENDORED_PATCH%.%VENDORED_BUILD%"
) else (
%lib_console% debug_output :validate_version "Found Git Version for %~1: %USER_MAJOR%.%USER_MINOR%.%USER_PATCH%.%USER_BUILD%"
exit /b
@ -151,20 +165,21 @@ exit /b
:: whichever binary that has the most recent version will be used based on the return code.
%lib_console% debug_output Comparing:
%lib_console% debug_output %~1: !%~1_MAJOR!.!%~1_MINOR!.!%~1_PATCH!.!%~1_BUILD!
%lib_console% debug_output %~2: !%~2_MAJOR!.!%~2_MINOR!.!%~2_PATCH!.!%~2_BUILD!
%lib_console% debug_output %~1: %USER_MAJOR%.%USER_MINOR%.%USER_PATCH%.%USER_BUILD%
if !%~1_MAJOR! GTR !%~2_MAJOR! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MAJOR! LSS !%~2_MAJOR! (exit /b -1)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if !%~1_MAJOR! GTR !%~2_MAJOR! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MAJOR! LSS !%~2_MAJOR! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
if !%~1_MINOR! GTR !%~2_MINOR! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MINOR! LSS !%~2_MINOR! (exit /b -1)
if !%~1_MINOR! GTR !%~2_MINOR! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_MINOR! LSS !%~2_MINOR! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
if !%~1_PATCH! GTR !%~2_PATCH! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_PATCH! LSS !%~2_PATCH! (exit /b -1)
if !%~1_PATCH! GTR !%~2_PATCH! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_PATCH! LSS !%~2_PATCH! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
if !%~1_BUILD! GTR !%~2_BUILD! (exit /b 1)
if !%~1_BUILD! LSS !%~2_BUILD! (exit /b -1)
if !%~1_BUILD! GTR !%~2_BUILD! (endlocal & exit /b 1)
if !%~1_BUILD! LSS !%~2_BUILD! (endlocal & exit /b -1)
:: looks like we have the same versions.
exit /b 0
endlocal & exit /b 0
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ exit /b
::: path <out> Sets the path env variable if required.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1" neq "" (
set "add_path=%~1"
) else (
@ -58,9 +57,15 @@ exit /b
) else (
set "PATH=%add_path%;%PATH%"
goto :end_enhance_path
set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
if "%fast_init%" == "1" (
exit /b
rem setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set found=0
set "find_query=%add_path%"
set "find_query=%find_query:\=\\%"
@ -69,20 +74,22 @@ exit /b
if "%CMDER_CONFIGURED%" == "1" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var - find_query=%find_query%"
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /I /R ";%find_query%\"$"
if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
REM if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
call :set_found
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 1 - found=!found!"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 1 - found=%found%"
if "!found!" == "0" (
if "%found%" == "0" (
if "%CMDER_CONFIGURED%" == "1" (
echo "%path%"|%WINDIR%\System32\findstr >nul /i /r ";%find_query%;"
if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
REM if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
call :set_found
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 2 - found=!found!"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Env Var 2 - found=%found%"
if "%found%" == "0" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "BEFORE Env Var - PATH=!path!"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "BEFORE Env Var - PATH=%path%"
if /i "%position%" == "append" (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "Appending '%add_path%'"
set "PATH=%PATH%;%add_path%"
@ -91,11 +98,16 @@ exit /b
set "PATH=%add_path%;%PATH%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "AFTER Env Var - PATH=!path!"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path "AFTER Env Var - PATH=%path%"
endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
rem :end_enhance_path
rem endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
exit /b
if "!ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" set found=1
exit /b
@ -125,7 +137,6 @@ exit /b
::: path <out> Sets the path env variable if required.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1" neq "" (
set "add_path=%~1"
) else (
@ -147,28 +158,43 @@ exit /b
if "%fast_init%" == "1" (
call :enhance_path "%add_path%" %position%
goto :end_enhance_path_recursive
set "PATH=%PATH:;;=;%"
if "%fast_init%" == "1" (
exit /b
rem setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%depth%" == "" set depth=0
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - add_path=%add_path%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - position=%position%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var - max_depth=%max_depth%"
if %max_depth% gtr !depth! (
if %max_depth% gtr %depth% (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Adding parent directory - '%add_path%'"
call :enhance_path "%add_path%" %position%
set /a "depth=!depth!+1"
for /d %%i in ("%add_path%\*") do (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var BEFORE - depth=!depth!"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Found Subdirectory - '%%~fi'"
call :enhance_path_recursive "%%~fi" %max_depth% %position%
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var AFTER- depth=!depth!"
REM set /a "depth=!depth!+1"
call :set_depth
call :loop_depth
endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%"
rem :end_enhance_path_recursive
rem endlocal & set "PATH=%PATH%"
set "PATH=%PATH%"
exit /b
: set_depth
set /a "depth=%depth%+1"
exit /b
for /d %%i in ("%add_path%\*") do (
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var BEFORE - depth=%depth%"
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Found Subdirectory - '%%~fi'"
call :enhance_path_recursive "%%~fi" %max_depth% %position%
%lib_console% debug_output :enhance_path_recursive "Env Var AFTER- depth=%depth%"
exit /b
Reference in New Issue
Block a user