use alternative method to escape newlines

This commit is contained in:
David Refoua 2022-10-17 22:25:09 +03:30
parent 3943ba6cc8
commit d767c9b2e9

View File

@ -44,17 +44,14 @@ jobs:
Set-GHVariable -Name LIST_UPDATED -Value $listUpdated.Trim(', ')
$updateMessage = $updateMessage.Replace("%", "%25")
$updateMessage = $updateMessage.Replace("`r", "%0d")
$updateMessage = $updateMessage.Replace("`n", "%0a")
Write-Host "::set-output name=updateMessage::$updateMessage"
Set-GHVariable -Name UPDATE_MESSAGE -Value $updateMessage.Replace("%", "%25").Replace("`r", "%0D").Replace("`n", "%0A")
- uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v4
title: 'Updates to `${{ env.COUNT_UPDATED }}` vendored dependencies'
body: |
### Automatically updated `${{ env.COUNT_UPDATED }}` dependencies:
${{ steps.make-changes.outputs.updateMessage }}
Please verify and then **Merge** the pull request to update.
commit-message: 'Update vendored dependencies (${{ env.LIST_UPDATED }})'