The idea is:
* if the users points as to a specific git, use that
* test if a git is in path and if yes, use that
* last, use our vendored git
We don't make any attempt to guess a different location, if a user wants their
own git install, they have to choose "add git to path".
Also check that we have a recent enough version of git (e.g. test for
4bfdf04d59dab80e1ce76d7125c546006273e188 moved all clink config files
to vendor/ and therefore the files in config/ were not used and .history
was also moved to vendor/.
The new arrangement uses `--script` to load our own clink.lua file which in
turn as the first thing loads the original clink.lua file. The user defined
files are again in config/. As clink regenerates these files, if they are not
present, this also means that we don't need to include the settings file
in the git repo and therefore don't overwrite it on updates.
The new system works by setting "CMDER_START" if a cmder.exe gets a
startup path. The rest is then implemented in the profile.ps1 and init.bat.
The new system works as follows:
1.If a startup path is given, cmder.exe sets this as `CMDER_START` and the
startup scripts change to that directory.
2.If the usere sets a `CMDER_START` environment variable and this is not
overwritten by cmder.exe, this variable is taken as the startup
directory by the startup scripts.
3.If not such path is give, the conemu startup dirs is the winner, as the
startup scripts don't change anything.
added personal files to .gitignore so they never get uploaded to the repo and added support for msys2 bash in the new git for windows
added autocreate of config/ if iot does not exist and added it to the .gitignore
Added tasks: cmd::Cmder, cmd::Cmder as Admin, bash::bash, bash::bash as Admin, bash::mintty, bash::mintty as admin, powershell::powershell, powershell::powershell as Admin. Set default task to cmd::Cmder. Cot rid of init.bat running before /bin/bash, fixes double exit requirement
Added running git for windows post-install.bat on first cmder launch
fixed file/path not found errors when launching powershell as admin
fixed file/path not found errors when launching bash/mintty as admin
fixed PATH in vendor/
Added sourcing ~/.bashrc if it exists.
changed .gitignore to ignore anything with path of config/user-*
removed my personal files from .gitignore, left in config/user-*
Make sure $CMDER_ROOT does not have a trailing '/'
%CMDER_ROOT% does not have trailing '\'. allow user to specify a conemu.xml on the command line
Removed '\' from %CMDER_ROOT%
Up to now, init.bat would be overwritten when a user updated
Cmder. The new mechanism will create a new (mostly empty) file
for the user to enter commands which will then be executed on
each following startup.
When launching a cmd in admin mode, if %ConEmuDir%\..\.. contains any space, it breaks the scripts.
Thanks to this patch, the path is correctly defined now.
When starting a shell as Administrator, the CMDER_ROOT variable is
not propagated from the parent (non-Admin) environment.
Fix this by using paths relative to %ConEmuDir%.
Fixes issue #94.